To begin with I would like to insert a disclaimer of sorts.
When reading this article, one could easily come away with the feeling that I
hate those who are Christians. That my dear reader is the farthest from the
truth. It is some of the ways of Christianity that I hate as we shall see that
Yahweh and Messiah also hates it! I love Christians and I have much in common
with them for I was once as they now are and there may come a time and already
is when we all may be in need of each other during the troubled times to come.
I have recently heard those who are sympathetic to Hamas
after the conflict with the Jews of Israel here in 2023 say: “First the
Saturday people then the Sunday people.” Of course, by Saturday people they are
actually talking about the Jews who keep the 7th day Shabbath. But those who are Torah observant and not
necessarily Jewish, also keep the 7th day Shabbath.
The Sunday people are not just talking about Christians only but those of the
West as the West is identified as Christian.
Even though there are similarities in the two belief
systems there is also a wide chasm of differences. But the similarities are
just enough to tie the two together when it comes to the adversarial roles
being played out among those of the Abrahamic faith; Islam, Judaism,
Jews, Torah observant believers, Christians and those of
the West are all lumped together by those who could be our common enemy.
Although I have some great disagreements with Christianity and how great they
are, I will swiftly come to their defense against a common enemy or against the
taking away of their rights. To have their rights diminished also threatens my
rights. Our own government as of the present date is becoming beastly in nature
as an adversary against any form of the Judeo-Christian faith. Please bare this
in mind as you read some very harsh indictments of Christianity in the
In this article we will discuss the great Christian
“holiday” known as Christmas and yet maybe a bit differently than we have in
past articles.
The Morrow After is a statement made to say that no matter what
heresy is common among mankind and the Babylonian based religions of the world,
Yahweh’s ways still stand as the only true standard of conduct and belief.
The Babylonian mystery religions and chiefly their teachers
are masquerading as being lamb based yet are actually wolf based. (Matthew
7:15) They look like a lamb but speak as the dragon. (Revelation 13:11) It is
the spirit of antiMessiah, which long ago changed the
righteous ways and covenants of Yahweh with a covenant of disobedience. But
those who are in that covenant relationship with Yahweh know that those who
have made or now observe these changes only think they have, (Daniel 7:25) for
the morrow after, Yahweh’s ways are still firmly in place. When the dust
settles it is the ways of Yahweh that will stand victorious in this great
spiritual war. Until then, until the war is over, we face daily and annual
battles on this great battlefield. In this publication we will among other
topics discuss a war time front that we battle with every year.
Anyone who has followed this writer’s publications over
many years should recognize that I view certain doctrines of Christianity’s
system of beliefs as being rooted in pagan heathenism, only loosely tied with
the Scriptures.
It is very important for you the reader to realize that I
did not say that Christianity’s system of beliefs are rooted in the Scriptures
and only loosely tied with pagan heathenism.
There is a mighty difference between those two statements!
If you didn’t catch the difference, it would be important to read again what
was just stated. Especially in the light of what you are going to read in the
following paragraph.
I must be honest though in admitting that the latter of the
two statements is probably true of even those who are Torah observant and
keepers of the Way. Those of us who are followers of Yahweh and of Messiah
Yahshua most likely have pagan heathenism still lingering in our beliefs that
we are yet unaware of. Be assured though, that little by little Yahweh thru His
Kodesh Ruach will reveal the truth of these things unto those who are in
covenant with Him and therefore give unto us our need for repentance and so our
conversion is thus ongoing.
Unfortunately, that revealing can be a very troubling time
for us. It is hard to change one’s beliefs, even if the truth of that need is
blatantly staring us directly in the face. We normally fight it and oftentimes
for a great many years before coming around to admitting to a long-accepted
falsehood that Yahweh has brought to the surface of our beliefs. Thank Yahweh
that He is so patient with us.
The keeper of the Way will eventually succumb and then
lovingly submit to the power of Yah’s spirit and bend to His Will in the
matter. We must allow the leavening to rise for without that rising we would
fall short of seeing wherein we are not yet unleavened in His sight and our
need for repentance. It is as if we have COME OUT of darkness and into the
light having been delivered from spiritual blindness to have given unto us a
hearing ear and seeing eyes. 1st Peter 2:9; Proverbs 20:12
Those who are in Mystery Babylon or as should be called in
our day “Christian religious confusion”; have this same need. There is though, a major difference between
those who are still in Mystery Babylon and with those who have already been
called out of her and are coming out. That difference is that those still in
Mystery Babylon may have yet to be called out of her.
The declaration has gone out, (Revelation 18:4)
(spiritually speaking, as there may one day come a calling out physically as in
a 2nd Exodus) but Yahweh must act on the declaration in an
individual’s life prior to the process of wherein they begin sensing the need
to begin looking into these things. If they eventually come out of Christianity
or any other Babylonian belief system, at some point afterwards they will come
to the realization that long before coming out that Yahweh Himself was already
calling them to come out.
As already admitted, the process of coming out of Babylon
is ongoing but there must be a reactive response on the part of the called out
ones to eventually begin coming out or to make the choice, either while in
their blindness or in their rebellion, to stay in.
