Just a little bit about a lot of things
Let's get ready to Ramble!
Well, allow me to ramble today please! A lot has happened since our last Editorial. We have been very busy getting ready to resume services down at the Blue River Chapel. Since the building is not heated, we had last met there back in the Autumn of last year. So it has been an exciting past few weeks getting things together for our first meeting.
We purchased a low cost PA system so that those who are a bit hard of hearing can hear, although the Chapel has tremendous acoustics and well.... I do speak rather loudly! So loud that it takes me a couple of weeks to get my voice back to normal.
Our hope is to one day have our own facility. Presently we are sharing the Chapel with another group who meets on the Sunday. So all of that is a bit awkward to say the least, knowing the truth with which we firmly stand. But the lady that has been my contact with from the Sunday group seems to be a nice and caring person and I'm supposing that they are good people who desire to see people saved and I'm sure that they are doing a good service to the best of their knowledge.
The owners of the Chapel have been very good to us, never charging our Ministry for electric usage and so forth. Just as long as we keep the place clean and then as our gratitude, we do make small repairs as time allows. But to have our own facility that we could call home would mean much to us. And so we remain in faith and trust that the Elohim will bless us either way and we will accept His will in the matter.
The message given this last Sabbath was entitled "Establishing Scriptural Authority for the Set Apart Days." Yahweh gave us this message pertaining to evidence from the scriptures that the Feast days and appointed times are in fact supported scripturally and that there are many examples of Yahweh's people observing them during the Old Covenant times, Renewed Covenant times and even on into the future! We also showed that there is zero scriptural evidence of any of the days and seasons observed by Christianity of today. Will you obey the traditions of men or keep the ways of Yahweh? (Mark 7)
The world has seen some extraterrestrial rocks enter our atmosphere this Winter. A meteor exploded in Russia. A fairly small meteor at that and thank the living Elohim that no one was killed, although many were injured. It did cause a lot of damage for being a small meteor, making us ponder as to the magnitude of damage that will be caused as objects as large as a mountain will eventually hit our little planet. We also had another asteroid actually come closer to our planet than the distance between us and the moon! We had just as well be prepared, for scripture has very descriptive words of coming objects that will one day cause great and mighty destruction and loss of life to planet Earth and the inhabitants thereof. (Matthew, 24:29; Revelation 8) This is all due to the curse because they have transgressed the Torah, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. (Isaiah 24) When it has run its course, few men will be left alive.
Then we had news of the Pope resigning! I
find this quite humorous considering that there are many written documents from
previous Popes as well as Catholic writings declaring that the Pope is, as they
call their deity: “God”.
It is a good thing is it not, that the True Yahweh Elohim doesn't resign? If He did I have no doubt that the entire universe would just simply come apart at the seams. Anyhow, Pope Benedict is the first Pope in almost 600 years to resign. It is also an outlandish thought that the Pope is elected. Yahshua our Master actually states that you have not chosen (elected) Me, but I have chosen (elected) you! (John 15:16a; Mark 13:20; 1st Thessalonians 1:4; 2nd Peter 1:10) Are you among the Elected ones to govern with Messiah in the coming Kingdom?
Then there is the Saint Malachy Catholic prophecies pertaining to the 112th Pope being the last Pope. This is kind of strange in that the new Pope Francis, is the 1st to be called Francis, the 1st Pope from Argentina, first from Latin America, the first from the Western and the Southern Hemispheres, he is the first non-European in the modern era, first Pope that is a chemist and with only one lung as far as we know and he is the 1st Jesuit Pope. The Jesuits are the militant arm of the Vatican. http://www.remnantofgod.org/jes-oth.htm A lot of firsts in there for someone who could be the last Pope! We shall just have to wait and watch. I have felt strongly for years now that the Vatican has its eyes and desires on moving to Jerusalem in a rebuilt temple. If you clicked on the link revealing the oath of the Jesuits, realize that the new Pope, as kindly, gentle and fatherly as he seems to be at first glance, realize that he is a Jesuit. Beware!
