Old Paths
Are we living at the end of
the age? I have come to realize that
many people have no real concept within their thinking that reveals that they
are living lives that reflect a belief that we are in the end of this present
age. This is true as well of those who
claim to be professing Christians.
You know there just has to be
a generation of people living at the time of those things prophesied from the
pages of the Bible. All of prophecy
concerning the end of this age is going to be fulfilled, and very much possibly
in our lifetimes.
The things that will be found
in this message may very well shake the theology of those who are it‘s readers. I must speak what I believe to be the Truth,
whether anyone would accept it or not, that your blood would not be upon my
hands. (Ezekiel 3:17-21) The Lord spoke
through Isaiah (Isaiah 58:1) and said that God's ministers are to cry aloud,
spare no one, and show God's people their sins.
But unfortunately many don't want their sins revealed,
the truth is an offense unto them.
It is a sure thing that we
are all on a path leading somewhere.
This is most certainly true in both the physical and spiritual
realms. I've always enjoyed sitting down
with those that are my elders, and listen to the stories from their past. I can get a glimpse of the paths that they
have taken down through their years.
Their stories are not always good, because at times they went down a way
that caused them great sorrow, and then there are times they found great joy.
I can look at my own paths
and those close to me, and realize that every action I've taken over the years
not only changed the path that I was on, but also at times would actually
affect others that I had come into contact with. Sometimes
for the good and sometimes I must sadly admit for the bad.
There are many things that
can have an affect upon a person's life paths.
Things like your family, your life as a child, where you grew up, where
you went to school. How about where you
have worked, whether you are single, married or even divorced?
How about things like having
children, a death in the family or of a friend, if you've ever been injured or
seriously ill, bad debts, friendships, clashes with the law, or even bad
habits, all of which have effected you and those close to you.
Friends, there are also
spiritual paths that we take, that very much affect our physical lives and play
a governing role in every decision and choice that we will make. Spiritually and physically, whether we like
it or not, all these things make up our being and shape our lives, and are a
part of who we are today.
It is certain, that while on
your spiritual walk, you will encounter alternate paths that intersect with the
one you are on. Many times they appear
as great forks in the road, as though they were foreordained to be mysteriously
set there as ominous choices for each of us to make.
1st Kings
When the fork in the road
appears, we must make a choice. We
cannot just sit there forever trying to decide between two opinions, which way
to go and you cannot accept every way.
Jesus once said that we are either with Him or against Him. This message could very well be one of those
forks in the road for you. But all of us can be sure that there will come up
choices in your life wherein you will have to decide whether to be for what
Jesus stands for or against what He stands for.
Joshua 24:14,15 "Now
therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth: and put away
the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in
There it is,
a fork in the Road. "Choose
this day who you will serve." And
all through your life, the Lord God will allow choices to come before you, and
no matter what the choice, it stills boils down to choosing who it is that you
are going to serve.
Are we going to go on to
another level with God? God will put the
choices before you, and if we choose the right way, our relationship with the
Lord will go on into another realm that we have not known of before.
Can we all have the resolve
about us as did Joshua and answer up to each choice that we will decide to
serve the Lord? We should take this into
thought, considering the adversary of our faith is Satan, who wants to get our
minds on paths that have not been laid down by our creator. The majority of
mankind are on a path contrary to the creator. This includes many who claim to be Christian.
Now many people don't believe
that most of the things written in the older writings of the Bible pertain to
New Testament Christians. Let's see the
Truth of this matter, for without a proper foundational understanding, a person
will not see certain scriptures as important to their walk with God. This causes them to miss out on some very
fundamental doctrinal issues which then affects their
Romans 15:4 "For
whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
Now my brother in the Lord,
the apostle Paul, tells us that the things that were written before his time
were written for our learning. Now that
brings up the question, what were those things that were written before Paul's
time? It could not be the newer writings
of Matthew through Revelation, for those books were yet in the process of being
written during Paul's time, so it is obvious therefore that Paul was speaking
of the books from Genesis to Malachi.
What I'm showing you is vital
in having a proper understanding of the Word of God. There are several keys to understanding
scripture, and as I’ve learned each one of these keys, the picture of the plan
of God suddenly became so much greater than I had ever known it before in my
life. Some of you may already know these
keys, and have found the greatness and majesty of our God is more and more to
be honored as you understand the vastness and yet the simplicity of His plan.
1st Corinthians
What a tremendous verse of
scripture! We see here that the things
that happened to ancient Israel, were written down as a warning for each of us,
to not fall into the same state of disobedience as they did, and take great
notice in the last part of verse 11, that this advice is specifically written
for those who would be living at the very end, the very last days of the age,
and that I believe is speaking of you and I!
Now there are many other
scriptures that are significant keys to understanding, but suffice it to say, we
must go back and observe what happened to ancient
Let's just take the godly
advice given unto us by the apostle Paul as he was speaking under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and go back and look at what took place, for it
was written for our learning.
You see the choices will not
always be as clear cut as was our example from Joshua. The enemy is very subtle, and don't you think
for a moment that in the thousands of years since Joshua's or Elijah's or
Jeremiah's time, that Satan the enemy has not learned a few new tricks.
He will many times make every
fork in the road to seemingly be proper and righteous. We must be on guard, we must be watchful and
sober, and above all we must know the Word of God so that we will be able to
stand in the evil day and thus make the right choices when called upon to do
so, that we would not stumble from the ancient paths as did
Oh how many have stumbled
from the right path! Oh how many have
burned incense to vanity. To burn
incense to vanity is speaking of false worship and prayers that God will not
hear due to a lifestyle that will not acknowledge the true God by not doing
what He says to do. It is with much
sadness, but according to the Word of God, many precious individuals, people
who consider themselves Christian, have turned down one of these Satan inspired
alternate paths.
I believe it is true that
most of these people started out on the right path, with pure and honest
intentions. They are so often still
honest and good hearted in their beliefs.
Unfortunately though, false teachers, false doctrines, and slumbering
shepherds, adversely affected their path, and wrong choices were made. The Word of God will put a person on a
righteous path, if they will be open minded enough to believe that the Lord
says what He means, and therefore He must mean what He says.