Everyone one of us who have had the blinders removed that
we might see the truth of these things were already at some time in our past
called out and or are still coming out of the Babylonian belief systems that
are at the real root of Christianity’s days of observance. Even those who don’t
even associate themselves with Christianity or any other form of “religion” are
still under the umbrella of effects thru Babylon’s deception. They as well as
us could not help it for we were all born into it.
The whole world has been deceived, (Revelation 12:10) and
will remain deceived only until Yahweh begins the process of undeceiving an
individual will they begin to see Mystery Babylon as she really is.
We cannot come out without being called out and we cannot
be called out until Yahweh calls us out thru the process of giving us hearing
ears and seeing eyes. He begins the process of applying a spiritual salve to
our eyes that we might see and circumcises our ears that we might hear.
Revelation 3:14-22; Jeremiah 6:10 He performs a spiritual operation on our
hearts by cutting away any hostility that we have toward His laws (Torah)
giving us the desire to be obedient rather than rebellious.
He may choose not to call someone out during this age. Many
are called but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14; 1st Corinthians 1:26
Didn’t say that everyone is called for even those that are called only a small
number will be chosen. Many will reject the calling out of Mystery Babylon
although they were being called out. Only a few out of the many will respond
positively and thus are among the chosen ones as they remain faithful.
Called….chosen….faithful. Revelation 17:14
For those He does not call, He will just allow them to go
on into the grave in the end of their days and at the time of their
resurrection they will then at that time be given the Kodesh spirit to where
they for the first time will be enabled to see and hear. No different than what
will take place in Ezekiel 37:13,14 with the whole house of Israel. During
their lives before their resurrection didn’t even know Yahweh and were
rebellious to His ways and they still will not know Him even after their resurrection
until He puts His spirit in them according to the text from Ezekiel 37. That’s
where He gives them seeing eyes and hearing ears. That’s when He begins
undeceiving them. Once He puts His spirit in them, they will then for the first
time know Him, which means they will begin knowing and reverencing His true
name and His Ways.
Yahweh’s Ways does not include the keeping of these heathen
and pagan days that Mystery Babylon observes and honors in the worship of false
elohims. You will not find a single scriptural text
anywhere of a commandment or endorsement by Yahweh Elohim for the days
Christianity sets apart as sacred to them.
Those engulfed and spellbound by this pagan heathenism
rooted in Mystery Babylon are in a very difficult place in that until Yahweh
begins the process of calling them out, they will never see their need to begin
coming out. And thus, they remain in their spiritual blindness, comfortably
residing in their cozy piousness, yet with truly honest and sincere beliefs.
Until they are called out and given a hearing ear and the seeing eye, no matter
how much we might try, they are just not going to be able yet to understand
their need to come out of her.
One of the most obvious ways to recognize the difference
between the worship of Yahweh and that of Christian Babylonianism
pertains to the observance of or preference to the days upon which one adheres
to as Kodesh. The Hebrew term “Kodesh,” is essentially defined as the English
phrase meaning to be “set apart.” In Christianity and in most English versions
of Scripture this term is deceptively mistranslated as the word “holy” which is
rooted in the name of the Greek sun deity “Helios,” from which we get other
heathen rooted terms such as holy, holiness, hallowed, halo, holiest, etc.
Those who are keeping the Way of the Truth of Yahweh and
are open to His leading, will at some point in their walk have it revealed to
them not to use such terms since we are commanded not to do so, that is unless
we are speaking about the term objectively, not in a form of reverence, honor
or worship. See Exodus 23:13 and 20:3-5.
Those in Christianity’s Mystery religion could care less
about using these names and terms since they have been taught that the Torah
(the law) has been done away with and so they have no problem living in sin and
rebellion to the Way of Yahweh. This they as well have no problem in rejecting
the true set apart days of Scripture and replacing them with days of their own
choosing but borrowed from the heathen and then Christianized for the
Christianity has their own “holy” i.e., “holidays,” just as
those who keep Yahweh’s ways, being Torah observant, keep His kodesh set apart days. The days of observance by
Christianity are not at all the same days as is observed, exemplified or
commanded in Scripture. Yet the days being kept, reveals who it is that is
being worshipped. It is really and truly that plain and simple.
If the days one keeps are not the same as what Yahweh commands,
then it is not Yahweh that is being worshipped or honored by the keeping of
those days. If the days one keeps in their worship are not founded upon
Scripture, then the keeping of those days are not scriptural. If the keeping of
those days in one’s worship are not commanded by Yahweh in His Word, then such
persons are doing the same as did ancient Israel did, substituting the worship
of Yahweh by and how the heathen worshipped their elohim.
Deuteronomy 12:29-32.