Now we are moving right along into Spring while Winter has yet to give up. With the cold weather hanging on, a late Passover this year makes very plain sense in Yahweh's order of things. This year to keep the seasons in their correct positions, there was a 13th moon before the sign in the Sun of the Vernal Equinox, otherwise the scriptural new year would have fallen in Winter which would mean the new year would have begun before the old year ended....NO...NO...NO! That would be like saying that tomorrow has begun before today has ended. So only one more moon after sunset April 11th-12th?? and it is Happy New Year! On the 14th day of the month at evening will be Passover. And the Spring Kodesh days begin! As always, with the coming nearness of Passover, the enemy of the faith intensifies the attacks upon the brethren. Be strong in His power and in His might........Put on His armor......Have His faith.......give Him thanks and praise always.
With the false day of Easter coming up, pray that the ministry can remain strong and firm against the heathen infiltration into Christianity. There are many false prophets and preachers out there doing their best at continuing the deception, whether they know it or not. (1st John 4:1-3; 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15) I have a very bold statement to make and yet not me, but from the Word of Elohim. I can say of a surety that if by some miraculous chance a Sunday keeping preacher would somehow, someway, possibly make it into the coming great Kingdom of God, they would be considered as the least among the Saints. How can I make such a bold statement? Yahshua said in KJV Matthew 5:19 "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
In our day the apostate preachers consider the 7th day Sabbath as the least among the commandments, they preach the day of the Sun in its stead. They teach the worship of the East-Star (the Sun) and other such days of pagan origins, instead of teaching the observance of the scriptural set apart days. They teach others to disregard and to break the 7th day Sabbath. It is an antiMessiah system for it teaches men to disobey the True Messiah. Has the real Messiah come in your flesh by the power of His Ruach? If so your actions will be the fruit of your repentance.
It is my deep heartfelt desire, as it should be to all that the Sunday keepers and the lawless would come to repentance, for they are loved of the Father as well. But know this, that in the conclusion of these things, one of the criteria for entrance into the coming City of Yahweh is the keeping of His commandments. Revelation 22:14 "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. " Plus one must have the faith of Messiah. Revelation 14:12 "Here is the patience of the set apart ones: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahweh, and the faith of Yahshua." The Word of Yahweh is a two edged sword. Faith and obedience!
I fear though that most have fallen for the other Messiah, the other good news and a false spirit. 2Cor. 11:4 "For you gladly tolerate anyone who comes to you and preaches a different Yahshua, not the one we preached; and you accept a spirit and a good news completely different from the Spirit and the good news you received from us!" It is the spirit of disobedience! Yahweh is calling people out of a life of disobedience. Ephesians 2:2 "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience:" How about you? Has He or is He calling you out of the spiritual harlotry and Babylonian confusion that is rampant among today's Christianity? (Revelation 18:4) If so, do not neglect to answer the call, this may be your day of salvation!
Realize that there are many trying to get into the Kingdom, but few are actually getting in. Who IS trying to get in? Those who believe they are believers obviously. The outright heathen are not trying to get into Yahweh's Kingdom. Obviously those who don't have a care in the world about their salvation are not trying to get in. It is only those who believe they are believers are trying to get in, but most will not be able. Messiah said it Himself: Luke 13:24 "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." Why will they NOT be able? They have never been called in the first place and or have fallen for the lawless grace doctrines that keeps them as practicing sinners, children of disobedience, lawless children, children of iniquity. Here it now from the King James Version: Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." We no longer use the term or title “Lord” but by using it in this instance gives insight into those who would be speaking that title as prophesied by Messiah. Only those who consider themselves as Christian calls their Jesus their Lord! And yes Christians do perform good works and they do come in the false Name! Yet due to their lawlessness, many are not getting into the Kingdom! The Messiah simply does not even know them. He doesn't have a relationship with them due to their rejection of His law of commandments. Repentance is greatly needed.
One last thing to ramble about. This is to all those who consider themselves as Protestants. If you keep and observe the Sunday, Lent, Good Friday, Easter, Christmas, etc. you dear friend are not a Protestant, you are a Catholic! We are not only protestant unto the Catholic; we are also protestant even unto the Protestants for both are spiritual whores and harlots. Do you have ears to hear?
Rambling on until next time,
Just a simple servant of Yahweh