So how do we ensure that we
remain on the right path? Proverbs
4:25-27 "Let
your eyes look right on, and let your eyelids look straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let all
your ways be established. Turn not to
the right hand nor to the left: Remove
your foot from evil"
Brethren, we must keep our
minds fixed upon the word of God, and let everything else fade away in importance
in comparison. We must fix our spiritual
eyes straight ahead, not wavering to the right or the left, not looking or even
desiring the things of this old world that are at our sides, but look only upon
that righteous path that is set before us.
It reminds me of the old side blinders that they put on the horses, to
where the only thing in view was what was straight ahead of them so that they
would not be distracted.
Not only does the Word of God
establish the right path, but the Word also gives us directional signage along
the way to help us in choosing the right way, rather than turning down a wrong
Now I'm fairly mechanically
inclined, but there have been times when I would be trying to put something
together without looking at the instructions that came with it. After fighting around with it for far too
long, I'd finally get out the instructions, suddenly realizing that I've put
something together out of order, and I would have to take it all back apart and
start over. If I had only started out
right by looking at the manufacture's instructions, it would have made the
project much quicker and a lot less of a headache.
You know, God made us, He is
our manufacturer. We are not a completed
project yet, we are still to be aiming toward perfection. Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier on all of
us, if we would just get out the instructions of our manufacturer and get
things right the first time?
Unfortunately, many times we
find out that we have gone down the wrong path, and we have to turn around and
go back and go down the other way realizing that if we had just paid a little
closer attention to the instructions or the directions we would be a lot
farther down the right path than what we now are.
There is a problem though,
that has arisen, which can be traced Biblically and historically all the way
back to the time of the death of the early apostles. Our brother in the Lord, the apostle Paul was
very concerned about this problem, and thus he gave us strong words of warning.
Now Paul had called together the leaders of the
Paul was so very concerned
about the false ministers who would infiltrate the Church after his death. It is as though the false teachers under
Satan's deception would run on ahead to the signs that were pointed down the
right path, and change them to point down a wrong way. That reminds me of the old cartoons that I
used to watch as a child, wherein the bad guys would change the road signs to
try and foil the good guys and they would go off a cliff or something.
But the false prophets would
come in undercover, they have a great disguise. 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 "For
such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the
apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for
Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his
ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end
shall be according to their works."
You see this is an undercover
operation. Now the Apostle Paul was not
talking about the Buddhists or the Hindus or the Muslims or any other of the
false religions of the world, we are talking about religious organizations who
name the name of Jesus among them.
You must understand that
there is much deception going on right now, in this present time, and it's
being done in the name of Jesus! Satan,
as well as the fallen Angels and Demons, are pulling off a great deception in
the name of Jesus. There are false
ministers, and false brethren who are within the Churches propagating false
teachings. Satan is the great
He has counterfeited God's
commandments with the traditions and commandments of men. He has substituted God's Holydays with
Halloween, Christmas, Easter and so forth which have pagan origins, yet are
candy coated with Christian stories. He
has substituted God's Sabbath day with the day of the Sun, the Sunday.
You cannot find a single
instance in the pages of your Bible wherein God ever sanctified, ever set apart
for holy use any of the religious holidays man has set
up, including Sunday. The only time that
the day we call Sunday would ever be considered a Holyday in the scriptures, is
when one of God's annual Sabbaths just happens to fall on the 1st day of the
week. You tell me then, are the days
that the world and the worldly Church has set up as holy, are they then commandments
of God, or are they commandments of man deceived by Satan the devil? (Mark 7:6-9,13)
2nd Corinthians
11:1-4 "Would
to God you could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me. For I am jealous over you with godly
jealousy: for I have espoused you to one
husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to
Christ. But I fear, lest by any means,
as the serpent (that's Satan the devil) beguiled Eve through
his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ. For if he that comes preaching
another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit,
which you have not received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted,
you might well bear with him."
Here we see that Satan the
great counterfeiter would use His false teachers to deceive the flocks into
accepting another Jesus, another Spirit and another gospel, which Paul had not
been teaching of. Most of the Churches
are teaching about another gospel, that speaks of another Jesus who through
another Spirit allows sin to continue within it's
followers, and yet claims that they are still in a right relationship with God.
Here shortly we are going to
find out what the meaning of sin is, but before we do so, let me ask a couple
of simple questions. If the Holy Spirit
would allow a lifestyle of sin to exist within a Church, would that Church be
Holy? I don't think so. I don't think that that Spirit is the Holy
Spirit then either if it is saying that it's Ok to go ahead and sin. It is another Spirit.
If the Holy Spirit would
allow a lifestyle of sin to exist within us, where then is repentance? I honestly believe that most people just do
not know what repentance is, and if you don't repent when your day of salvation
comes, you will perish. That's what
Jesus said in Luke chapter 13. But there is another Jesus out there, he is a
counterfeit, and the false Jesus does not teach repentance of sins. The true Holy Spirit will never say that it
is ok to sin. NEVER!!!! We must be on guard,
we must be physically and spiritually sober in order not to be deceived, for
the greatest deception of the ages is yet before us.
We have learned that Satan
has his own ministers within the Churches.
They will be teaching false doctrines.
They will be preaching a false Jesus, a false gospel, and they have a
false spirit that allows a lifestyle of sin within individuals. Let's get a better glimpse of these
ministers, let's find out a little bit more about them, and what it is that
they are really doing.
Jude verse 4 "For
there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to
this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into
lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."
Oh this is so important for
all of us to understand. Your very
salvation is at risk for following after the great counterfeit. And yet the greatest counterfeit is yet ahead
of us, will some of us fall for him? If
we are falling for the counterfeit now, there is no reason to believe that we
won't fall for him in the future as well.
We must beware.
Jude tells us here that these
men would creep into the Churches. They
would come in unawares, Why? Because they are counterfeits, they are in
disguise, they are undercover agents of Satan the devil whether they know it or
not, and I believe that most do not know it, but some I feel do know who they
are and what their purpose is. These are
ungodly men. They are not godly, they do
not stand for righteousness, yet they are in the Churches each Sunday preaching
false doctrines, and Jude tells us that they were ordained to do this.
God allows the false teachers
to come among us, for He is testing you.
The Lord God wants to know how you will react to false doctrines. You see many are called, but few are chosen. Many are called, but only a few will remain
faithful and not follow after the counterfeits.
Have any of you fallen for
the devil's lies? If so this may very
well be your day of salvation. Do not
neglect the urging of the true Holy Spirit, for it may not pass by this way
again. in your life.
