The Easter Abomination!
On the 1st Sunday following the 1st full moon of Spring, the majority of the religion of Christianity observe one of their holy days. Not a set apart day of the Scriptures, but nevertheless, Christians worldwide consider it a Holy day or as they call it a Holiday. It is such a well known day that you can find it posted on most modern calendars, and some businesses actually close for the day. Yet through many years of research, we have yet to find a Scriptural reasoning for it. Maybe you have, and if so, we welcome your proof. The closest thing to anything Scriptural about the observance of days such as Easter, is the condemnation of such pagan traditions as an abomination unto Yahweh.
What is it? Christianity observes what they call Good Friday and Easter. I would suppose that next to the Sun-day and the Christ-mass, also known as Christmas, Easter rounds out the three great Christianized pagan days of old.
But little does Christianity know what it is that they are actually engaging in. And when they are told, the excuses begin to fly and the anger within them begins to grow, and then of course comes their lack of scriptural proof to back up their belief.
Well, we all have been there. I know that I have. Until my mid-twenties back in the early 1980’s, I observed such things, yet never questioning the authenticity of what I had been led to believe was truth. We were all born into a world steeped in traditions and customs. We were all born into a world of deception. In fact the whole world is deceived.
Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world.."
So the entire world is being deceived by Satan the devil. And brethren that included you and I if we are now walking in the revealed truth, until Yahweh our Elohim opened up our understanding and gave us our spiritual sight to see through the religious deception of Satan the devil.
But most of us were at one time just as the majority of mankind and as Christianity is today, we were willingly ignorant of the Truth. Which for the most part just meant that we took our beliefs for granted, without putting the effort into proving whether or not what we believed was really the Truth.
So we all started with the excuses. Well my Grandparents believed in Easter, so does my parents and the Pastor of our Church. Why, so does most everyone, so surely since all of these people believe it, it must be the Truth, why would I ever think otherwise. When we think about individuals of notoriety in our society or those who are considered as the great intellectuals of our day and yet realize that many of them observe Easter and other such days, it does give credence to others that surely these days are worthy of our admiration. Surely if the great men and women of our society observe such days, then it must be the Truth. But there is a problem with that view. It is not what the Scriptures teach.
1st Corinthians 1:25-29 "Because the foolishness of Yahweh is wiser than men; and the weakness of Yahweh is stronger than men. For you see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:.....
We'll stop there for a moment. The Apostle Paul wanted to be clear about this. He was speaking to the congregation about their calling. He wanted them to know that not many of the great admired men and women of the world are called of Yahweh.
No, for the most part, the intellectuals are not being called. So we cannot look at men and women who may have a greater intelligence than we do and judge our beliefs of what is Truth or not by what they believe, even the great pompous religious leaders of our day. Nor can we do this by observing what the world would consider as the wise men or the mighty men or those that are noble of the world.
Let's go on now with verse 27 ........But Yahweh has chosen the foolish things (ones) of the world to confound the wise; and Yahweh has chosen the weak things (ones) of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things (ones) of the world, and things (ones) which are despised, has Yahweh chosen, yes, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence."
For the most part, Yahweh is choosing the ones who by the world's standards are foolish and weak and base or despised. That is who Yahweh is choosing. People who by the world's standards are nobodies. So just because everyone else is doing something, even if they are considered wise and great in our society, doesn't mean that what they are doing meets the righteous standards of Yahweh’s Word.
No we must consider our ways. We must prove all things. We must search for the Truth and not just take it for granted that what we have been taught through the traditions of men is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Well anyhow that is just what we have done in our society. We have made the willful decision to keep our traditions over the plain obedience of Yahweh’s Word. But the Word of Yahweh has some strong words against those who hold to their traditions. Any kind of tradition, it doesn't matter. Now we are speaking of traditions in the sense of incorporating those customs into our relationship and or worship of the living Elohim.
Mark 7:7-9 "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of Yahweh, you hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things you do. And he said unto them, Full well you reject the commandment of Yahweh, that you may keep your own tradition........(Drop down to verse 13 now.)........Making the word of Yahweh of none effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such like things do you."
