Statement of Belief
We believe that the eternal creator is an Elohim, the great Father Yahweh and His Son Yahshua, our Messiah. We believe that the set apart spirit is not another elohim, but rather is Elohim and the power thereof, for the Scriptures say that Yahweh Elohim is a spirit. (John 4:24) We believe that Yahweh has created Messenger beings that serve Elohim in dealing with mankind. We believe that the Elohim and His messengers are supernatural beings, while we humans are yet natural but with the blessed hope and opportunity of one day being as He now is. Praise be to Elohim, for Their goodness and mercy endureth forever and ever, amen.
We believe that the being most call as "God" actually has a name. We would rather use His name rather than a title. But some titles may at one time actually were a name and heathen at that. We are not to be using the names of other Elohim in the worship of Yahweh. We believe that unless we are discussing the topic of these false deities that we shouldn't even be speaking their names. (Exodus 23:13) Even the term "God" is of heathen origins. When using "God" as a title we may very well be speaking of and worshiping another deity and not the true Creator. There are many elohim, but the one true Elohim's family name is Yahweh. We also believe that He whom most call "Jesus" should be rendered by His Hebrew name of Yahshua. (Some are now using Yeshua which means "He saves" but at our present knowledge we believe Yahshua or Yahushua which means "Yahweh saves or the salvation of Yahweh" is more correct) The term or name "Jesus" didn't even come into common use until centuries after the resurrection of Yahshua. We do not presently believe that the early Assembly at the time of the re-newed covenant ever used nor even knew the name "Jesus." One can easily go back and look at the King James 1611 edition or even further back and the Bishops version or even further back and the Geneva versions of Scripture and none of these uses the name "Jesus." But instead use the name "Iesus" (In the Greek it is "Iēsous") pronounced as ee-ay-sooce'. There was no "J" sound nor even in the alphabet at that time. The letter "J" is the newest edition to the alphabet. As the English language evolved the Eeaysooce ( Iesous or Iesus) became today's Jesus. The name "Jesus" really didn't come into widespread usage until the 17th century! It is a rather new name when we realized that the 17th century has not really been that long ago. The incorrect name of Jesus in these Scripture versions would be better rendered as Yahshua as the name being used is not a correct translation at the least but more likely a deliberate deception as the Jesus that most worship in christianity is not the same being as Yahshua Messiah. This being said, you will find some of our teachings and even some of our recordings still using the titles of god, lord and even the name Jesus. We are still learning! We here at the Old Paths do not have all knowledge and are still being guided into all Truth by the kodesh spirit of Yahweh as He sets us apart from those of the world. We believe that Jesus is not the same being as Yahshua Messiah as he is represented by many of the Orthodox Churches as having the lawless attributes of the antiMessiah. This is where we presently are in our belief concerning the usage of names and titles. This is just one example of many wherein the Truth is being restored to the end time people of the Elohim. We are presently going through all of our teachings making the necessary corrections.
We believe in Scriptural law, the Torah, but we do not believe in a graceless law. We believe, according to the scriptures that sin is the transgression of the Torah law. (1st John 3:4) We believe that the law defines what sin is and shows us the righteous character of our Elohim and the character to which we should aspire to one day attain. Torah is our instruction in righteousness. The law shows us our need of a Messiah and that we cannot save ourselves but by only trusting in Messiah as our sacrifice for our lawlessness. Nobody can be justified by keeping the law, for no human other than Yahshua kept the law to perfection. So we don't keep the law to be saved, but we keep the law because we are saved, or better said we are in the process of being saved. Keeping Torah does not save a man, but a man being saved, will keep Torah. We believe that the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23) Therefore we believe that one must obey the commandments of Yahweh in order that sin would not reign within these mortal bodies. Either you will have to receive the wages for your own sins or trust in the Messiah to receive your wages so that in the final judgment, Yahweh will passover you.
We believe in scriptural grace, but we do not believe in a lawless grace. We believe that grace is Yahweh’s undeserved loving mercy and favor for wherein we have fallen short of obeying His law of commandments perfectly. Nevertheless, we also believe that grace will never give a permission to sin (break the law of Yahweh). The kodesh spirit will never tell a person that it is ok to sin (break His commandments). If a spirit were to tell you that it is ok to break His righteous Law, well then that spirit is not the true kodesh spirit! This is a very easy test for discerning what spirit you or others are of. We believe that this loving grace is exemplified through the sacrifice of Yahshua Messiah, who gave His life as a ransom for our sins (the breaking of His laws) and not our sins only but for the sins of the whole world. Once forgiven of breaking His laws, who are we to continue therein and impale Messiah once again upon the stake?