But let's just look at the main theme of what these false teachers are
bringing forth, and you should be able to spot this teaching in almost every
Church today.
Jude tells us that these
ungodly men will be turning the Grace of God into lasciviousness. Now because they are doing this, that is why
they are ungodly men, and because of it they are denying Christ as their Lord,
and if you are listening to them, you are as well denying the Christ. He's not your Lord if you adhere to what
these men are teaching.
Forgive me if what I have
just said is an offense unto you. I love
everyone who is reading this teaching, and I love you enough to speak the Word
that it might cut you deep to your innermost thoughts and intents of your
These false teachers are
turning God's grace into lasciviousness.
What in the world does lasciviousness mean. Whatever it means, you will also find it as one of the works of the
flesh in Galatians chapter 5, and if we are living a lifestyle that is
entangled in the works of the flesh, Paul tells you there in Galatians 5, that
you will not inherit the
Whatever this word
lasciviousness means, it is very serious, and we must repent of it, or we will
not inherit the
The word lasciviousness is #766
in the Greek section of the Strong's concordance, from which we can have a
better understanding of it's original meaning before
it was translated into the English language.
It means licentiousness. Ok what does that big long word mean? This word has within it the root word
license. Now we know what license means. It is a permit, or a means of permission to
be allowed to do something that previously without that license you could not
do. It means that you are at liberty or
at freedom to do whatever it was beforehand you could not lawfully do. Every week this is being done. Practically every time I turn on a
"Christian," TV or Radio Broadcast I hear it being done.
They are turning the grace of
God into lasciviousness. They are
teaching that since we are under grace, we have been given liberty from that
old law of God. They teach that grace
has set them free from the law. That my
friends, is the greatest false doctrine being taught today from the pulpits in
the Sunday Churches, and I am sad to say, but it has already invaded the true
Maybe we are at a good point
to find out what sin is. After all if
anyone reading this teaching actually believes the devil's lie that through
grace you are freed from the law, let's just find out what you are really believing.
1st John 3:4 "Whosoever
commits sin transgresses also the law:
for sin is the transgression of the law."
There it is,
the meaning of sin. Sin = Breaking God's
law. So if anyone believes that by grace
you are freed from the law, don't you realize what you are really saying? You are saying then that you have been given
permission, you have been given a license, a permit to sin, sin, sin, sin, sin,
and then ah go ahead let's just go sin some more! It is lasciviousness, it is a work of the
flesh, it is a Christ denying doctrine according to
the Word of God.
There are many wolves in
sheep's clothing among the flocks, and their disguise has worked very well, for
they are devouring those who are not on guard for their souls.
Let's look at just a couple
more scriptures that relate to this subject of the false and the counterfeits
before we move on with this message.
We really do need to nail
this thing down, so that you will not be able to go away without understanding
what is going on under Satan's deception.
Now the Church is many times
symbolized as sheep. If these false
prophets come to us in sheep's clothing, what is that telling us? It tells us that they will be in the
Churches, undercover, disguised, in order to bring on the deception. Jesus tells us to beware of these
individuals. We are to be on the watch,
but how? He goes on then in the next few
verses and tells us that we can pick them out by their fruit.
By their lifestyle we should
be able to know whether they are of God or not.
Are they still living within the works of the flesh? Do they adhere to the Christ denying doctrine
that since we are under grace we are at liberty to disregard the law of God,
and live a life of disobedience? If so,
watch out!
Matthew 7:21-23 "Not every one
that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he
that does the will of my Father which is in heaven...........................
Now just because we call
Jesus our Lord, that does not mean that He is the Lord
of our lives. It is only those who are
doing the will of the Father, and just plain common sense tells us that we
would not be doing the will of the Father if we are disobeying Him.
Jesus tells us in Luke 6:46
that He is not our Lord if we will not obey Him. In fact according to Acts 5:32, without
obeying God, He will not even give us of His Holy Spirit. That is very serious,
do we really have ears to hear?
The word "Lord"
means the controller, the authority and the master in ones life. If we will not allow Jesus to be the
authority and master of our lives, we have no business whatsoever in calling
Him our Lord, for He is not, we have then fallen for another Jesus.
Many people will say, Lord we have prophesied in your name, we have even cast
out devils in your name, and we have done all these great acts of charity and
good works all in your name. Please
notice that Jesus does not deny that these people have done this. He does not deny that they have actually cast
out devils, have had their great miracle services, healings have occurred, have
given to good causes to help those in need, have actually preached and
prophesied in His name, have openly manifested the gifts of the Spirit. Yes they have done many wonderful things in His
Name, yet there is something missing in their lives that will deny them
entrance into the
Even though they have done
these great and marvelous and miraculous things, even though they call Jesus
their Lord, which means that they think that they are Christians, they are
honest in their intent, but Jesus says that He never knew them.
He never knew them, He never,
never, never knew them, and why? He says
that they are workers of iniquity. The
word "iniquity" is #'s 458 and 459 in the Greek section of the
Strong's concordance and it literally means "transgressor of the
It does not matter how many
good works we have under our belt, it doesn't matter how often we have praised
His name, it doesn't matter how often we have manifested the gifts of the
Spirit, cast out devils, prophesied, none of it matters a one bit, if we are
living a lifestyle of disobedience to the commandments of the Lord our
God. I'm greatly saddened to have to say
these things, but it is the truth, it is the Word of God, and it cuts, for it
is sharper than a two edged sword.
Now don't go away thinking
that I don't think that we should be doing good works, and prophesying, and
casting out demons out of people's lives, for we are to be doing these things
as we are called upon to do so, but to be in a covenant relationship with
Christ, we must keep His commandments, otherwise we are still living in sin, we
have not repented.
1st Samuel
We have an adversary out
there, who is hell bent on destroying you and I, and keeping us deceived and he
has done his job well. Revelation 12
tells us that Satan has deceived the whole world. That's every man, woman and child that has
ever drawn breath. We must come out of
that deception according to Revelation 18:4 once it is revealed to us, and if
not you will perish.
Rest assured that the
deception that has been cast upon all of us, will at
one time or another in your life, if not in the age to come, will be revealed
to you. If God owes anything at all to
mankind, it is that He will give everyone and opportunity for salvation, for He
is just not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to
repentance. He is rich in mercy.
