The Mission
"........they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in." Isaiah 58:12
We humbly desire to be among those who are called and chosen of Yahweh to aid in the restoration of the truth of His ways. Those ways have been so perverted by the satan's ministers & false doctrines to such an extent that most of today's "Churches" are in a state of great apostay. And thus this message is primarily sent to those who have their part in Mystery Babylon the Great. To these our Yahweh is calling to come out of her my people, that you be not a partaker of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.
We sincerely believe that ministries such as this one are called and chosen of Yahweh to warn of great judgment coming due to the transgression of His Torah law and of mans need to repent of a lifestyle of sin. We preach a very hard message and one in which we know in advance will not be popular. But we are not out to win a popularity contest. Our Master is presently looking for quality people, not quantity. Therefore, whoever He is seeking through this Ministry and others similar, will hear this message. Those who He is not presently seeking will not hear nor can they yet until Yahweh removes the spiritual blinders from their eyes and gives them a hearing ear. Messiah taught that we don't choose Him, but that He chooses us.
Our primary message is to teach repentance and thus we believe that this to be the greatest spiritual need of the nation, the world and of the worldly Church. In our day the majority of Churches have strayed in their commitment to the Truth. You will find that this Ministry will not waver but will stand firm on the inspiration and the authority of the Scriptures. America has fallen into moral decay as we see in the licentious attitudes of the day. We see such sinful behavior as signs of the decadence of our modern society. In our day the old time virtues are being mocked. We call for a return to true righteous values based upon the Scriptures. A call to return to the Old Paths. (A partial quote from Hebert Armstrong: Unsure of documentation or source writing)
The Old Paths offers aid in the preparation of the great spiritual and physical adversity that is on the very near horizon as well as shining the light of Yahweh's Word on the Path that leads unto the Kingdom. We offer information that will establish the missing standard of Truth that has been lost to the majority of the sect known as Christianity.
We are presently a small, newly formed internet Ministry. Please do have patience with us as we continue to try and update this web site with teachings and editorials in hopes that you will be warned, edified, blessed and thereby grow in the grace and Knowledge of Yahshua Messiah. We rely totally on the offerings of Yahweh's true people for our support in this effort. Do not support us if you are not led to do so! But if you feel the leading of Yah's spirit or if you know that you have been fed from the Master's table through this Ministry, then do obey the spirit. You can be assured that your offering will be used only for the needs of the Ministry and not for personal gain.