Instead, they are unknowingly worshiping these other elohim such as Baal, Tammuz, Helios, Sol, Ishtar, Mythra,
Dionysus, etc., but with new updated names or titles from Christianity such as
God, Lord, Jesus or Christ which are also of heathen origins and simply not the
same as Yahweh our Elohim or Yahshua our Messiah. To put it pointedly, their
rock is not even like our Rock!! Deuteronomy 32:31
The three greatest days or seasons that Mystery Babylon
uses in the worship of their elohim are Sunday,
Christmas and Easter. Not to say that there are no other days of observance
being used in their worship, especially among Catholicism’s hyper paganized
version of Christianity. All three of those days of observance are rooted in
sun worship as is easily seen with even but a small bit of research. But
without being call out by Yahweh and then the action of coming out by an
individual with their new spiritual eyes and ears, all the research that can be
found will still not convince nor convict a person of the truth.
There are also secular days of observance that also have at
their roots pagan and heathen customs. Days such as the observed New Years Day
day) and (Valentine’s)
Day are a couple examples of heathen days of worship being kept by the secular
world as well as most in Christianity. Even Thanksgiving is observed but is
most likely a possible substitute for the true scriptural set apart Feast of
Sukkot only moved to the 8th month scripturally speaking (11th
month on the Gregorian calendar) and shortened down from 7 days to one.
Jeroboam did the same while in rebellion and disobedience to Yahweh. 1st
Kings 12:32,33. If Yahweh felt so
strongly against Jeroboam for altering His Feast why would He feel any
different in our day for the same transgression? After all He changes not!
(Malachi 3:6) All of Yahweh’s commanded days of observance are being rejected
and then replaced by heathen days adopted by Christianity. It is a form of
replacement theology.
Much could be said concerning these pagan days and of their
heathen origins and much has been said. There are almost an endless list of
books and articles with tremendous evidence that have been published over the
centuries documenting the heathen foundations of these days that Christianity
adopted and amalgamated into their system of worship and beliefs. It has been
dubbed by the theological term “Syncretism.” (More on that later) This writer
has attained a great many of these books over the years as documentation of
what was revealed to him more than 45 years ago from this date.
I would suppose that Sunday is the most often kept day from
the heathen world since it arrives at least 52 times in a year, but Christmas
is the greatest pagan festival of the year with the most hoopla of celebrations
and décor.
At the timing of this present publication, we are in the
midst of that greatest pagan festival that occurs each year near and around the
winter solstice. A festival that is in celebration of the birth or re-birth of
the sun deity who has come and gone over thousands of years by many names and
titles as old decaying religions were only to be resurrected by the latest
replacement religion of the time while all along still retaining at its roots
similar forms of beliefs from the previous.
The names of these deities change as the latest religious
system comes into place of the old yet with a merging of the newer cultural
ideologies along with the philosophies of the one preceding. In our day it is
still sun worship yet by another name. Deity by another name and religion by
another name yet on the morrow after, its origins, customs and traditions
remain as sun worship.
By now you should already know who the latest sun deity
that is being worshipped on December 25th. Jesus is just the newest
given name of the present sun deity that is born and re-born every year on or
near the same date that most all of the ancient sun deities were mythically
born and re-born.
During the syncing of the pagan religion of Rome with that
of the then already synced Hellenized Hebraic beliefs, the true Messiah’s birth
was transferred to the birth of Sol Invictus in Constantine’s newly reinvented Romanish religion which evolved into Roman Catholicism of
which Protestants are in full consent minus most of the ritual. For some of
that ritual, just watch your television for the midnight Mass on the Eve of the
Christ-Mass (Christmas).
A very good rule to go by when it comes to anyone’s
personal beliefs, their ritualistic forms of worship that is embedded in their
customs and traditions, is to always ask yourself:
ü Is
this commanded in Scripture by Yahweh?
If you cannot find a commandment for the keeping of a day
that you set aside as a “holy day” (In Christian terminology) then what or
where do you have a basis for your belief?
Now it is vital for a person to understand that the Hebrew
Tanakh and especially Torah are the true Scriptures. Any other writing, ancient
or modern, must agree with Tanakh. It must not diminish from Torah, it must not
add to Torah. Deuteronomy 12:32
There is a tremendous statement made in 2nd
Timothy 3:16,17 that most overlook it’s meanings “All scripture is given by inspiration of
Yahweh, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: That the man of Yahweh may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good
Most do not know that at the time that 2nd
Timothy was penned, there was not yet a collection of writings that several
centuries later came to be known as the New Testament. The “ALL SCRIPTURE”
alluded to in that text could only have been speaking of the Tanakh, Genesis
thru Malachi, and more specifically the Torah! In fact, the deeper Hebraic
meaning of the term “Torah,” is our instruction in righteousness, which is
actually mentioned there in the text from 2nd Timothy. The
Tanakh/Torah is the essentials for doctrine, reproof, correction and
instructions as they were inspired by Yahweh!
There must be a standard to base our beliefs upon. That
standard is Torah and any other writing that agrees with Torah. From that
standard we can always then have a basis for testing what it is that we are
believing in. Without having that standard, a person can go off into believing
whatever it is that seems right in their own eyes. (Deuteronomy 12:8; Proverbs
To obey Torah is to obey Messiah for Messiah Yahshua is the
Word and that Word is Torah. The antithesis of that statement is just as true.