He will give you that
opportunity, don't let it pass you by when you realize that He has removed the
blinders from your eyes, for if the blinders are removed, and you can see your
sins, and yet you will not repent, you are still under the law. You are still under the penalty of breaking
the law of God, and that penalty is death.
Deuteronomy 13:1-4 "If
there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a sign
or a wonder................
Now that sounds good doesn't
it? All through the Bible there has arisen prophets and dreamers who by God has given unto
the people of God signs and wonders, and so it still is to be occurring in our
time. But let's see what verse 2 has
to say. ............And the sign or
the wonder come to pass.......................
Now most within the Churches
today teach that the real test of a prophet is whether or not what he says
comes to pass or not. Ok, to go on then
in verse 2, we find out that this prophet speaks a thing that actually comes to
pass right before your eyes. Oh this
must be a man of God. He speaks things
in advance of when it really happens. He
must be a true prophet, and a true minister of God, and by the thousands
members of today's Churches crop to see and hear what these men have to say. This is the lying signs and wonders of
Matthew 24. They are signs and wonders
through which the masses are being deceived.
Verse 2 again
then of Deut. 13 ..........And
the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake
you, saying, Let us go after other gods, which you have not known, and let us
serve them.............................
Now the ministers of Satan
will not come right out and tell you to go worship Baal, or Ashtoreth,
or Tammuz. Many times they will hook you
with the signs and wonders, the great miracles, the slick talking preachers,
the great false unity movements of today that are not based upon God's Word.
Let me say something real
quick about these big unity crusades going on all over the world. Now you listen to me very carefully, it is
real easy to have unity if you don't stand for anything. And if you don't stand for nothing,
you will fall for anything. If you don't
stand for the Truth, you will fall for deception.
If we overlook the true sound
doctrines of God's Word for the sake of unity among all the Churches, we are
denying Christ, who desires unity, but not through a denial of what His Word
says. Otherwise we would be just a big
bunch of unified sinners. The deception
is very great.
even if these ministers will come along and show forth signs and wonders. If they prophesy things and those things do
come to pass or if people are even healed under their ministry, yet if at the
same time they preach disobedience to God's commandments, then they are telling
you to go off after other gods. They are
saying it is Ok to sin. They are false
If they tell you to keep the
pagan religious holidays, to keep Sunday, to eat unclean meats and so forth,
then they are not telling you to obey the real Jesus. It's another Jesus, other gods,
it is Satan the devil that they are telling you to serve. A true minister will
always tell you to obey the one true and living God.
Verse 3.........You
shall not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of
dreams: for the Lord your God proves
you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
all your soul. You shall walk after the
Lord your God, and fear him, and keep His commandments, and obey His voice, and
you shall serve Him, and cleave unto Him."
Wow! If a minister would preach to us that we
don't have to keep the Sabbath day holy from sunset Friday night to sunset
Saturday night, or to disregard any of God's commandments and go ahead and keep
the traditions of man, even if they show forth great signs and wonders, we
are not to listen to those men.
But you see there in verse 3
that God will allow false brethren to come in among us to prove whether we
really love the Lord. Are we going to
follow after their false teachings, or are we going to obey God and keep His
commandments? Did you know that obeying
God shows whether we really know Him?
Did you know that when we are obeying God it proves that we really love
We are about to see a very
simple statement made by Jesus, that everyone of us must fess up to. Before turning to this passage, just ask
yourself, do I love Jesus? Jesus makes
this vital statement to you. He says in John
Drop down to verse 21 "He
that has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves
One of the proofs that we
love Jesus is that we are keeping His commandments, and if you are not keeping
His commandments you need to repent for you are still living in your sins. Sin is the transgression of the law, you must repent of breaking the law of God.
Now while still living in
this flesh, we will not be able to keep the law to perfection, and thus there
is the grace of God. But let's don't
turn the grace of God into a license to live in sin. Grace is not having God's permission to break
His commandments. The Law shows us what
sin is. Grace through Messiah provides
the remedy!
Through Grace the death
penalty has been suspended, we are on probation right now. We are to get it right from this point on,
and through the indwelling Spirit, not the other spirit that many are receiving, we can live lives victoriously over sin. It doesn't mean that we will never from that
point on ever sin again, but it does mean that we won't have a lifestyle of
continually living in sin. I used to
break the Sabbath 52 times a year. Every
week would role by and I would transgress the law. It was my lifestyle to sin each week.
The sacrifice of Christ on
that old pagan cross set me free from the bondage of the law of sin. It did not set me free to break the law of
God, otherwise I would be back in bondage to sin again, and I would be counting
the shed blood of Christ a vain thing. Jesus
came to set us free from the hold of sin.
He did not come to give us permission to live in sin.
We must repent, we must change
our mind and turn from a lifestyle of lawlessness, and after baptism, we will be filled with the true Holy Spirit who will enable
you to live a righteous life. And if
along the way you slip up, and you realized that you have sinned against God, then there is grace, there is forgiveness through Christ.
There is coming a great time
of judgment upon this world and it's inhabitants, and
the reason for it all is very simple. If
you have never heard this before, you are about to come to an understanding of
just how serious disobeying God really is.
Isaiah 24:1 "Behold, the Lord makes the earth
empty, and makes it waste, and turns it upside down, and scatters abroad the
inhabitants thereof..........................Verses 19 & 20.........The
earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved
exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and
fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression
thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise
This is an end time
prophecy. These things are yet in our
future. There are coming events upon
this planet and this world system that are so cataclysmic in proportions,
that mankind has never in his past nor again in his future experienced anything
so horrendous .
This will surpass the time of
the Noatic flood and when the earth was divided in
the days of Peleg.
There are coming earthquakes so great that the Bible tells us that every
island and every mountain will be moved out of their places. The great earthquake that just hit
Now I have been accused of
speaking fear upon the lives of people through such talk, but I will not
apologize for the Word of God. If this
brings fear upon you, then take it up with Isaiah and Jeremiah and the apostle
John for these are words spoken through them.
Take it up with Jesus for this is His inspired Word.
But all of the catastrophic
events that are about to occur upon this world are all going to take place
because of three very simple things.
Look at Isaiah 24 now
and verse 5.......The earth also is defiled under the
inhabitants thereof; because (and now we are about to find out why all of
this is about to take place)
because they have transgressed the laws, changed the
ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant."