Wouldn't you consider those as strong words from Yahshua against those who are keeping traditions over simple obedience? In fact He says that it is vain to try and worship Him through traditions. He goes to the point of saying that men will reject His commandments and turn rather to their traditions which makes the Word of Yahweh none effect. In other words our traditions makes the Word of Yahweh invalid in our lives. Why? Because we have substituted traditions for Yahweh's Word.
Messiah says in this text that the commandments of men (not of Yahweh) would actually be taught as doctrine. So these traditions eventually become doctrine, they eventually become commandments to those who reject or are unaware of the true commandments of Yahweh.
Now in this text, Yahshua was rebuking the Pharisees who had made their tradition of washing pots and cups and washing their bodies a religious ritual and began teaching it as a doctrine and a commandment, but it was their commandment, not of Yahweh. But Yahshua said that many other such like things they did also. We can bring this down to our day as well. The Churchianity of today, has many traditions.
Most Christian traditions are traditions of men, not of Yahweh. There are righteous traditions and customs. It was Yahshua's custom as well as the Apostle Paul's to observe the 7th day Sabbath. So there is nothing wrong with using a tradition or custom in our worship of Yahweh, as long as it is based upon the scriptures. But Easter and other such traditions are not scriptural. Yet they are taught as doctrine. They are taught as though they are commandments. This is a deception from Satan who has deceived the whole world.
If the deceived of the world find out that you or I do not observe their false doctrines and commandments, we are looked upon as though we are atheists and unbelievers. They think we are foolish and unwise or weak and we are despised for what we believe. But remember, the foolish and the despised and the weak in the world's eyes are the ones that Yahweh has chosen. But that old piper Satan plays on his flute of deception and the world like mice under a hypnotic trance, blindly follow down the path of destruction.
Well let's just take a gander at this thing called Easter today. The term "Easter," is only used one time in the King James Version of the scriptures. But those who translated the Greek into the English Language during the 1600's when this version was being completed, were already heavily inundated with the Babylonian customs that had been amalgamated into the Roman Church and therewith was forced upon the known world during that period of time in history. It cannot be denied, history spells it out that such is true. But the translators, under the influence of the change agents of their day, did at times put a biased slant on their interpretation of certain words in order to motivate the reader to accept their way of thinking. Of course the translators were also being motivated themselves to do such things in order to save their head from the chopping block.
Acts 12:4 "And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people."
Now this is the only mentioning of Easter in the scriptures. But if you look this word up in the Greek, in what it originally meant before the King James translators got a hold of it, you'll find that it means, the Passover. Now this doesn't mean that the Passover and Easter mean the same thing. By no means, but the translators changed it to Easter to be politically and religiously correct with the beliefs of their day. Many other Scripture translations, correctly says Passover instead of Easter.
Therefore it must be concluded then, that Easter is not even a Scriptural term. It is not a term associated with the worship and honor of Yahweh. Neither is Good Friday, yet millions take the time to observe it in some fashion or another.
If Easter is not a Biblical or scriptural term and nowhere in the Word of God do we find it being associated with worshiping Yahweh or ever called a set apart day, why do the vast majority of Christianity observe it as though it is? Easy answer. Remember Satan has deceived the whole world, and those who are deceived are teaching for doctrine the commandments and traditions of men.
And so to the majority, Easter is a Holy day, it is a day of worship, but they know not who or what they do worship. Point blank, if it cannot be found as a custom in the scriptures it should not be observed by the Assemblies of Yahweh. If it cannot be found as a commandment in the scriptures, then it is a commandment of men not of Yahweh.
If it cannot be found in the Word of Yahweh, and we still observe it, then we are making the Word of Yahweh none effect in our lives. Our worship of Yahweh is in vain. He doesn't accept it, it counts as nothing.
If it cannot be found as a commandment, and yet we keep it as though it is a commandment, then we are rejecting Yahweh's ways for the ways of man.
If Easter is such a great holy day as it has been made out to be, why then is the scriptures silent about it? One would think that if Easter in our day was such an important event for the Christian world, that there would be much to say about it in Scripture. After all it is one of the three great “Christian” observances of our day. With all of the attention that it receives, would you not think that there would be entire chapters devoted to it in the scriptures? Yet not even a single mentioning can be found.