To reject Torah is to reject Messiah.
Let us see what it is that the Word Himself says on this
“….in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of Yahweh, you hold the
tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like
things you do. And he said unto them, Full well you reject the commandment of
Yahweh, that you may keep your own tradition…….Making the word of Yahweh of
none effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such
like things do you.” (Mark 7:7-9,13)
It is as though there is no need to even comment on these
verses. Messiah was speaking to the Jews in their day about one of their
traditions in this text but let His words speak to you in the light of our
current subject as Messiah plainly says that there are many other such like
things you do. In our day we could say many other such things like the keeping
of Christmas and the other heathen days of observance!
Since the keeping of Christmas or even the birth of the
true Messiah is not commanded by Yahweh to be observed and yet if anyone thinks
they are worshipping Him thru the keeping of these days, Messiah says your
worship is in vain! Counts as nothing to Him, worthless because its basis is
not from Scripture. But that is just what Christianity, and her idolatrous
preachers are teaching, as their doctrines are merely the commandments,
traditions and customs of men from the heathen world, while laying aside Yahweh’s
The keeping of days or seasons such as Christmas is not
commanded in Torah, but rather we are commanded not to keep the days from these
heathen religions. Torah is the only standard we have to go by and base our
beliefs upon, to use as a test against what we are believing concerning
doctrine. But Christianity plainly teaches that we don’t have to keep the Torah
law, they lay it aside and instead keep their own commandments. Their
traditions and customs have become their own commandments! They are doing what
they think is right in their own eyes without a basis or standard to support
what they believe upon.
Ancient Israel went off into Idolatry and the worship of
Baal and other heathen deities. When they did, they stopped keeping ALL the
commandments of Yahweh including ALL His Shabbaths or
set apart days. (2nd Kings 17:7-23) Well worth your time reading.
they forsook
ALL the commandments of Yahweh
their Elohim, and made them molten
images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host
of heaven, and served Baal.” (2Ki 17:16)
They forsook all the commandments of Yahweh! Baal worship
was the worship of the sun (one of the hosts of heaven) which was the greatest
of abominations in Ezekiel chapter 8 as they were having a sunrise service
which takes place by Christianity on their Easter. Baal’s title was the “Lord”
and He was worshipped on Baal’s day ie.; the “lord’s
day,” which in sun worship is the “sun day.” Sunday, the lord’s day or Baal’s
day are all one in the same at their roots. I actually believe that when Israel
set aside and forsook ALL the commandments and thus stopped keeping the Shabbath that they began keeping the Sun day as is being
done in our day in Christian Babylonianism.
But no matter how much a person willfully rejects the Torah
of Yahweh and instead keeps their traditions as in the observance of a pagan
day of worship, the morrow after, Yahweh’s Torah remains firm as His righteous
standard as a basis of what to believe, what to observe, what to eat, how to
live righteously, the difference between good and evil, the meaning of sin and
lawlessness and so on.
every child living in a predominantly Christian nation knows at a fairly young
age what the date of December the 25th represents to them. But what
it represents does vary somewhat in traditions and customs or to the depth it
is observed. There are more or less six major viewpoints concerning an
attachment to the Christmas.
1. I’m
certain there still remains pure pagans who actually worship the sun, earth and
trees. They don’t observe Christmas, but do observe the solstice season with
the rebirth of the sun.
2. Some
people do not attach or associate any spiritual meanings of the day at all but
are purely secular in their observed traditions.
Many have a secular view of the day yet loosely associate it with a religious
Others attach a strong spiritual attachment to the day with just a glimmer of
the secular customs.
5. And
yet others reject all secular attachment and purely hold to what they whole
heartedly believe to be the Scriptural truth as believed to be taught in their
Bibles. They believe that their Jesus was born on Dec. 25th and they
honor the day with that in mind without the Santa and Christmas trees,
decorations, etc. They think that all of that stuff is indeed pagan yet don’t
see that the true Messiah was not born on the same day as the rebirth of the
sun deity. It is the spirit of antiMessiah that was
or is born and reborn annually on Christmas.
6. The
Torah observant believers have zero association with the day or the season.
They have no adherence spiritually or secularly with the day. They have had the
revelation that the season of celebration is purely heathen in nature, not
commanded in Scripture but rather Yahweh commands against the keeping of such
days. The season, the eve of, the day of and the morrow after is kept keeping
the ways of Yahweh with no regards of what the heathen, the secularists, the
Christian do on Christmas. That is other than being frustrated with a righteous
indignation over the idolatrous ways of the world.
many years of his younger life, this writer held to the 4th viewpoint and
eventually grew into the 5th but ultimately and finally settled into the 6th
view never to return to any of the other stances concerning the Christmas.
Where do you stand with which view? Have you noticed a need to change your
stance to a higher level viewpoint? If so, it may be that Yahweh is calling you
out of Babylon!
year, on Thursday Dec. 21st, 2023, was the Winter Solstice, the
shortest period of daylight in the year. It was a day highly observed by
ancient people. The most often worshiped object in ancient times was the sun,
due to the obvious that it gave light and heat. But it might surprise you just
how many are knowingly or not still worshiping or are involved in rituals of
worship of the Sun!