There it is, there is the
reason for the tremendous occurrences just over our horizon, and I believe
possibly within most of our lifetimes. It's
all because mankind as a whole are living in sin, they are transgressing God's
laws, they have changed the ordinance, and that is the ordinance of the Sabbath
days, and have broken the everlasting covenant.
Don't ever let anyone tell
you that obeying God is not necessary for salvation. Jesus forgave us of our sins that were in our
past according to Romans 3:25 and now we remain in a justified state through
the power of the Holy Spirit by obedience to the Word of God according to
Romans 2:13. Always living a repentant
life as the Spirit reveals wherein we have sinned. Trusting in Christ to always be there as our
advocate with the Father, ready and willing to forgive us wherein we fall short
as He sees the honest repentant heart within us.
Yes, this old world and it's inhabitants and especially those who are of Israelitish heritage are fixen to
go through the time of Jacob's trouble.
Satan will pour out his wrath upon the
Disobedience will eventually
bring a destructive state upon this world.
How dare do the false ministers preach that the law is done away in
Christ. It is instead the penalty for
breaking that law has been done away in Christ, for we are under grace for a
period of time. We are on probation for
our transgressions, let's don't blow it.
Now it must be understood
that the grievous wolves in sheep's clothing are not to be totally at fault for
deceiving and being deceived, for those who have believed their teachings also
share in the burden of guilt, as well as do those who were to be overseers of
the flocks, if they were not taking heed and watching out.
Maybe a story would help to
explain what I'm trying to say. Several
years back, I was working for an interpretive tour business. My job at one time required me to evaluate
the interpreters information that they were giving out
to our guests.
While observing one of our
first year employees, I found that she was giving out false information. When I asked her where she had received such
nonsense, her response was from another interpreter, who by the way had worked
for us for several years, so by now he should have been fairly knowledgeable of
what he should be saying. So I went to
ask him and to my surprise, I got the same response from him, but who he got it
from, was no longer working for us. It
became obvious to me that somewhere in the past, someone had just made up a
collection of stories, and passed them on to unsuspecting new interpreters as
the truth. As years went by, those
stories or lies, became the truth to anyone who would receive them without
So it is today in the
Churches, for many years ago all kinds of false teachings or lies entered in
among the flocks, and now since such a long time has passed, these lies have
become the gospel truth to anyone who would receive them without question.
There have been large
Churches built upon a foundation of lies or have had their true foundation
changed, all because the people listened to false teachings and never
questioned where these teachings came from.
Therefore the people share in the guilt along with the false teachers,
for they should have looked into what it is that they have accepted as truth.
It is amazing how much one
little lie can change the way we go about things. One little lie told by someone and then
believed by others can and does affect or change the paths that we take. To me then, a believer in a lie is just as
accountable, as is the one who started the lie in the first place, for they are
responsible to see if what they believe stands in the light of the Word of
God. We must prove all things.
Knowing that Satan and his
team has changed the signage along the pathway of life, it became vital that we
become truth seekers to locate wherein we might have left the right path and
have turned down a path that was not established by the one true Lord and
Now this is not a simple
task, for many of the path changes took place so many centuries ago that
without some investigation it was not an easy thing to find the beginnings of
false teachings. So we have to compare
those teachings with the Word of God.
Most of this
worlds inhabitants are so far down the wrong path now as a people and as
a nation and even as a Church, that they cannot see the beginnings of the path
that they are now on. They only see what
is real to them at a moment in time, and thus believe that at this moment in
their little reality, the path that they are on is the legitimate, true path of
righteousness. All of us at one time or
another have capitulated our thinking, our will and direction to the decree or
the edicts of others.
In reality, we should be
surrendering our whole being to the one true and living God, not to others and
their various traditions and interpretations of God's ways, for many of those
ways had been changed
when they had submitted to those before them who had also fallen
for the same changes long beforehand.
What is it that I'm trying to
declare by saying these things? I'm
stating, that it does not matter who you are, how old you may be, or where
you've been churched, we are all at the mercy of what others have voiced in our
So what is the remedy for our
predicament? I most certainly remember
when I was in that condition. I so
wanted to know the truth upon everything that I had been led to believe. Praise God, that He
saw that my heart was honest toward Him, and thus He began a process within me,
a process that should be going on within all of us.
Romans 12:1,2 "I
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
service. And be not conformed to this
world: but be you transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
It is a necessity that we
must have our minds renewed. We are not
to be conformed to the things of this world, but we are to be transformed, and transformed means to change or to be
I remember when my boys were young, they had these little toys that were called
transformers. By twisting them around you could eventually change it to something
totally different from what it originally was.
But how can we be transformed? It
is by the renewing of our minds, and why?
So that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will
of God.
To bring it all home, the renewing of your mind is a continual process as
you put off the old man with the lust of the flesh, and put on the new man who
is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him.
Whether you recognize it or
not, your minds are going to be affected, by the very act of reading these
words. By the grace of God and
prayerfully for our good we hope. That
is why I don't take it as a light thing to teach the oracles of God unto you.
Now you may not remember
every word or phrase that may be used, but your mind will be affected. I'm not trying to alarm or intimidate you by
saying such things, I'm just attempting to help you
understand how easy it is for our paths and our minds to be altered for the
good or for the bad, even when we are not at all conscious of an alteration
taking place.
Everyone has been subdued,
for good or evil, and this everyone includes our ancestors, and our ancestor's
ancestors. Now, everyone
of us are affecting those that are around us, and if time continues, our
descendants to come. But I feel that
time is about to be cut short.
nations of peoples have risen and fallen dependent upon the paths and choices
that they have taken, or those that they should have taken. Individually and as whole, the pathways that
we walk upon have very serious repercussions.
They echo from the past with a weighty burden placed upon us here in the
present, as to where each of us will walk in the near future.
So where is our starting
point on examining the path that each of us are on. There is something that each of us has to do
through the Spirit of Truth to start the process of coming into a knowledge of God's ways, after repentance.
1st Thessalonians
Once the process of the
renewal of our minds begin, according to the verse we read in Romans 12:2 that
through that process we would be made able then to prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God. Through
the Spirit of God we must have a desire to look into everything that we have
been taught over the years to see whether or not it is true.
I had this great big long
list of things. I told the Lord, here is
all that I believe, help me to know whether it is so
or not.