Shouldn't that tell us something then Brethren? Tells me that it's just a mere tradition of men. But that men have usurped the commandments of Yahweh and have replaced them with their own.
So where does this Easter come from then? Easter was a pagan festival long before Messiah arrived in the human form. It is not hard to find. Just do some simple studies into the ancient pagan religions. You'll find that the English word "Easter," is derived from "Ishtar," which was one of the Babylonian titles of their idolatrous goddess, which in the scriptures is called "the queen of heaven." The scriptures show the great prophet Jeremiah speaking against Yahweh's people for worshipping this queen of heaven. It is interesting to note, but I have spoken to many Catholics over the years and I have looked at many Catholic web sites, and they openly call Mary "the Queen of Heaven."
But when we get down to it, Easter is wrapped up in nature worship as is most all of paganism. It is the worship of the sun and the moon and the earth.
This chapter of Ezekiel is about a vision that Ezekiel was given concerning the Idolatrous acts of Yahweh's people. The people were committing great abominations in the sight of Yahweh, but each abomination grew in intensity with the passing. But as we read some of this, apply it to our world of today. There are many spiritual similarities between what is going on in our day and that of this vision. In fact, I strongly believe that Ezekiel's message was for the Israel at the end of the age more so than it was for Israel at the time Yahweh spoke these words through Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 8:13-16 "He said also unto me, Turn you yet again, and you shall see greater abominations that they do. Then He brought me to the door of the gate of the Yahweh's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz......
Now a study into Babylonian history will show that Tammuz was indeed a pagan elohim. Some of the pagan ritualistic stories concluded that he was the son of the sun god. Therefore he was the incarnate sun god in the flesh. You will find with enough research that much of pagan beliefs is a counterfeit of Yahweh's ways. Tammuz was a counterfeit son of Yahweh. According to Babylonian custom, Tammuz was killed and then resurrected back to life, so he has a connection with the Easter celebration and the heathen Christian traditions of our day.
But let's go on now with verse 15......Then said He unto me, have you seen this, O son of man? Turn you yet again, and you shall see greater abominations than these. And He brought me into the inner court of the Yahweh's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Yahweh, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Yahweh, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east..........
So of all the abominations mentioned, this is the greatest in this chapter. Ezekiel saw men standing with their backs toward the temple. The temple was a representation of the presence of Yahweh, His dwelling place. In our day, we are the temple of Yahweh. But to have their backs toward the temple is symbolic of individuals turning their backs to Yahweh. If our backs are to Yahweh, we are walking away from Him and not toward Him. These people had turned away from Yahweh.
But what had they turned to? It says in verse 16 that they were facing the east and were worshipping the sun in the east. So this is typical pagan sun worship. But brethren, what is going on with the sun while it is in the east? It is a rising sun isn't it? They were observing the rising sun and were worshipping facing the Sun as it rose. Brethren, what is the Sun? It is a star. It is the closest star to the planet Earth. It rises in the East. It is then the Eastern Star or the East-Star. Brethren it doesn't take too much to combine East and Star together and form a slur of the two words. The two words East-star easily becomes Easter. Just another deception from Satan the devil.
And although we know that Easter is the English version of Ishtar or Ashtarte or of Ashtoroth or the Queen of Heaven or even Semiramis the wife of Nimrod, the founder of ancient kingdom of Babylon and the other such names that the idol goddess was given by different peoples of different times and places, it still involves the worship of the sun and the moon and the earth.
So these people here in Ezekiel had turned their backs on Yahweh and were worshipping the Sun as it was rising in the East. They were worshipping the East-star or the Easter. Tell me, what will be a common custom observed by millions of individuals on Easter Sun-day morning? Many millions will have what they call a Sun rise service. They will do this on the day of the Sun or what we call Sunday. They will do this on the day that they call Easter, or the East Star day. A day in honor of the rising Sun god! Yahweh called this a great abomination unto Him in our text out of the book of Ezekiel. In fact a greater abomination than the ones mentioned previously. But we can see that this is just a clever deception by Satan, mimicking the resurrection of Messiah the Son of Yahweh.