We believe that Yahshua the Messiah was impaled and put to death on the preparation day of the Passover, which occurred on the 4th day of the week or our Wednesday of that year. We believe that as Messiah said, 3 days and 3 nights later He arose from the dead before the ending of the 7th day of the week, the Sabbath or man's Saturday of that same year. (Matthew 12:40; Matthew 28:1-6) It is not possible to count 3 days and 3 nights from the end of the day on man's Friday to the rising of the sun on man's Sunday. This error comes from the lack of knowledge that there were two Sabbaths during the week of the impalement. The weekly Sabbath and the annual Sabbath (known as the first day of unleavened bread) were not on the same day in the year of the impalment. Most conclude that the Sabbath mentioned during that week is the weekly 7th day Sabbath since they do not keep the set apart mikra days and therefore are unaware of the annual Sabbath. This leads them to believe in the erroneous doctrine of a Friday death and a Sunday resurrection with the weekly Sabbath in between. See our teaching on the Easter Abomination.
We don't believe in the usage of pagan symbols in the worship of Yahweh and Yahshua. Such symbols are idolatrous and should be avoided once learning the truth of their origins. (Exodus 20:4-6) We don't believe in having pictures of what people think Messiah looked like nor do we use crosses. The cross is of heathen pagan origins and was in use long before the death of Yahshua and historical evidence shows that it is actually the symbol of the sun-deity Tammuz. (Read the book "The two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop) The original scriptures did not use the term "cross" as the primary meaning of the English word, but uses the term "stake." Messiah may have very well been put to death impaled upon an upright stake rather than a "T" shaped cross. But even if He was crucified on a cross, (and we know that the Romans did use crosses in their capital punishment) such would just add to the shame of being put to death upon the symbol of an ancient antimessiah, the sun-deity Tammuz, but such does not give us a biblical reason or commandment to use the symbol in our worship of Yahweh or Yahshua. We are still researching the Menorah, the 7 candled lampstand, to know whether it is intended for worship in each congregation or family, or if it was only intended to be used in the temple worship of which there is no physical temple presently standing and even if so, we are descendant spiritually and possibly physically from among the scattered. We must be very careful that we are not adhering to Jewish roots and talmudic traditions. There is a difference between Hebrew roots and Jewish roots. Abandoning the heathen traditions of christianity are correct and favorable actions, but not if we are merely substituting them with non-scriptural traditions of the Jews. The Jews or the tribe of Yahudah are our brethren, but we cannot always adhere to their beliefs if and when their beliefs cannot be proven from Scripture but rather from their talmudic traditions. We own and possess a Menorah, but it is not presently being used for any purpose other than research into its usage. All that being said, there are some very deep spiritual lessons that can be derived from the 7 lampstand Menorah. We also presently believe that what is called the "star of David" is also a non-scriptural symbol and possibly has occultic origins and should be avoided.
We believe that during this age, Yahweh is calling a select few out of every generation to be chosen to remain faithful, to endure to the very end and to reign with Yahshua in the Kingdom. The remainder of mankind will be given their opportunity for salvation at a later time after their resurrection from the dead. We believe that the chosen elect are given the gift of the spirit as a down payment upon the eventual salvation of the soul. We believe that the chosen ones are at this time only begotten of Yahweh, but are not yet born again in the fullest sense of the meaning, until this mortal body is cast off and we are changed and we receive our immortal bodies. We believe that then we shall become supernatural beings and we shall be as the Elohim now is. Read our teaching on the Pentecost.
We believe that those who are chosen of Yahweh should repent and be baptized in the name of Yahshua, for the remission of sins and from that day forward are to live a life of righteousness. (Acts 2:38) We believe that the chosen ones will not live in sin. We believe that sin will not be the lifestyle of a member of Yahweh’s assembly. We believe though that while in this flesh, we will sin (break the Torah law) but it will not be a normal activity for a follower of Messiah to practice breaking Torah, otherwise they would be a sinner. But if and when we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father Yahweh, the Son Yahshua who can forgive us of sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (1st John 1:8-10; 2:1) We believe that the basis for the re-newed covenant is that by the spirit of Elohim, Yahweh’s laws are written in our minds, they are forever in front of our eyes to show and guide us unto all righteousness. (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-11) We believe that the sins of the past have been put to death with the Messiah (Romans 3:25) and now we are to live a resurrected life in Him walking in the Torah by the spirit and in the spirit.