By the way, I want you to
realize that we are leaky vessels, and that we are very hard headed. It's hard to get the Truth into us, but it is
so easy for it to leak out. So the Lord
prepares messages to be given as a refreshing for us. We continually need a refresher course on
things that we had already proven beforehand.
So we must have, as a
prerequisite in our understanding of spiritual things, a renewal of our minds
that we would prove all things, and brethren, that process has yet to cease
within any of us, even those who are many years my elder in the faith of our
John 8:28,29 ".......Jesus
said unto them, when you have lifted up the Son of man, then shall you know
that I am He, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father has taught me,
I speak these things. And He that sent
me is with me: the Father has not left
me alone; for I do always those things that please Him."
the Father had not left Jesus alone and all because Jesus always did those
things that were pleasing unto Him. It sounds to me that in order to have a
proper, intimate and close relationship with our Lord, as Jesus had with the
Father, we must do those things that are pleasing unto Him. So how do we know how or what things are
pleasing unto the Father? Is there
something that we can look at or imitate so we can know how to be pleasing unto
1st Peter
Christ pleased the Father in
all ways, He is our example to understand how to
please the Father as well.
The word, "example"
is #5261 in the Greek section of the Strong's concordance and it literally
means to "copy for imitation."
You see in order to be pleasing to the Father, we have Christ as our
example and we are to copy all of His moves, we are to imitate Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word of God
is our instruction manual.
We should therefore follow
His steps, for we know beyond a doubt that He knew the right path to be
on. I believe that I want to be hot on
His heals, shouldn't we all! Even if that path might mean persecution or even suffering for the
Name of Christ.
Let's find another witness of
scripture that deals with Christ, our example.
Brethren, God made us all different, we are not a bunch of clones of
each other physically, but I believe that He wants us to be spiritual reproductions
of Jesus who was the express image of the Father.
1st John 2:6 "He
that says he abides in Him (speaking of Jesus) ought himself also
so to walk, even as He (Jesus) walked."
Now we know that Jesus logged
a lot of miles on His tired, sand worn feet, but this verse is not talking
about us going over to the
1st John
Now when we read that
whatever we ask, we will receive, that speaks to me of a relationship. It shows me that we must have an intimate
close relationship with God. Remember Jesus
said that the Father had not left Him alone because He always did those things
that were pleasing in His sight. That is
a relationship.
It's all because we do those
things that are pleasing in His sight, just as Jesus did as our example, and what is it that we can do that would be
pleasing in His sight? He tells us there
in verse 22, it is because we keep His commandments. Now we are to walk as
Jesus walked if we claim that we are abiding in Him. And the way that He walked was always
pleasing unto the Father.
So did Jesus keep the
commandments or did He disregard the law?
Was Jesus disobedient? If He was
disobedient, would that rebellious attitude be pleasing unto the Father? If we are rebellious would that be pleasing
unto the Father? I think not.
2nd Corinthians
Jesus knew no sin. He was sinless, and as we have already seen
earlier in this message that according to 1st John 3:4, Sin is the
transgression of the law.
Since Jesus knew no sin, we know then that He never transgressed the
law. If He sinned even once in His human
life, He would not have qualified for that perfect unspotted sacrificial lamb,
He would have needed a Savior to die for His sins as well. Praise God though, for Jesus was
obedient. But did you know that He had
to learn obedience?
Why would Jesus need to learn
to obey? You would think that since He
had the Spirit without measure, He wouldn't need to learn anything. But the reason is really quite simple if we
just think about it for a moment.
Jesus never had the need to
obey because it was never within Him to ever disobey. But suddenly, He took upon Himself flesh and
blood, He became as one of us, and therefore along with that the temptation to
sin. Now before that time He was never
even tempted with sin, and thus He had to learn to be obedient, and He is our
Hebrews 5:8,9 "Though He were a
Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered; And being made perfect, He became the author
of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him;......"
You see even though Jesus was
the Son of God, He had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, even
if obeying meant that He would have to suffer.
Brethren, He always did those things that were pleasing unto the Father,
and thus He was obedient, no matter what the circumstance.
Let's go back to 1st
John 3:22-24 He is our example,
we are to be a copy cat of Jesus, so to be renewed in our minds, so to prove
all things by the Spirit of God, so to walk as He walked on a path of obedience
so to be pleasing unto the Father.
1st John 3:22-24 "Whatsoever we
ask, we receive of Him, (WHY) because we keep His
commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment, That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ,
and love one another, as He gave us commandment. And he that keeps His commandments dwells in Him and He in him.
And hereby we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit which He has
given us."
He that keeps His
commandments dwells in Him. The word
"dwells" means to abide.
Remember if we are going to say that we are abiding in Him we had better
walk even as He walked. Jesus kept the
commandments, He is our example, therefore we are to keep His commandments as
well and when we do we are abiding in Him, and guess - what - else? We are then pleasing unto the Father!
So if we are found to be
pleasing unto the Father, do we have a part to play in the end time drama that
is unfolding so rapidly before us? Is
there a place in God's plan for those who are abiding in Christ and are obeying
the Word of Truth without compromise?
Let's see then just what the
Lord has in store for those who will remain faithful unto Him and endure unto
the end. 2nd Corinthians
5:18,19 ".......all
things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and has
given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ,
reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;
and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
Praise God, for through the
great sacrifice made by our Lord and Savior Jesus our Messiah, and our faith in
that sacrifice to remove our sins we are reconciled back to the Father. God was in Christ in order to reconcile the
world back to Him. And now He has
committed unto us, those who are pleasing unto the Him, the Word of
#2643 from the Strong's
concordance the word "reconciliation," means a restoration to divine
favor. Through Christ our relationship
with the Father has been restored, and now He has entrusted unto those who
remain faithful here in the end time, and yet even more so after we have been
given our immortal bodies to teach the restoration message eventually to all
the rest of mankind, once the blinders are removed from their eyes in the age
to come.
Just what is that restoration
message, and when will it really begin in it's full
intensity? Brethren this stuff gets real
exciting when we realize what a great and awesome God we have, and that He has
a mighty plan all worked out, and that plan includes you and I as an intricate
part of what He is fixen to do, if we will only
repent and remain faithful, overcoming sin in our lives daily by the power of
the Holy Spirit.