To the pagans, the Winter season was like a death to their world. The Sun had sunk deep into the southern hemisphere and the days were the shortest of the year. The crops wouldn't grow and the trees would not produce their goodly fruit due to the cold weather. Even to us, Winter is so often such a gloomy and depressing season of the year.
But Springtime brings forth life. It cannot be denied that it is so wonderful to see the flowers and trees and such begin to bloom after the cold of winter. The Sun seemingly begins its trip closer to the northern hemisphere and the days begin to lengthen and the grass begins to green up and the trees shoot forth their buds and we are able to grow our crops and life is reproducing. It is as though the Earth and the Sun is having a resurrection of sorts.
And so Satan had in place long before the birth and death and then the resurrection of Yahshua, his own counterfeit religious traditions and customs just waiting for Israel to come along and accept them in place of Yahweh’s ways. Yes, modern day spiritual Israel has fallen for the same snare. They have swallowed the bait like the old saying goes, "hook, line and sinker!"
Let me ask you this one, what does bunny rabbits and eggs have anything to do with the resurrection of Messiah anyway? If you will study into the pagan beliefs concerning their gods and goddesses, you'll find that this whole thing has to do with the seasonal changes of our planet and how the Sun and the Moon interact with the Earth. It has to do with Nature worship. It has to do with how some seasons represent death while others represent life from the dead.
Much of pagan traditions centers around sexual ritualistic customs. It has to do with reproduction. That is where the old custom of standing under the mistletoe comes from at the time of the Christmas or the Christ-Mass as it should be called, another pagan holiday not supported in scripture.
But that is why there is so much talk in the scriptures about prostitution and harlotry associated with the temple worship of ancient Israel as well as scriptures speaking of a great whorish religious entity at the time of the end who will make the world blind drunk off of the wine of her fornication, or false doctrines. That Whore is actually called Mystery Babylon the Great in Revelation chapter 17and she has harlot daughters.
This is all about the mystery of iniquity, or lawlessness, the disregard for the Torah and substituting a lawless grace for the simple obedience to the commandments of Yahweh.
Ancient Israel actually allowed physical temple prostitution. Today we are allowing spiritual prostitution by engaging in spiritual fornication with the ways of the world, with pagan traditions that are historically based upon the reproductive process of nature.
So the little precious and fluffy bunny rabbit is one of the most fertile creatures on Earth. They have a very quick reproductive system, producing many offspring in a quick period of time. They multiply quickly. To the pagans the rabbit was then a symbol of their seasonal change from the death of Winter to the resurrection of life in the Spring.
And how much closer can we get to reproduction than the egg? Everyone of us were at one time just an egg. What is then an egg, but a beginning of life. Therefore the egg played a major role in the heathen fertility rites of the ancient cultures. It was a symbol for new life that can be observed as the change in the season occurs after Winter has ended and Spring has begun.
So what about this "Good Friday" doctrine? As we know, it is commonly believed that Messiah was executed on the 6th day of the week, what we call Friday and then was resurrected back to life on the 1st day of the week, which is called Easter Sunday. I can guarantee that you cannot find such a thing taught anywhere in the scriptures. If you can find it, please let me know. I want to know the Truth just as much as I don't want to ever teach error.
Did you know that many are calling Yahshua a liar by believing that He was put in the tomb late Friday and then came forth from the grave early Sunday? Would you want to call the being that is so big and so great and so powerful a liar?
Matthew 12:38-40 "Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from you. But He answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
So the Master said that there would only be one sign given and actually this was the sign of proof that Yahshua was the Messiah. That sign was that just like Jonah was in the whale's belly for 3 days and 3 nights so also would Yahshua be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights.
Brethren, it is not possible to squeeze 3 days and 3 nights between Friday at the close of the day when most people believe that Messiah was put in the tomb and that of Sunday morning at the rising of the Sun. It just cannot be done. Now Scripturally a day begins and ends with the setting of the Sun, not at midnight as the world observes. But when Messiah made a distinction between 3 days and 3 nights, it must be concluded then that he was talking about 3 periods of daylight and 3 periods of night.
That would be a period of 72 hours. Now we know from the scriptures that whatever day we want to believe that the Master was laid in the tomb that it was right at the moment that the Passover was ending and the new day at sunset was beginning.