In our
day we have modern homes with modern heating, we have grocery stores to easily
purchase supplies. But in ancient times and even in just the past few hundred
years, the Winter cold meant starvation and death to exposure for thousands of
men, women and children worldwide. That is why I exhort people to get prepared
in case we are thrusted back into more primitive times.
ancient times in the northern hemisphere, the cold of Winter meant a life and
death scenario. They noticed that the sun dipped low in the southern sky and
the days were short and it was virtually impossible to grow their crops. The
ancient people worshiped the sun and at or near the time of the solstice it was
as if their sun deity was dying or had died. When the solstice came, they knew
the days would soon begin to lengthen and thus there were great celebrations.
Rome is the epicenter for the merging of paganism with the ways of Yahweh out
of which was born Christianity as it is known in our day. Don’t think for a
moment that Christianity began with Messiah and the Apostles. Corruption to the
Hebraic truth essentially began after the death of the last Apostles with the
Greeks, as their culture greatly polluted and influenced the beliefs that
eventually became Christianity and especially with the writings in what has
been called the New Testament. It is known as Hellenization. But it wasn’t
until early in the 4th century that Rome, by the emperor Constantine declared
itself Christian, yet it retained its heathen sun worship, only merging the
already Hellenized Hebrew beliefs into their pagan religion.
of converting to the true ways of Yahweh they just merged the two religions
together forming Christianity. Christianity has truth but it is mixed with
pagan customs. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. As already mentioned, it
is called syn·cre·tism which is the amalgamation or
attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.
before the Roman syncretism, all ancient people worshiped the sun also. The
Egyptians worshiped the sun thru their deity Ra and Horus. The Greeks worshiped
the sun thru Apollos or Helios, the ancient Babylonians worshiped the sun thru
Nimrod and Tammuz who are actually mentioned in Scriptures and in conjunction
with sun worship. Every ancient civilization has a sun deity. As we’ve seen
directly from Scripture that Israel borrowed Baal worship from the heathen
nations around them. But the sun deities all had something in common, the day
of the annual rebirth of the sun.
Rome, when the winter solstice came, their sun deity was dying or had died it
was their feast of Saturnalia. They would worship their deity of agriculture,
but it was also a time when they would worship the sun asking Sol to return to
warm up the earth so that the crops could grow again. Within just a few days of
the solstice the ancient people began to notice a lengthening of day light. To
them it was the birth or the annual rebirth of their sun deity.
It was
a day of merry making, gift giving and feasting. Eventually they settled on a
day on which to worship the rebirth of the sun which was December 25th on
today’s Gregorian calendar.
true Messiah was not born on December 25th. We are just not told in Scripture
when He was born but the clues we have, shows he was possibly born during the
feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) which falls in the month of October, 7th
month scripturally. But we also know from the clues that He couldn’t have been
born in Winter. It is more likely that He was conceived near Christmas rather
than born then.
Yahweh’s people do not observe the birth of the Messiah, for if Yah would have
wanted us to, He would have told us when and how. We should give thanks that He
was born and came into the world as our Messiah, but it is not a day to set
aside as a set apart day for there is no commandment to do so. Doing so is
adding to the Torah and we are commanded not to do that.
Rome merged the two religions together as the Greeks before them had already
influenced and out came the hybrid pagan religion known as Christianity and
from there the whole world follows Rome’s edicts all the way down to our day.
Rome is the seat of where the Catholic Church had its beginnings. It is a Romanish Church with an amalgamated belief system of
heathenism with the Hebraic Scriptures.
certain persons began objecting and protesting many of the doctrines of the
Roman Church. They became known as the Protestants who came out of the Catholic
Church during the Great Inquisition but retained much of her pagan doctrines.
These are most likely the harlot daughters of the great Mother whore in
Revelation 17 who instead of being true to the one true living Elohim have
committed fornication with the heathen world.
Catholic Church, which is Romanish in nature, had
their feasts of nativity, one of which was celebrated on December 25th in which
the birth of Sol the Roman sun deity was honored, only renamed in their newest
deity, Jesus.
this day over 1500 years later this same heathen festival is still being
conducted only candy coated with names, stories and terms from Scripture for
the deception.
tells us to not enquire of how the heathen worshiped their elohim
and try and worship Him in the ways that the heathen worship. But that is
exactly what billions of people have done. It’s what most everyone of us have
done prior to being called out of that confusion.
12:29-32) “When Yahweh your Elohim shall cut off the nations from before you,
whither you go to possess them, and you succeeds them, and dwell in their land;
Take heed to yourself that you be not snared by following them, after that they
be destroyed from before you; and that you enquire not after their elohim, saying, How did these nations serve their elohim? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so
unto Yahweh your Elohim: for every abomination to Yahweh, which he hates, have
they done unto their elohim; for even their sons and
their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their elohim.
What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: you shalt not add thereto,
nor diminish from it.”