We believe that we are the children of Israel, who was the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham. We believe that Gentiles can become an Israelite by repenting and trusting in Yahshua and then by keeping the everlasting covenant of Elohim. We believe as well that an Israelite can become a Gentile by living in sin and disregarding the covenant of Elohim. Spiritually, all true members of the congregation are then spiritual Israelites.
We believe in the keeping of Yahweh’s set apart Feast days in their seasons, (Lev. 23:4) which shows us the Elohim’s plan for the salvation of the world. By commandment, we keep the 7th day Sabbath, (Listen to our recorded messages on the Teaching page of this web site pertaining to the Sabbath) the Passover and the days of unleavened bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. We believe that a day begins and ends with the setting of the sun. We believe that a month begins with the sighting of the new crescent moon as observed locally. We believe that the scriptural year begins in the Spring after the Vernal Equinox (Tequphah Tshuvah) with the 1st new crescent moon, not at the Autumnal Equinox when no barley is ripening. We believe that the ripening barley was to show us what time of the year to look for the sign in the sun, which is always near the Spring Equinox. We go to the greater light which is the sun at the Vernal Equinox, then we go to the lesser light which is the 1st crescent new moon. That new moon marks the 1st day of the 1st month of the scriptural year. (Genesis 1:14-16; Psalms 104:19; Exodus 9:31)
We believe that the dead are neither in heaven nor in a fiery hell, (state of the dead: Part one, part two, part three) but that they are in the grave awaiting their resurrection. We believe that the rewards of the dead can only come after the resurrection from the dead. We believe in the literal second coming of Messiah at the sounding of the 7th and last Trumpet, in the which those who have died and are asleep in Messiah shall live again and those who are alive and found faithful shall be changed and we shall forever be with Yahshua. (Matt. 24:29-34; 1st Cor. 15:50-52; 1st Thess. 4:13-18) We believe that the second coming will take place after the great tribulation and not before in the so called "rapture." We believe that this world and it’s inhabitants will endure a time of natural and man made disasters so great and terrible that the world has never before seen nor will the world ever see a greater. (Matthew 24:21) The faithful will become supernatural, immortal beings who will be granted eternal life. Those who reject their day of salvation will be destroyed in the lake which burns with fire and they shall be no more but ashes beneath our feet.
We believe in keeping the scriptural diet of eating only foods that are deemed as clean and the avoidance of foods that are deemed as unclean according to the scriptures. That we might be set apart from the world, that we might not be defiled, polluted and unclean in the sight of our Elohim. (Leviticus 11) Listen to our recorded messages on the Teaching page of this web site pertaining to the scriptural diet.