If that day was Friday and it was coming to an end, go ahead and count 72 hours from about sunset on Friday evening and you will come to Monday at about sunset. Whenever Messiah was put in the tomb, He would come forth from the tomb at the same time 72 hours later or 3 days and 3 nights later.
Therefore it is impossible to get 72 hours between sunset Friday evening to sunrise Sunday morning. It simply cannot be done. It is mathematically impossible. If you can count 3 days and 3 nights between the end of the day on Friday to sunrise Sunday morning, that is some real funny math you are trying to work. The most you can get is one day and two nights.
So when was Messiah laid in the tomb? Well it was at the end of the Passover. While the Jews were killing their lambs, Messiah, the Lamb of Yahweh was being killed for their sins and our sins and the sins of the world. By knowing the time of the resurrection we can figure when Passover fell in that year.
Matthew 28:1-6 "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of Yahweh descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not you: for I know that you seek Yahshua, which was offered up. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Master lay."
So the two Mary’s came to the tomb and they beheld an Angel who rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb. But the Angel made a tremendous statement in verses 5 and 6. He said that he knew that they were there to see Yahshua, but that He was not there, for Messiah had already risen from the dead.
At what time was it that this took place? Verse 1 tells us that in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the 1st day of the week. Now the 1st day of the week had not yet come. It was just about to become the 1st day of the week, but it was still in the end of the Sabbath. So this was taking place as the 7th day Sabbath was coming to a close at the time the sun was setting on what we would call Saturday evening at the end of the daylight period, not at the rising of the sun on Sunday morning.
So we know that Messiah was laid in the tomb at the end of the day, we also then know that He had risen just prior to the Mary's showing up at the tomb at the end of the day on the Sabbath as the sun began to set. All we have to do then is count backwards 3 days and 3 nights from the time of the resurrection to find when He was placed in the tomb.
So we have all day on the Sabbath (Saturday), that is one day. Then Friday night. That makes one day and one night. We then count the day light hours of Friday. That makes two days and one night.
Then we have Thursday night. So we now have 2 days and 2 nights. Then all day on Thursday making 3 days and 2 nights. So we then have Wednesday night making 3 days and 3 nights.
Messiah would then have had to be in the tomb by the setting of the Sun on Wednesday in order to come forth at the end of the Sabbath 3 days and 3 nights later. Passover therefore was on a Wednesday in that year.
The reason that most people believe that Messiah was executed on Friday is due to Scriptures that speak of the Sabbath the next day. But they do not understand that during Passover week, there are annual Sabbath days that take place besides the weekly Sabbath. In other words, more than just one Sabbath occurs in the Passover week. The 1st and last days of unleavened bread are to be observed just like the weekly Sabbath, and the day prior was a day of preparation, just like Friday, the 6th day is a day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath. In that year, Thursday was a High or annual Sabbath. As Passover ended, the annual Sabbath day (not the 7th day Sabbath) began marking the beginning of the days of unleavened bread.
John 19:31 "The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the stake on the Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away."
They had to get Messiah in the tomb before the High Sabbath took place. So very quickly they had to get the Master down and temporarily prepare Him for burial and in the tomb before the sun set. Now the scriptures show that the women could not finish the preparations of the spices to anoint the Master's body because they got cut short due to the High Sabbath. They obeyed Yahweh’s commandment to rest on the annual Sabbath day.
So they rested on the Annual Sabbath and then on Friday of that year they went to purchase everything they needed for a proper burial of Messiah and began to prepare the mixture of spices that they used in that day. Then rested on the weekly Sabbath. So we can see the two distinct Sabbath days that week, not just the weekly Sabbath. But since most “Christians” are ignorant of the annual Sabbath and Feast days of Yahweh, they think that Messiah was crucified on Friday the 6th day and then there was the weekly Sabbath.
The records show as we read in Matthew 28:1 and also in John 20:1 that the women came then at the end of the Sabbath or at the beginning of the 1st day while it was yet dark, to find the tomb already absent of the Master, for He had already risen before the weekly Sabbath came to a close.
Luke 24:1 does say early on the 1st day of the week, and Mark 16:1,2 actually says when the Sabbath was past and at the rising of the sun early the morning of the 1st day of the week is when the women came, but in both of these instances and accounts of visits to the tomb, the Master had already risen in advance of the women arriving.
