Sunday in the book of Acts?
I grew up in a Sunday keeping Church as most have. It wasn’t until the great El of heaven and earth began calling me out of Babylon (Rev. 18:4) that I understood the truth of the Sun-day.
How about those who still observe the Sunday and adhere to it as though it is a commandment from Yahweh? First, they must understand that the very term “Sunday” is not even found in the scriptures, nowhere! It is a man-made term and thus a commandment of men. (Mark 7) But the very meaning of the term is enough to see its pagan roots. It is the “Sun” day. It is the day of the Sun.
Yahweh Elohim only gave one day of the week a name. Although the Hebrew language has a name for each day of the week, but Yahweh called the 7th day the Sabbath. All other days of the week were just given numbers. By giving one day of the week a name, He set it apart from the other days for a special purpose.
Let us discuss Sunday keeping in the book of Acts. The book of Acts is actually “The Acts of the Apostles.” It is a record of the actions of the early followers of Messiah, how they lived, problems they encountered and the beginnings of carrying out the great commission given unto them by Messiah.
In our day, Sunday is the day most recognized as the day of worship by the sect of Christianity. Therefore, of all places in the scriptures we should find their reasoning for observing the Sunday in the book of Acts. But nowhere is Sunday mentioned in the book of Acts. In fact, the 1st day is only mentioned once in the entirety of the book of Acts. (Acts 20:7)
If you read Acts 20:7 and the other verses in and around it, you will discover that this was a going away party and meal for the Apostle Saul after the Sabbath had ended. A scriptural day is from sunset to sunset and since this meeting required lights and still be on the 1st day of the week, shows us that this would be what we consider in our day as man’s Saturday night. Saul left on the morrow (Sunday morning) at sunup to begin a 20 mile hike to his next destination. Therefore, this text does not prove Sunday keeping in the book of Acts, it actually disproves it!
So, our count of a Sunday observance in the book of Acts = 0. But just allowing the fact that Acts 20:7 does say the 1st day undeniably, we will make our count as “1.” If we are to consider this as an actual Assembly and worship service (which we know it was not) does one example, make something a custom? Does one example make something a tradition? Can you find a commandment in Acts 20 to now keep Sunday or the 1st day? You must admit the answer to all of these questions as a big NO! The Congregation can meet on any day of the week. There is no command of Yahweh that says we cannot meet on the 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, etc. But we are commanded to meet upon the 7th day.
The record of the Acts of the Apostles is quite overwhelming that they were meeting on the 7th day Sabbath. The term “Sabbath” is mentioned 9 times in the book of Acts. Acts 1:12; 13:14, 27, 42, 44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4. By the very fact that the Sabbath is mentioned should show us that the term still had relevance to the Apostles and the early Assembly of believers. But of these scriptures, how many are actually showing that they were meeting on the Sabbath for the purpose of searching the scriptures, for worship or for reasoning with others about Messiah and His ways?
In Acts chapter 13 we see that the Apostle Saul and his companions were in Antioch and attended a Sabbath service wherein not only Jews but also Gentiles were gathered together. After Saul had his turn at speaking to the group and the service was ended, the Gentiles came to him and asked if he could speak to them the next Sabbath. Now if the new day to meet upon was now the Sunday, this would have been the perfect time to tell these Gentiles. But Saul did no such thing, but it shows that the next Sabbath came almost the entire city out to hear the Word of Yahweh. So, in Acts chapter 13 we have 2 examples of Saul, his companions, Jews and Gentiles meeting upon the 7th day Sabbath.
Let’s count: Sabbath – 2 1st day – 1
In the book of Acts chapter 16:13 we see Saul and his companions meeting for an outdoor Sabbath service by a riverside.
New count: Sabbath – 3 1st day – 1
Acts 17:2, we see Saul again meeting on the Sabbath with the Jews. It was his manner or his custom to keep the Sabbath with anyone who he could meet with and take that opportunity to preach the Messiah to them and Yah’s ways. He often met with the Jews to try and convince them of the renewed Covenant and faith in Messiah. In this text we see Saul met 3 Sabbath days with them.
New count: Sabbath – 6 1st day – 1
In Acts 18 we see that Saul and his traveling companions were in Corinth. It says that in verse 4 they met on every Sabbath with both the Jews and the Gentiles showing them and persuading them of Yahshua the Messiah and of Yah’s ways. Verse 11 shows that they stayed in Corinth for a year and six months. For a year and a half they met every Sabbath. That would be a total of 78 Sabbaths! No mention that they met on any other day, which would have been ok. We could meet 7 days a week if so desired but Yahweh commands the appointment of the 7th day Sabbath. The record here showed that they came together on the Sabbath and not just Jews, but also the Gentiles! If there would have been a change from the 7th day to the 1st day, Saul would have told them and this chapter would have shown them meeting on the 1st day.
New count: Sabbath – 84 1st day – 1
The evidence is overwhelming that Saul, his companions; the early Assembly of believers, the Jews, the Gentiles were meeting upon the 7th day Sabbath. The only 1st day meeting was a gathering after the Sabbath (Saturday night) for a going away supper/party for Saul and his companions and Saul preached to them.
It was the Acts (the actions) of the early believers and Saul to continue observing the 7th day Sabbath and nowhere do we find a command to observe the 1st day or a rebuke for observing the 7th day. Let the evidence speak for itself!
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO box 247
Marengo, IN 47140