We see
here that Yahweh hates the ways that the heathen worship their elohim and tells us not to observe how they worshiped and
borrow the heathen ways to try and worship Him. You think he feels any
different about it in our day? He hates the Christmas festivities and if you
have His spirit living within you, you also will hate such customs or
eventually come to hate it.
said do not add to his ways or take away from it. He gives us the knowledge of
how to worship him. By keeping Shabbath and the set
apart days for example. Those are His officially commanded times of worship. We
had better not diminish from those ways. But when we observe Sunday or
Christmas or Easter etc., we are adding to his ways with no support from
Scripture to do so. If we don’t observe Shabbath and
His days, we are diminishing from His ways. The exact disobedience that Yahweh
commanded us not to engage in.
10:2-4 “Thus says Yahweh, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed
at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs
of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the
hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold;
they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”
is a perfect example of tree worship or the use of a tree in an idolatrous act,
which was a thing the ancient heathen took part in, yet Yahweh says here not to
learn the ways of the heathen. But that is exactly what we have done and almost
every home in this Nation has dishonored one of Yahweh’s most beautiful
creations, the evergreen tree, by doing just what he says not to do.
just read it there from Yahweh thru the prophet Jeremiah that they would cut it
down with the axe and deck it with silver and gold and fasten it so it wouldn’t
fall over. Almost the same words people use today during this season! “Silver
and gold, silver and gold…..,” or “Deck the halls with bells of holly, Fa la la la la,
la la la la.” That last old Christmas Carole could have an entire
article just on its meanings especially with the pagan yule log and the old
Roman Janus
day observance in the ending of their year and the beginning of the new!
Yahweh’s year begins in the Spring.
the term “Deck” as was used in the text from Jeremiah is the short root of the
full term “Decoration.” We all must admit that the Christmas season is a time
of decorations to the fullest extreme with no other time of decorations to
as he was being spoken thru by Yahweh Elohim spoke of cutting a tree out of the
forest and decorating it and nailing it down. I’m sure some still do, but when
I was a young person people were still going out with their axes and cutting
down the evergreen tree then nailing it to a couple pieces of lumber so it
wouldn’t move.
you can buy them easily, even a fake one just prior to the Christmas and along
with it a special stand so it wouldn’t fall over. Even the items that the tree
is decorated with are of heathen origins. The little shiny balls hung on the
tree are most likely symbols of the sun, and the star atop the tree sounds a
lot like the worship of Moloch in Amos chapter 5 wherein Israel had gone off
into idolatry yet as though they were still worshiping Yahweh. Moloch was one
of the sun deities of that time and associated with Baal worship!
chapter 5 of Amos Yahweh declares that He hates their feasts! He doesn’t hate
His feasts, but He hates their feasts because they had syncretized His feast
days and His ways with the ways of the heathen.
do not know that there are many scriptural texts from the Tanakh wherein Yahweh
condemns the idolatrous practices of His people that borrowed them from the
heathen and one of those idolatrous practices involved green trees and in the
high places and groves wherein the evergreen tree predominantly grows! Read
Deuteronomy 12:2; 1st Kings 14:23; 2nd Kings 16:4; 17:10;
2nd Chronicles 28:4; Isaiah 57:5; Jeremiah 2:20; 3:6,13; Ezekiel
The evergreen
tree was as if a symbol of eternal life to ancient people since it remained
green even during the harshness of Winter while all the deciduous trees had
lost their leaves and look dead during the cold seasons. It was a highly adored
object by the pagan world during the Winter months and still is.
Yahweh’s Torah observant people are often
persecuted during the times of the year when idolatry is at its strongest such
as Christmas. It is primarily due to when the keepers of Christmas realize that
Yahweh’s people don’t.
You are a Grinch! You’re a Scrooge! How often
those who keep the truth of Yahweh are compared with these two names during the
Christmas season. To our faces or behind our backs, we are often deemed as
complicit cohorts with these two disreputable characters that are so deeply
entrenched in the minds of the general public from childhood in books and
The Grinch is a well-known representation of
the perceived wrong attitudes to have during the Christmas season. Of course,
the story line makes these two as notorious as possible in their hum bug
demeanor. Both are characterized in the end though as finally coming around to
the good cheer, merriment and proper behavior we all should have during this
supposed sacred “holiday.”
all of Yahweh’s people are also reviled because they love Yahweh and keep His
commandments. They stand for the truth and therefore they take no part in these
very well documented heathen “holidays.” Documented in Scripture as well as in
ancient world history and mythology.
5:10-12 “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for
so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”
To be
called a grinch or a scrooge is a form of verbal or thought persecution. It is
to be reviled and to have evil spoken against us falsely as we just read in our
text from Matthew 5. Recall there in that same text that the Messiah said if
you are so persecuted to know that the prophets were also persecuted in the
same way.
was one of those prophets and was persecuted and reviled in much the same way
and what we are about to read from the prophet, sounds a whole lot like a
modern day Christmas when a word study is made of the text.
