Have you proven what you believe?
"Prove all
things; hold fast that which is good."
1st Thessalonians
It is quite common for most individuals to just believe what they have been taught their whole lives are based upon Scripture. But if they were to actually search the Scriptures for what they have been taught they quite often come to the realization that what they believe is not Scriptural. In fact, much of what they have been taught is not even in their Bibles!
But since they do not search the Scriptures, they go on with their lives never questioning what they believe. How about you? Have you proven what you believe, or are you just taking the chance that what you believe is true and therefore you have not a worry in the world over your soul’s salvation? When it all comes down to the final climax of time, I fear that many will have gone into their graves never knowing the truth, although confessing that they do!
I will admit, I once was a Sunday keeper. I observed the day of the Sun as a day of worship and as what I called a holy day, so I thought. I remember as a young person hearing one old elder of the Christian Church that I was attending give many prayers. Always in his prayers he would thank “God” for gathering us here on this Sabbath day. Now I didn’t believe in the need to keep the 7th day Sabbath at that time, but I did have enough knowledge to know that Sunday was not the 7th day and that the 1st day is never called the Sabbath anywhere in the Scriptures. This was when the Spirit of Yahweh was working with me, nudging me to prove what I had taken for granted as truth.
Years later, I had a couple of dates with a young woman with which she admitted that she kept the 7th day Sabbath. Again at that time, I still did not accept the keeping of the Sabbath day, but believed that Sunday was now the day in which the people of Yahweh kept. So I decided to prove this woman wrong in her Sabbath keeping. I began to search the Scriptures concerning the Sabbath day as well as researching Sunday.
To make a long story short, instead of proving her wrong and me right on the issue, I was the one who was proven wrong and it was I who proved myself wrong with my own studies! Of course this was again the Kodesh Spirit nudging me along to prove the truth on a subject that I thought was the truth but instead I found that I was in error, in false doctrine.
With this in mind of proving what you have believed let us just ask some simple questions concerning the Sunday.
Other than when one of the Elohim’s annual Sabbaths were to happen to fall on the 1st day of the week, can you find a scripture wherein Yahweh or His people rested on the 1st day of the week?
Can you find a Scripture wherein the prophets and patriarchs ever honored the first day of the week as a rest day?
Have you read from the Scriptures that Yahweh ever blessed or set apart Sunday?
Can you find a place in the Scriptures that Messiah or His followers honored the 1st day of the week as a rest day, a day of worship or as the weekly Sabbath day?
Can you find anywhere in the Scriptures that the 1st day of the week was ever blessed by anyone to be set aside as a day to be honored?
Can you find one law of Scripture that enforces the keeping of the 1st day of the week or a statement declaring it to be a sin for not keeping the 1st day of the week?
Can you find one text of Scripture forbidding work to be done on the Sunday?
Can you find one text of Scripture a penalty for not keeping the 1st day?
Can you find a text of Scripture showing a blessing for observing Sunday?
Can you find any Scriptural regulations as to how the 1st day should be kept?
Can you find one text of Scripture that calls the 1st day a weekly Sabbath?
Can you find one verse in the Scripture that calls the 1st day the Lord’s day? There is no such Scripture, although the term “Lord” was never a title given unto our Messiah, for the term actually has links to Baal worship. In essence then the 1st day is Lord Baal’s day. But it is the Sabbath that Messiah is the Master of; therefore the Sabbath is the Master’s day.
Can you find a place in Scripture that ever gives the 1st day a sacred title?
Can you find one text of scripture wherein Messiah ever mentioned that day? You would think that if it would be some special day for the people of Yahweh, that Messiah would have at least mentioned it one time!
Can you find a single scripture showing us that the 1st day of the week was observed as a set apart day because of the resurrection of Messiah? You cannot, because He arose at the end of the weekly 7th day Sabbath not at the rising of the sun on the Sun Day!
Can you find an example in Scripture showing us that keeping the 1st day of the week had become a custom of the early Assemblies?
You will find with some study that your answer to everyone of these simple questions will be a resounding NO! Sunday observance is not a Scriptural teaching and the Messiah nor any of the Apostles or early Congregations ever kept the 1st day. You will only find examples of Sabbath keeping by the early New Testament Assemblies.
You must prove all things and then hold on to what you have proven as truth. The Sunday/Sabbath issue is just one of many. Make a list of everything that you have been taught as doctrine, then prove it whether it be truth or error. You might just be surprised!
Do you disagree? Then contact us with your evidence.
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140