Willingly Ignorant
What if you were asleep, all cozy in your warm bed on a cold
winter’s night, and suddenly your house was caught fire. But you didn’t know, you were sound asleep. If there
came one who was passing by, would you desire that they would wake you from
your sleep or continue on by? You might think,
what a silly question. Why yes, you would rather that they would
begin banging on your doors and walls and windows and save you from a fiery
Spiritually, we can find ourselves in the same scenario. Many
are not watching out for their soul and therefore fall into a spiritual
condition similar to being asleep. Instead we should be watching out
for our soul and we should be sober, alert and awake to anything that might
possibly cause us to suffer loss concerning the great and awesome eternal
rewards being offered to the faithful few. “Therefore let us
not sleep, as do others;
but let us watch and be sober.” 1st Thessalonians
But as we grow closer to the end of our days or even to the day in
which the end of the age shall come, we need to wake up and make sure we are
living in a right relationship with the living Elohim “…………..it
is high time to awake out of sleep…………… Romans
But if we continue long in our spiritual slumber, we may not be
able to wake up. Before the fire, the smoke can so intoxicate an
individual that they cannot wake from sleep and the fire burns them up. When
the warning goes out that you need to repent, you had better make haste and
repent! When the alarms are going off you had better get up, wake up
from your sleep. If you continually deny your need for repentance
and conversion, (continue ignoring the alarms or warnings from Yahweh’s true
servants) eventually you will be so overcome with spiritual smoke that you
cannot wake up no matter how much you are being warned that your spiritual life
is in danger! The smoke of a fire is like having a
lackadaisical, apathetic, careless attitudes to the warnings that are
Oh, I’ll change someday. I’m having such a good time
right now with my girlfriend or boyfriend, or with my job, or with my car, or
with my friends, or with my games, my TV, my music, my home and property, my
pagan holiday celebrations, etc., etc., etc. But if you continue putting
off the warnings from Yah and from His ministers who are righteously loving you
enough to tell you the truth, who are banging on the doors, walls and windows
of your heart. Get up! Wake up! Your spiritual
life is on fire! But the more you don’t consider their warnings, the
harder your heart will become and eventually you will be overcome with the
smoke (cares of this life) and this will lead to your destruction. You
have made your own bed and you will lie in it. The bed (your
spiritual condition) is so warm and you are so sleepy (your spiritual apathy)
you don’t want to get up even if the smoke alarm (Yahweh’s warning) is
going off.
“…….take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that
day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on
all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch
ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be
accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to
stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:34-36
We are told to take heed, to watch out so that the cares of this
life not overtake us. If we continue to reject the truth, the
warnings of our need for repentance, the opportunity for salvation, Yahweh will
eventually stop sending His warnings. We will become reprobate and
hard hearted. Our minds will receive a strong delusion (intoxicated
with spiritual smoke) and we could eventually be dammed!
“…. with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be
saved. And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might
be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
unrighteousness. 2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12
That is the sum of the whole matter. Mankind wants to
do their own thing rather than to submit unto the
righteous will of Yahweh. “For they
being ignorant of Yahweh's
righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not
submitted themselves unto the righteousness of Yahweh Elohim.” Romans
That is the condition of most today. They are ignorant
of Yah’s righteous standards, Psalms_119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.” (Thus
they are ignorant of Yah’s commandments) but instead set up
their own righteous standards. (“….He said unto them, Full well ye
reject the commandment of Yahweh, that ye may keep your own tradition.” Mark
7:9 So
through their ignorance they reject Yah’s standard of
righteousness which is His commandments, then they establish their own standard
of righteousness, their traditions and their man made commandments.) They would
not be doing this if they had only submitted to Yahweh’s righteous ways.
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey Yahweh rather than men.” Acts. 5:29 Instead
of making up our own commandments, instead of following after the traditions of
men, we are to obey Yahweh Elohim. He has a standard of
righteousness laid out very simply for all to see. His
commandments! But instead most will reject His commandments and obey
their own will. This is idolatry, pure and simple. If you
obey your own will over the will of the Elohim, then you are setting yourself
up as your own El.
“For this they willingly are ignorant of,…………………” 2nd Peter
Peter was speaking of a certain subject that some are willingly
ignorant of. But how many other subjects are many also being
willingly ignorant of? You cannot hide your head in the sand when a
truth is being revealed to you. By doing so does not change the fact
that the truth is still the truth. You cannot change the truth by
hiding from it.
If you are willingly ignorant, it means that you know deep down
that there is something to what this Ministry or others similar are teaching or
what the set apart spirit is revealing. You know that you should
look into the subjects that we are bringing forth, but you are making the
willful decision not to do so. The spirit of Yahweh may be dealing
with you. He may be calling you out of your ignorance. Are
you going to listen to the spirit of Yah or are you going to willingly stop up
your spiritual ears so as not to hear the truth? One aspect of this
Ministry is to speak against pagan holidays such as Christmas. To show that its origins are not of Yahweh but are of the deceiver. What
will you do with such information? Will you neglect the moving of
the spirit and repent or will you remain ignorant when the truth is so simple
and plain?
If Yahweh is calling you out of the world then you are being given
the opportunity to repent and be converted to His ways. You know
deep down that there is just something to these things, but you are afraid to
look into the Truth. This may be Yah’s way
of sounding the alarm, to send someone your way to awake you from your sleep
before you are overcome with the smoke and the fire and from thence you cannot
be awakened.
We care about you. “And others save with fear,
pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the
flesh.” Jude 1:23 We may
be the instrument Yahweh is using to pull you out of the fire. As
true believers, we shouldn’t want even the smallest speck of sin on our
spiritual garments.
“As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the
former lusts in your ignorance:” 1st Peter
1:14 When repentance comes, when we are converted to Yahweh’s
ways, we will become obedient to His ways and we will no longer even have the
desire to be ignorant of His ways and returning to our former lifestyle.
If you are blinded to the truth you cannot be educated enough to
come out of your ignorance.. “Having
the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of Yahweh through the
ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:” Ephesians 4:18 Read this
verse again and ask yourself the question: Is a man blind because he
is ignorant or is he ignorant because he is blind?
If he is blind because he is ignorant, then all we would have to
do is educate him and he would no longer be ignorant. But that is
not the case and yet that is what Christianity believes and teach
and if you don’t accept their ways……, well you are just going to burn in hell
forever. The answer to the question according to Eph. 4:18, is that he is
ignorant because he is blind. He must have the spiritual blinders
removed before he can see the truth and come out of his ignorance. Only
the Kodesh Ruach, the set apart spirit of Yahweh can do this.
So if the Truth is being revealed to you, you have no excuse to be
ignorant any longer. The spirit may be removing the blinders from
your eyes and giving you the opportunity to know Him and His ways. If
you are blind, then you have an excuse for your ignorance. But if you
are beginning to see these things, yet remain ignorant, you are doing so
willingly. You are making the willful choice not to know the truth
of the matter.
Don’t be willingly ignorant! It’s your choice if the
truth is being revealed to you. What will you do with it? “……………..choose you this day whom ye will serve;...............................................
but as for me and my house, we will serve Yahweh.” Joshua 24:15
The Old Paths
Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140