15:17 “I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone
because of Your hand: for You have filled me with indignation.”
didn’t sit with these people which means that he didn’t fellowship or assemble
with them in their feasts. He didn’t take part in their parties or feasts but
instead he sat alone. Reminds me of all my working years prior to my
retirement. Every organization I had worked for would have their company
Christmas party, but I wouldn’t attend, I went off to myself just like the
great prophet Jeremiah did. Yahweh’s Torah observant people deal with this at
school, work or even with the family Christmas parties every year during this
season and do so for their entire lives once coming into the knowledge of the
truth of these things.
calls these people that he wouldn’t sit with as mockers. The term “mockers” in
this text has similar meanings as the term “revile” in the text from the book
of Matthew. It is to scorn, deride, chide or to taunt, but it also means to
laugh or rejoice. So not only was Jeremiah speaking of these people as mockers
in that they were laughing and reveling in their feasts but that they were also
indifferent to how Jeremiah stood against their heathen customs or would not
fellowship or assemble with them in their feasts.
also called them an assembly so this very well could be speaking of a worship
assembly of which both the Jews and Israel went off into idolatry often and as
we shall see they at one time stopped keeping ALL the commandments of Yahweh!
How close are we to that same condition in our day to the point that the Torah
observant believer can no longer even assemble with the majority of those who
keep the ways of christianity let alone the secular
knew that they were mocking the true ways of Yahweh by observing pagan heathen
customs and yet attempting at worshiping Yahweh thru those heathen traditions.
That is why Yahweh in Amos chapter 5 said that He hated their feasts for they
had so polluted His Feasts with heathen customs they were no longer His Feasts!
Is that not what Christianity has done or is doing? Thinking they are honoring
the birth of the Messiah when in fact they are honoring the birth of the sun
deity? By rejecting Yahweh’s set apart days only to replace them with days from
the heathen world? Is that not what Messiah calls vain worship in Mark 7?
It is
a mockery of the true ways of Yahweh when anyone would mock by substitution of
His ways with a way that He does not authorize by commandment.
In the New Living Translation, (not to be confused with the living
bible) instead of mockers it translates it to mean MERRY FEASTS! Wow! Jeremiah
did not fellowship or assemble with those observing their merry feasts. Some
versions translate it to say MERRY MAKERS! Jeremiah did not fellowship or
assemble with those who were making merry around their heathen merry feast
days. A good Hebrew dictionary will show you that the term “mockers” in
Jeremiah 15:17 means to make merry.
a lot like words we hear this time of the year. How often do you hear “have a
merry Christmas?” It’s rooted in the same merry making verbiage and deeds that
took place during the festivals of the ancient Romans of the rebirth of Sol
Invictus their sun deity, only reintroduced thru syncretism in the worship of
the new Christianized sun deity only renamed as Jesus.
was mocked, He was filled by Yahweh with indignation. Yahweh filled him with
outrage and anger and frustration over this mockery. Yahweh’s ways are mocked,
and His people are reviled and spoken evil of falsely especially during the
Christmas season.
term “indignation” as used in the text means to froth at the mouth kind of
anger! Mad enough to spit! Yahweh filled Jeremiah with such indignation but
Yahweh Himself has this same hate for these heathen customs as can be read in
Deuteronomy 12:29-32; Amos 5. The Messiah also hated the deeds of the
Nicolaitans in the book of Revelation chapter 2.
It may
or may not be just a mere coincidence but isn’t it at least interesting to
ponder that Santa Claus became the alias of a certain St. Nicholas? The
Nicolaitans from what we can gleam from studies that have been made of them,
was that they were antinomian in their doctrines which means they stood against
the Torah laws of Yahweh. Where do we hear that from continually? Precisely one
of the central teachings from most leaders in the Christian religion.
Revelation chapter 2 we see that the Nicolaitans were being compared with the
doctrines of Balaam who taught Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols and to
commit fornication. Both of which involves an illicit unlawful relationship
with idolatrous practices rather than remaining true and faithful to Yahweh.
If, as we’ve seen that Yahweh hates such conduct it should not be surprising
then that Messiah Yahshua would also hate the conduct of those doing the same.
it quite astonishing that old St. Nick seems to have supernatural powers
attributed to Yahweh only as an omnipotent being? Quoting from the “Santa Claus
is Comin to town” Christmas Carole: “He knows when you’re sleeping, he knows
when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness
sake.” Yahweh Elohim is the only being with those attributes and thus to give
Santa the same qualities would then be Idolatrous!
rides around in a magical sleigh with supernatural flying reindeer and somehow
accomplishes at getting millions if not billions of gifts all on that one
sleigh and in one night’s time manages to visit and put all those gifts under
the evergreen trees of every Christmas believing family in the entire world.
Sounds a lot like an entity with the attributes of a deity and yet not Yahweh
Elohim, thus an idolatrous elohim.
it be that the spirit behind Santa Claus is a much darker entity than just
jolly old St. Nick who brings gifts and glad tidings to little children? We’ve
long known that the letters in the name Santa could just be a shuffling of the
same letters of the Satan. Do some research on the name “Krampus,” the
Christmas devil that punishes bad children as a demonic being, the alter ego of
Santa Claus. Remember Jekyll and Hide?