Here we can plainly see by
perfectly plain words that Jesus will not come back until the times of
restitution of all things that the Lord had spoken through His prophets since
the world began. The word restitution in
our text from Acts 3 comes from #605 and #600 in the Strong's concordance and
it means "to restore again."
It is a process of
restoration, it is a process of reconciliation, it is
a process of bringing mankind back into a proper relationship that is pleasing
unto the Father. I also looked up the
word “restoration” in the Webster's dictionary and I found that it has two
meanings that both apply to what we are looking at in this teaching. It means "the act of returning to an
original state or condition" & "the act of giving anything back
to an owner."
Now as we go through the next
few verses of scripture, keep in mind the meaning of the word restoration. The act of returning to an
original state or condition and giving anything back to an owner.
Revelation 11:15 "And the seventh angel
sounded; and there were great voices in heaven,
saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of
His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever"
This is a verbal declaration
of the
Now the Lord had already
declared that all power had been given unto Him during His earthly ministry in
Matthew 28:18, showing us that any power that Satan now holds, he only holds by
the authority of Christ, but the complete and literal fulfillment of His words
will not take place until He returns and puts down all rebellion, finding it's
finale with Satan the great rebel being cast into the lake of fire.
The transference of the
kingdoms is yet future, since we know that Satan is
declared to be the god or prince of this world, and he has yet to be destroyed
at this present time. He is still ruling
through wicked individuals the kingdoms of this world.
Satan and his demonically
controlled world governments and religious institutions are very obviously
still in control, therefore the kingdoms of this world
have yet to become the kingdoms of our Lord in a literal sense, although in
reality it is a done deal.
1st Corinthians
15:24-28 "Then
comes the end, when He (Jesus) shall have delivered up the
kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all
authority and power. For
He must reign, till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is
death. For He has put
all things under His feet. But
when He says all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted, which did put all things under Him. And when all things shall be subdued unto
Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things
under Him, that God may be all in all."
Here we see that at the end,
the Lord will deliver the kingdom back to it's
original owner, which was a definition of the word "restoration." Christ must first put down all rule,
authority and power that is contrary to His righteous
way. This process of restoring the
kingdom to it's original owner will last throughout the millennium as Christ
along with you and I, if we overcome sin and remain faithful, will rule the
nations with a rod of iron, and it will all culminate with the destruction of
the last enemy death, according to Revelation 20:14, and the scripture here in
1st Cor. 15 that we've just read.
The whole process of
restoring things back to their original condition is all purposed to be, in
order for all things to be presented back to it's
original owner, God the Father, and in the same condition as it was in before
sin and rebellion entered creation, which is the final picture in the Bible.
When this restoration process
comes to pass, with the exception of a final rebellion by Satan described in
Revelation 20:7-10, the world will finally desire to walk in God's ways and in
His paths.
Micah 4:1,2 "But in the last
days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be
established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the
hills; and people shall flow unto it. And
many nations shall come, and say, come, and let us go up to the house of the
God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His
Paths: for the law shall go forth of
Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
What a wonderful picture the
Word is showing us through the prophet Micah.
Micah was one of the prophets, and he was speaking of the times of
restitution of all things from Acts 3.
Now the time setting is after the Lord has returned and He is in the
process of putting down all rebellion and restoring the creation back to it's original state.
how excited these people seem to be in this verse about going up to the Lord's
house and to have Him speak of His ways and to be
walking in His paths! The end result
according to our verse is that many people and nations will be walking in His
paths. It must be concluded then, that
the Lord's paths are quite closely linked to His Word and His law according to
this verse in Micah.
Brethren all of us, all of
mankind must allow the Lord to circumcise our hearts, to cut away any hostility
we might have toward His law. And I want
you to know that I'm sorry if this teaching is so sharp but I will not
apologize that the Word of God is so sharp.
It all boils down to the simple
choice of whether we are going to obey God or not. To the simple choice of
choosing this day who we will serve.
To the simple choice of making the right decisions
when we come to a fork in the road, which path to take.
Jeremiah 6:16-19 "Thus
says the Lord, stand you in the ways, and see, and ask for the Old Paths, where
is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we
will not walk therein. Also I set
watchmen over you, saying, hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, we will not
hearken. Therefore hear, you
nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth: Behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even
the fruit of their thoughts, (now why is God going to
allow evil to come upon the fruit of their thoughts?) because they have not
hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it."
According to Malachi 3:6 and
Hebrews 13:8, the Lord does not change, He is the same yesterday today and
forever, and we have already discovered that the things that were written
aforetime were written for our learning, and this being so, these verses out of
Jeremiah are as relevant for mankind today as it ever was, and this is Jesus
the living Christ speaking these words through Jeremiah.
He was the one through which
the created things were made. Jesus,
before His human birth was the one who breathed life into Adam, & shut the
door on the great ark in Noah's time. He
was the one who led
The Lord tells the people to
stand in the ways and desire the old paths.
Why? Because if we do, we will
find the good way, and if we walk in these old paths, we will find rest for our
souls! It must be so deplorable and
grievous to the Lord, for the people of Jeremiah's time as well as those of
today, put their thumb to their nose, and say we will not walk in these ways or
follow those old paths.
The Lord will put His
watchmen among the people, who are keepers of the Lord's charge, who warn and
plead with the people over their condition.
They snub their nose in the face of God's watchmen as well, and say we
will not listen to your watchmen's warning either! They will not walk in God's ways, nor take
heed to the warning that is delivered through His watchmen. They have chosen to walk down a path not laid
down by the Lord. They have chosen who
it is that they will serve.
If you would back up and look at verse 15
of Jeremiah 6, you'll find that these people are not even ashamed of their
abominable disobedience, They think it's ok to sin, to disobey the commandments
of Jesus, why they don't even blush!
If they continue in their
rebellion after the warning message has gone out to them, their minds will
eventually have an alteration take place.
The Lord calls the other inhabitants of the world, and all the earth and
His congregation as a witness to what He will do to this people who will not
hearken unto His ways nor walk in His paths.
He says that because these
people will not listen to His words, or to His law, but instead reject it without even blushing over the things they do,
that He will bring evil upon the fruit of their thoughts!