Nowhere do we have a record of anyone actually observing the resurrection of Messiah. In each instance, He was already risen before the Mary's or any of the disciples came to the tomb. The Scriptural evidence shows that Messiah was already risen from the dead before the 1st day of the week had arrived.
Why bring this up? A number of reasons. For one, if we claim that Messiah was laid in the tomb on Friday end of the day and then came forth at the rising of the sun on Sunday, we are calling Him a liar, for He explicitly told us that He would be in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. Even if we want to try and get parts of 3 days and 3 nights as some try and argue, it is still impossible. You might get 1 day and two nights but you would have to pass Sunday night to get 3 nights and all the way to Monday end of the day to get 3 days and 3 nights. So those that try and argue partial days and nights cannot possibly make it add up within their time frame.
Second reason to bring this up, is that the only reason that those who observe Sunday as their day of worship and to justify the keeping of the 1st day of the week, is because they believe that Messiah rose from the dead on that day. It is their only reasoning that they can give for why they keep Sunday rather than the Sabbath. It is certainly not taught in the scriptures to meet on Sunday, if you think otherwise I would welcome your proof. Go ahead, try and prove this ministry wrong! We welcome your attempt!
Since it is provable that Messiah did not rise on Sunday, they have no reason any longer to justify the keeping of Sunday. Now I have had some say that it really doesn't matter, the calendars have all been changed and nobody knows which day is the true 7th day Sabbath any longer in our time. That is kind of funny though. Because these same people sure seem know which day is the 1st day of the week every year that Easter rolls around! If they know which day is the 1st day of the week, they have no excuse then for not knowing which day is the 7th day Sabbath.
They know that Easter comes on the 1st day of the week on their Sunday. If they know which day is the 1st day of the week and argue till the cows come home which day is the 1st day, then they know then as well which day is the 7th day.
You know they also seem to figure out every year which day is "Good Friday." If they know which day in the Bible was the 6th day or the day before the weekly 7th day Sabbath, they don't have any excuse for knowing then that 7th day comes after the 6th day in a week of 7 days and that the 1st day of the week begins after the 7th day ends. One does not have to be an expert mathematician to know that 6 comes before 7 and that 7 comes after 6 or that in a week of 7 days that the 7th day comes before the 1st day and the 1st day comes after the 7th!
Today, I wanted to show the folly of "Good Friday" and of "Easter," and how the observance of such things are an abomination unto Yahweh and are based upon pagan traditions that have been Christianized with Scriptural stories and terminologies, but that make the Word of Yahweh as none effect in the lives of those who keep such days.
Brethren, don't be fooled by the Easter celebrations that take place each year. Just like a lot of things, I knew the Truth about these things long before I finally decided that I wasn't going to compromise any longer. But I suppose that sometime about 1986 I believe is when I put an end to my pagan observance of the Easter. I began putting away my religious traditions that were not Biblically based.
I began putting away things that I was discovering were an abomination unto Yahweh. I was being converted to the ways of Yahweh as repentance was being found with me. I began to realize that Yahweh was calling me out of Babylon. Has He called you out? Is He calling you out?
Now don't look down upon those who do observe such customs for we were once as they now are. Do not boast that Yahweh has called you out and chosen you in advance of most of the world and the paganized Church of our day, but rather give Him thanks and honor and praise for His mercy and His favor and for removing the blinders of deception from your spiritual eyes.
Do not condemn those who are blinded to the Truth and are steeped in their tradition for they just don't know any better yet. A time was that we didn't know any better either. Forgive those who have possibly verbally persecuted you over the years for not taking part in the traditions of men. After all in order that we be forgiven, we must forgive others. And let us each ask the Master to forgive us if we were ever unforgiving and unmerciful to those who do not know nor understand the things that we have spoken of today. Brethren we must be longsuffering, kind and gentle to all mankind. That is hard to do at times. I have not always been successful in fulfilling that toward others.
1st Thessalonians 5:12-24 "And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Master, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of Yahweh in Messiah Yahshua concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very Elohim of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray Yahweh your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Master Yahshua Messiah. Faithful is he that called you, who also will do it."