Who is your EL?
Can anyone find anything wrong with the 10
commandments? Is there any unrighteousness in the 10 commandments?
Each commandment is a precept of life, showing mankind how to love Yahweh
Elohim and love his neighbor. The fourth commandment is especially
important as it is the key to the everlasting covenant of Elohim. Most
"Christians" don't even know where the 10 commandments are located in
the scriptures!
What could possibly be wrong with obeying Yahweh?
What is wrong with not having other Elohim, but worshipping, serving and
obeying the one true El? What is wrong with not having idols and objects
of worship which takes one away from the real object of worship, Yahweh
Himself? What is wrong with the commandment of you shall not use His name
in a vain or non-respectful way or misusing His name or substituting His name
with the name of a heathen deity? What is wrong with you shall honor your
parents that we might live a long and good life? What is wrong with you
shall not murder? What is wrong with you shall not have an adulterous and
fornicating life? What is wrong with you shall not steal? What could be
wrong with you shall not lie? What is wrong with you shall not covet the
things of others?
Let us just take a look at the 4th
commandment: "Remember the Sunday, to keep it holy. Six days
shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the 1st day is the Sunday of Yahweh thy Elohim: in it thou shalt not
do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy
maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the 1st day: wherefore Yahweh blessed the Sunday, and hallowed it.
OOPPPS!!!! I misquoted! Here is the actuall verses as
it is stated in the real 10 commandments: "Remember the SABBATH day,
to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour,
and do all thy work: But the SEVENTH day is the SABBATH of
Yahweh thy Elohim: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days Yahweh made heaven and
earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the SEVENTH day:
wherefore Yahweh blessed the SABBATH day, and hallowed
What could possibly be wrong with the commandment that you will honor Yahweh by
resting one day (the 7th day) out of the week from your labors, your job, your
housework, your yardwork, no buying and selling and engaging in the world
and to spend time in fellowship with Yahweh Himself and others of the
faith? Tell me, what could possibly be wrong with such a
By the way the 10 commandments are located in
Exodus chapter 20. The keeping of the Sunday actually breaks other
commandments such as commandment concerning IDOLATRY! You are not obeying Yah
and serving Him as the one true El by keeping Sunday in the place of the 7th
day Sabbath.
So just who is your El then?
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140