October 8th, 2011
I sat in my office looking through my easterly facing window, I watched the sun
rise on the morning of the Atonement. The meaning of the day has
such great implications for all humanity, for the Assembly of Yahweh first and
then one day for all of mankind.
a firstfruit of the harvest (pictured in the set
apart day known as Pentecost) the Assembly of Yahweh or the called out ones,
are being chosen in advance of the larger harvest. So in every generation,
Yahweh has been calling out of the sea of humanity a select few so as to be
elected into His coming Kingdom government. That select few will be
in the first resurrection and those alive will be changed to immortal beings at
the coming of Messiah, pictured in the Feast of Trumpets, just observed Sept.
29. The Assembly of Yahweh, body of Messiah, are already
being atoned for in advance of the remainder of mankind. We are already
being made at-one with Yahweh.
remainder of mankind with which were not called and chosen will come forth in
the 2nd resurrection and be given their opportunity for salvation at that
time. But there will also be some who will survive the coming
judgment and the horrendous events that will accompany the 7 seals, 7 trumpets
and 7 last plagues. These individuals will be in a great need for
healing after what they have just experienced. They will need to be
atoned for, to be shown the ways of Yah that they had rejected previously in
their lives.
is a double Sabbath. As the sunset on man’s Friday evening, the 7th
day of the 10th month of the Gregorian calendar, the weekly 7th day
Sabbath began. During the same time period is the annual set apart day of Atonement, taking place on Yahweh’s 7th
month of the scriptural calendar and the 10th day of the 7th
a commanded fasting day, I think about the multitudes of peoples who could care
less about the ways of Yahweh. They spend their days with little to
no reflection upon what the great Elohim of the universe has done and is yet to do for His greatest creation, man.
most just go about their rebellious ways with little regard to the recompense
for their actions. Somewhere on the face of this planet, there is
someone murdering an innocent person. Somewhere there is a rape
taking place, a theft, an adulterous act, a young child being molested, a lie
being told, intoxication on drugs or alcohol, someone working on the Sabbath or
doing the lawn work, or doing their shopping on this set apart day, eating an
unclean chunk of swine’s flesh, evil men planning the downfall of nations,
perverted individuals engaged in pornography, torture, hate, witchcraft,
sorcery, slavery and every form of fornication, lasciviousness, and revellings. On and on we could go with the
unrighteous works of the flesh and the total disregard of the living Torah,
some of which are actually being done in the name of their Christ, the lawless
so we must pray and fast for the time in the which Messiah
will return and atone for the sins (Torahlessness or lawlessness) of those who
are not presently being called. We must mourn and hurt and lament
for the sins being committed by mankind. We must grieve for them as
Yahweh bemoans their actions.
fast is a short one. This man has fasted for well over a week
numerous times in his life, so today’s fast is no big deal. And yet
it is a big deal in that this is a commanded fast as we bewail the conditions
of the world’s inhabitants. Today’s fast is one in which we also
don’t drink any liquids. Now that is different than a normal
fast. For me, I don’t have any problems going without food for 24
hours, but I have always desired a lot of water intake. So I’m
already experiencing the dry mouth and I sure am thirsty!
reminds me of Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are
they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall
be filled.”
as I fast and maybe you are as well today, and as I get hungry and I most
definitely get thirsty, I’m led to then spiritualize this Day of
Atonement for what it really represents. After all, the set apart days
and appointed times are just a mere shadow of the real event that is yet to
come when our great Elohim will one day literally atone for the sins of the
entire world. Yahweh is going to save mankind!
so let us hunger and thirst. But not just for food and drink today,
but let us hunger and thirst for righteousness. Let us hunger to the
point of fainting and let us thirst to the point that our tongue dries up
(spiritually speaking) for the day in which those who are presently rejecting Yah’s ways and walking in paths contrary to the Torah of
Yahweh will have the blinders removed and they shall see the Truth that we now
know and understand and keep. Let us hunger and thirst for when
righteousness will break out across the globe and even the most unrighteous of
men now, will then possibly and hopefully accept the Truth and bend their knees
willingly in worship of Yahweh-shua!
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140