I had read that verse out of
Jeremiah many times, but one day several years ago, the Lord quickened verse 19
to me as never before. When I read the
phrase, "God will bring evil upon the fruit of their thoughts," my
spirit jumped within me and 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-12 immediately came to my
mind. Could this be speaking of the same
thing? Could the strong delusion spoken
of in 2nd Thessalonians be the evil upon the fruit of a person's thoughts? I do believe that it is a very serious thing
to reject the Lord's Word, His law, and His truth, after we or anyone has had
the blinders removed, and can see their sins, and yet will not repent of
breaking the commandments of our Lord and Savior Jesus the living Christ.
The Lord's advice is to seek
His ways, and to desire the Old Paths. There
are people who at one time were in the faith, yet they later blatantly flaunted
their rejection of the Lord's ways. It
could be that such a strong delusion had affected the fruit of their thoughts,
and so much so, that they justify their abominable ways, mocking the true
worship of God, and all along they are not ashamed, nor do they
blush, nor are they sorry, nor is repentance found among them any longer.
Such a dire state of being
for those who choose not to walk in the ways laid down
by the creator. No longer do they seem
to be competent in their thinking, for their minds are becoming reprobate, as
they choose to follow their own ways, that seem so
right to them. Proverbs
When we go down a path that
is contrary to God's ways, we are not trusting in the Lord, but in our own
understanding. We are following a path
that seems right to us, but it can lead to death and destruction.
Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust
in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He
shall direct your paths."
Aren't you glad that old
Solomon desired above anything else that God would give him wisdom? These verses here in proverbs are words of
wisdom are they not? And they are great
nuggets of truth for each of us to learn of.
Brethren, let's trust in the
Lord, not in our own understanding, for our own understanding may seem so right
to us, but the way thereof may be the way of destruction. Let's abide in Christ, let's be attentive to
the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let's
acknowledge the Lord in all our ways. In
all our ways we must put Him first and foremost in our lives, and if we do so,
He will direct your paths.
He will keep you on the right
path. He will give you the proper
discernment so that you will not walk in a wrong way. His Word will be as a light unto your path to
keep you on the narrow way. If we will only put Him first in our lives and acknowledge him in
all our ways.
Let us not be rebellious in
our ways. Let's don't brake
the covenant that has been made between the Lord and each of us. For there are a great many people who have
made a breach of contract concerning the covenant of God.
Isaiah 30:9-13 "......this
is a rebellious people, lying children that will not hear the law of the
Lord: Which say to the seers, see not; and to
the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things,
prophesy deceits: Get you out of the
way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy one of Israel to cease from
before us. Wherefore thus says the Holy
One of
Here we find that when a
people will not listen to the law of the Lord, they are considered as lying
rebels in the sight of God. These people
do not want God's watchmen, who see and hear from the Lord, to preach the right
ways of God.
They want smooth things and
lies preached to them. This does not
mean that they will be openly asking for lies to be preached to them. It means that the things that they desire to
hear and live by are based upon lies in the sight of the Lord God.
They don't know that their
worship is based upon lies, but God knows it, and so does His watchmen. But they don't want God's men to preach on
the Sabbath days, the keeping of God's righteous laws and so forth. That is the right things spoken of there in verse
Instead they want
non-corrective easy messages preached. That's the smooth things of verse
10. They want preached to them grace
without obedience, Sunday keeping, pagan holidays and so forth. Don't we realize that that is the deceits
there in verse 10.
Then in verse 11, we see
God's view of what these people are doing by not listening to Him or His
watchmen and instead are desiring smooth messages
filled with lies. Verse 11 is God
speaking as to how He feels about what these rebels are saying unto Him or His
ministers by their rebellious attitudes.
They're saying,
get out of the way God! We will not
listen to you or your ministers, just get you out of the way! We're not going to follow your path, we've
got our own path, and by so doing this, they are essentially causing God to
cease from before them.
To go on then in verses 12
& 13, we find the Lord says that because they despise His words and His
warnings, but instead continue in their rebellion, and stay in such rebellion
even after being warned, destruction is instead in their path. Verse 13 states that because of their
iniquity, their lawlessness, their rejection of the Lord's ways, a great breach
will occur.
Not only does this breach
represent a collapse of their spiritual lives, it also represents a breach of
contract between God and anyone who would find themselves in this same
condition. A great separation takes
place for a sinful disobedient lifestyle will separate us from God. Isaiah 59:1,2 tells
us so.
This brings us back to a full
circle. Our lives must be pleasing unto
God in order for that close intimate relationship to be. But what is the answer for the world? What is the solution for all that plagues
mankind? What can remove the curse?
Remember we have read today
that God was in Christ Jesus reconciling or restoring the world back to
Him. It is by Jesus can the breach
between man and God can be repaired. But
if you remember as well that God has committed or entrusted unto us the
ministry of reconciliation. He is
preparing us to rule and reign with the Christ in His government to come.
You are in training right now
in the ways of God that you might, under the authority of Christ,
restore the knowledge of God's ways to all of mankind. The ministry of restoration has been
committed unto us in this present time and even more so in the kingdom when we
will administer the truth, if you are found faithful and overcoming as a member
of the Church of the living God.
Isaiah 58:12-14 "They
that shall be of you shall build the old waste places: You shall raise up the foundations of many
generations; and you shall be call, The Repairer of the breach. The Restorer of paths to
dwell in. If you turn away your
foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holyday; and call the
Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable, and shall honor Him, not
doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own
words: Then shall you delight yourself
in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth,
and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken
This is a part of the same
restitution or restoration of all things from Acts chapter 3, and since through
Christ we have been given the ministry of restoration to be kings and judges
and priests in the Kingdom under Christ, we are being used and we will be used
as a repairer of the breach and as a restorer of Godly paths to dwell in.
God predestined that a people
would be used to point mankind to the Christ, to make repairs to their
foundation by pointing them to Christ, and then showing them the way saying
this is the way walk you in it. They
will be showing the people the Old Paths that they might walk in them and find
the good way, and rest for their souls.
Brethren God is in the
business of restoration. He fixes
things. He restores things and makes
them new again. He declares it in
Revelation 21:5 by
saying "Behold I make all things new."
Jesus is doing that with
certain people right now, and He will use those individuals as part of His plan
to make a repair to the breach, to fix the foundations, to put down rebellion,
to restore anew the old and ancient paths, that one day & I deeply believe
this, that aside from those rebels who just will not repent, the majority of
all of mankind will finally, finally, be as Jesus is, pleasing unto the
Father. Good Lord, I ask that you would
quicken that day!
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
Marengo, IN 47140