Just some thoughts about
the Christmas
Thanksgiving is not a scriptural set apart day and yet it comes
about as close as any of man’s annual holidays to being so. There are a
great many verses of scripture pertaining to and actually commanding the giving
of thanks. There is some evidence pointing to the possibility that the
Thanksgiving holiday may actually have its origins from the scriptural set
apart season of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Every year at my place of employment we have our annual Thanksgiving
employee dinner. Usually with very little to no preparations, no
decorations and fanfare and with a short extended lunch break the dinner is
over with and we are back to work. But when Christmas rolls around,
several days of work go into preparations for the employee dinner with multiple
employees being paid to get the party set up and then afterwards taken down.
Much detail is given in the decorations and even games are planned and
the employer allows much more time on the clock for the dinner and
I have observed this to be true throughout my working life and
with most companies. Now it is the employer’s prerogative to pay
employees to do whatever it is they desire, I have no issue concerning that,
but the issue that is concerning is the amount of time devoted to Christmas
compared to Thanksgiving. But was is even more concerning is the fact
that Yahweh’s true days of observance are totally rejected and completely
overlooked, forgotten or replaced with non-scriptural traditions and false holidays.
I’m sure they are out there, but I personally don’t know any companies that
actually honor the true Elohim with an employer sanctioned feast or observance
of the scriptural kodesh days. Of course to be
true to Yahweh in obedience, there would be no work being done on the kodesh (set apart) days of the Elohim anyhow.
As usual, I do not attend the company Christmas party, never have
and never will. It saddens my heart and grieves my spirit as I know that
it grieves the Ruach (spirit) of Yahweh as well, knowing that so much time and
effort goes into the preparations of a day that is not sanctioned scripturally
while His set apart days are no longer even in the thoughts of most.
One of the best proofs that Christmas is not a scriptural day is
simply for the sheer numbers of those who observe it! There are literally
billions of people worldwide who participate in the Christmas festivities.
Those who observe the true scriptural days of worship are relatively few in
number. If Christmas was truly a day sanctioned by Yahweh, there would be
very few participating in it. The ways of Yahweh are ignored and even
rejected by the vast majority of the world's inhabitants, including most
professing Christians! The things that Yahweh commands to do, man for the
most part rejects; whereas the things that He forbids, man for the most part
engages in and even finds pleasure in doing so! 2nd Thessalonians
2:10-12; Romans 1:18-32
Throughout scripture, the evidence always shows that those who are
keeping the ways of Yahweh are small in number compared to the many who keep
the traditions and ways of the world. Just how many do you know that are
keeping the Passover and the days of unleavened bread? Just how many do you
know who keep Pentecost or Trumpets or Atonement? Just how many do you
know who observe the Feast of Tabernacles or the Last Great Day? Just how
many do you know who keep the 7th day Sabbath? Your answer would be but a
very few even if you are a member of a congregation who observe the kodesh days thru loving obedience unto the living El.
If you do not have a fellowship with such a congregation your answer may
be that you know of nobody who keeps such days set apart!
Matthew 7:13,14 “Go in through the narrow gate; for wide is the
gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are
the ones entering in through it. For narrow is the gate, and constricted is the
way that leads away into life, and few are the ones finding
it.” Hebraic Roots version
And although it is easily proven from scriptural, historical and
secular documentation that Christmas is not nor ever has been a set apart day
of Yahweh, still billions blindly observe it. Now my employers and fellow
employees don’t know any better as is true among the billions of other people
around the world. Until Yahweh calls them to understand, they are just
not going to understand. Until then, they will not have a desire to know
the truth and nothing that I could ever say will open up their understanding,
all I can do is plant seeds and never compromise. Yet my fellow employees
and employers are good and caring people and I love them dearly. They are yet
blinded to the Truth of such things and I'm sure they think I'm a total
fruitcake for my beliefs. But the difference is that I can prove what I
believe from scripture in regards to the keeping of tradition over the observance
of Yah's ways, they cannot do the same.
Mark 7:6-13 “And answering, He (Yahshua Messiah) said to
them, Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, hypocrites; as it has been
written: "This people honors Me with the lips, but their heart is far away
from Me; and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of
men." (Isa. 29:13) For forsaking the commandment of YAHWEH, you hold the
tradition of men: washing of utensils and cups, and many other such like
things you do. And He said to them, Well
do you to set aside the commandment of YAHWEH so that you may establish your
own tradition? Verse 13 "......making the Word of YAHWEH of no
effect by your tradition which you delivered. And many such like things you
do.” HRv
2nd Timothy 4:3,4 “For a time will be when they will not endure
sound doctrine, but according to their own lusts, they will add to themselves
extra teachers according to their own desires; and they will turn away their
ears from the truth and will be turned aside to fables.” HRv
Those that know the Truth of Yahweh’s ways are to keep His ways.
Otherwise we are hypocrites. But we must also be merciful and
longsuffering toward those who do not yet have this understanding.
Presently Yahweh just does not know them. Even though the many may
call Him their Lord and Master (meaning they consider themselves as believers
or what they call being Christian) and even though they may perform such great
works of love and charity in His name, yet due to their lawlessness
(Torahlessness), the Elohim just does not yet know them.
Matthew 7:21-23 “It will not be that just everyone who says to Me,
Master, Master, will enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but the ones who do the
will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Master, Master, did we not prophesy in
Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of
power? And then I will declare to them, from everlasting, I never knew
you; "depart from Me, those working lawlessness!" HRv
The bottom line is that Yahweh commands His people to not learn
the way of the heathen. (Jeremiah 10:1-4) Yet that is just
what we have done! We have rejected the ways of Elohim and
instead have replaced Yahweh's ways with the ways of the heathen and then we are
trying to worship the true El thru those heathen tradition. Is it any wonder
why we see the degradation of our society? If members of the Assembly
will not remain faithful and true to the ways of Yahweh, how could we ever
expect unbelievers to do anything otherwise? Yahshua is not the reason for
the season. He is not the Christ in the Christmas. It is the spirit
of the antiMessiah, the imposter and counterfeit!
With much hard love,
Just a simple servant of Yahweh
If such words are speaking to your heart, the Master may be
calling you. He may be calling you to repent and turn from a life of
disobedience and rebellion to a righteous and loving obedience to His ways.
Let us know what you think of these things, we’d love to know your
thoughts about Christmas whether you agree or not with this editorial.
Click on the following links for related reading:
Scripture only or Oral traditions?
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140