We believe that the there is an evil, deceiving spirit in the world, the satan, the devil along with unclean spirit beings, demonic as well as angelic who are fallen in nature. We believe that these spirits are powerful, supernatural beings who are bent upon deception and the destruction of Yahweh's plan. We believe that the satan has created counterfeits for all of Elohim’s ways. Through the churches and false ministers of christianity, the satan has established a system of religious confusion (spiritual babylon/the mystery religions) and false doctrines. We believe that the satan has instituted a religious system wherein grace falsely gives a person permission to live a lifestyle of sin and lawlessness. It is the false doctrine of a lawless grace. (2nd Corinthians 11; Jude 4) (See our editorial on Antinomianism) The scriptures teach us that the satan has deceived the whole world. (Rev. 12:9) It is only those few who Yahweh calls out of the deception will see and understand the counterfeit. Messiah tells us that few are going to get into the Kingdom and that most will not be able. (Luke 13:23,24)
We believe that the satan has substituted the scriptural set apart feast days with the counterfeit holidays. We believe that the keeping of Sunday (the Sun-Day), Christmas (the Christ-Mass), Easter (the East-Star) and other such days are of pagan origins and are not only unsubstantiated in the scriptures, but such like days are condemned of Yahweh for His people to be involved therein. Most of the religious holidays of man are wrapped up in the ancient idolatrous sun worship rituals only candy coated with scriptural stories and terminology in order to deceive. We believe that Yahweh thru the scriptures teaches the Assembly not to learn the ways of the heathen or follow after how they worshipped their elohim. (Jeremiah 10:2; Deuteronomy 12:29-32) We believe that we are to abstain from all appearance of evil and that we are to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather we are to reprove them. (1st Thess. 5:22; Eph. 5:11) Therefore we believe that the Assembly shall not observe Halloween, nor any pagan, heathen holiday counterfeiting Elohim’s ways. Just as in the case of the Menorah, we are not so sure about the observance of Hanukkah either. Presently we do not observe this festival without further research. Although there is some minor evidence that Messiah may have observed the feast of dedication which is interpreted to be Hanukkah, (John 10:22) it is though not a command of Yahweh nor of His Scriptures. We must be very careful not to add to nor take away from the commandments of scripture. (Deut. 4:2 and 12:28-32) Hanukkah should not be looked upon as though commanded of Yahweh or a set apart Kodesh time of worship, for it is not. If observed it would come closer to being a Jewish day of observance similar to any national holiday such as our Independence day. It is therefore of Jewish roots and not necessarily Hebrew roots. One of the larger issues with Hanukkah is that it is celebrated at or near the same time as the Christmas and or the Saturnalia with many of the same syncretismic and amalgamated traditions being shared and that of itself should make one to ponder its observance and aproach it with much prayer for proper discernment. There are other traditional festivals that the Jews also observe such as Purim which we also do not presently take part in either. We will keep and observe the scripturally set apart days commanded by the Elohim. See also articles: Christmas Tree, Birth of the antiTorah Messiah, Santa Claus, and Janus day, Lent, Valentines day.
We believe in the supernatural healings and miracles of Yahweh and in the spiritual gifts of Yahweh's spirit. We believe that such truly took place in scriptural times and they still take place in our day. We also believe that each of these gifts and miracles have their counterfiet from the satan in order to deceive. As with any spiritual matters, one must test the spirits to know whether they be of Yahweh or not. There are lying miracles and signs and wonders that will be manifested through the spirit of antiMessiah which is quite evident among many today
We believe that Yahweh’s ministries and His Assemblies are fully supported by its members to do the work of Yahweh that He has established for each Ministry. To that extent each of the Set Apart ones can and should be a ministry unto themselves for to help the widows, orphans and the poor but especially those of the household of faith. (Proberbs 19:17; Malachi 3:8-11; 2nd Corinthians 9:6-15; Galatians 6:9,10; James 1:27)
We believe that if a man or woman shall call themselves followers of Messiah, then they should not neglect the assembling of themselves together with others of the self same faith, if you are able and are within driving distance of a true believing Assembly. We believe that the Sabbath and all of Yahweh’s set apart days are a commanded time to assemble. We believe that upon assembling for worship and for the hearing of the spoken Word, that Yahweh Elohim is actually present among us by His spirit. We believe that we should come to each assembly believing that the Elohim is truly present, as we worship and hear His words spoken. We believe that we should come to each assembly believing that the messenger’s words are truly coming from Yahweh our Elohim Himself and that we are to take His words to heart and to live by them. That being said though, the words coming forth from the messenger must be subject unto the written Word as we are to prove all things and the only standard that we have to base our beliefs upon is the scriptures only. Praise be to the Elohim, for His goodness and mercy endureth forever and ever, amen.
After reading this statement of belief, one might come to the conclusion that this all doesn't sound much like Christianity. Well such a conclusion would be correct. We do not consider ourselves as Christian. We once did, but came out of Christianity's Babylonian false doctrines and to a great extent we find ourselves still coming out as new Truth to us is being revealed. Christianity is just one of many sects of beliefs that came on the scene several hundred years after the resurrection of Messiah. It was not the belief of the early Assemblies and Apostles as can be easily seen by simple comparisons of what the scriptures relay and what Christianity teaches. Although obviously there are similarities of belief, but the differences outweigh any likenesses that might exist. That being said though, we would swiftly come to the defense of Christianity where there are similarities of belief and yet we will not condemn them for the differences. Let mercy and forgiveness prevail in all things.