If St.
Nick or Santa is a character personifying the antinomian Nicolaitans who taught
as did Balaam to reject Yahweh’s ways which always leads to idolatry, it is
easily seen how Santa fits into the idolatrous plan of the Satan during this
time of the year.
should realize that the vast majority of people don’t know any better, they are
for the most part good and sincere people with the very best of intentions, but
to even wish a Torah observant believer to have a merry Christmas is in fact a
mockery of Yahweh’s ways, to His followers and to He Himself.
morrow after, Yahweh and His servants are still crying aloud: Learn not the way
of the heathen! Learn not the way of the heathen! Learn not the way of the
heathen! Learn not the way of the heathen! Learn not the way of the heathen!
Learn not the way of the heathen!
If you
do not retain much of what this publication has to say, at the least remember this:
Thus says Yahweh, Learn not the way of the heathen!
so, the Christmas season shall pass for another year. Yahweh’s people, filled
with His righteous indignation must endure all the Ho Ho
Ho’s, all the Merry Christmas greetings, all the Christmas songs played in the
shopping stores and on the radios, all the Christmas movies on practically
every TV station, all the traffic and congestion in the stores, all the bell
ringing, all the decorations, all the green trees, lights, candles, tinsel used
idolatrously, etc., etc., etc. and all with good intentions.
the morrow after, the Torah observant believer will continue on, standing firm
on Yahweh’s ways as the season of the heathen passes. But the morrow after is
also just another day closer to the next heathen day of observance in the Janus
Day! Then there will be another morrow after and so forth and so on.
must realize that mankind just thinks they are changing the Torah of Yahweh
substituting His ways with the ways of the heathen world with their traditions
and customs. In reality, Yahweh’s ways still stand firm, but in the end, they
will still stand firm no matter what the heathen think or do. He has them in
(Psalms 2:1-4)
do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the
earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahweh,
and against His
saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from
us. He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: Yahweh
shall have them in derision.”
It all
boils down to rebellion. As the previous text says, they don’t want Yahweh to
rule in their lives! But Yahweh just laughs at their attempts at ruling their
own lives apart from Him. He laughs at their vain attempts at substituting His
ways with the ways of the heathen. In other words, the morrow after their vain
attempts, Yahweh’s ways will still remain firm and true in the midst of the
antinomian heresies.
5:17-19) “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am
not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and
earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all
be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments,
and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:
but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the
kingdom of heaven.”
heaven and earth pass not even a jot or tittle of the Torah be destroyed. They
may think they can change Torah replacing it with their customs and traditions
and their own days of observance, but the morrow after Yahweh’s ways remain and
in place. There is an obvious difference in Messiah’s words between those who
do and teach His commandments and those who do not. Those who have substituted
and replaced Yah’s Torah with their own customs and traditions and “holidays,”
which are primarily from the ancient heathen world, are not keeping the
commandments of Yahweh and actually teach against keeping Torah.
Daniel 7:25 “And
he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints
of the most High, and THINK to change times and laws…….”
The antiMessiah system will speak great words against Yahweh or
His ways and shall wear out the Kodeshim, the set
apart ones. Wear out by physical persecution or verbal it matters not. At this
point in time, for the most part we only have verbal persecution, but verbal
persecution is also very wearing on the minds of Yahweh’s people especially
during the heathen days of observance.
notice there in our text from Daniel that it says this antiMessiah
system of beliefs will “THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS.” They will just think
to do it, but we know that the morrow after, after the dust settles, Yahweh’s
LAW will stand and stand forever and ever.
for a moment about what Yahweh is saying here thru Daniel the prophet. He says that they will think to change times
and laws. We know what the laws are for that is the English word, poorly
translated, for Torah. But what about the “times” mentioned there? Think of it
this way, what are the “times” in the Torah? They are His times for commanded
worship. His set apart days, His Kodesh days. Those in Mystery Babylon think to
change these times from the Torah. The 7th day Shabbath
has been changed to the Sunday, so they think to do. The annual set apart days
of Passover and the days of unleavened bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement,
Tabernacles and the Last Great day have all been changed to Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, Valentine’s day, Good Friday, Easter
etc., so they think to do.
Psalms 111:7-8 “The
works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are
sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and
His commandments
are SURE! They STAND FAST FOR EVER AND EVER! No matter what the spirit of antiMessiah in the mystery Babylonian religions do or say,
no matter if they think to change Yahweh’s ways, His Torah and His commanded
days of observance, no matter how much they rage against Yahweh and His people
the final Morrow after will still one day come.
day that morrow after will come with the return of Messiah, after the
resurrection from the dead, when we shall live and reign in the Kingdom and
idolatry will be put down much as did the child King Josiah do when before and
after him Israel indulged in similar idolatrous acts. I’ve always so enjoyed
reading about Josiah. Look his name up and find him in the Tanakh where it
describes a righteous king who took down the groves and the high places and
alters of idolatry and brought the ways of Yahweh back to the people.
how I yearn for that final morrow after. What a day that shall be!
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry