Earthquakes and the end of the Age
readers of the Old Paths,
the March 23rd, 2011 editions of the Corydon Democrat and the Clarion
Newspapers, this ministry placed a notice entitled
"Earthquakes!" In this newsletter edition we will expand
upon that AD.
have always been a part of man's dealing with geologic upheavals throughout his
history. But if we are to conclude that the scriptures are the
Truth, then we must then also conclude that there are coming greater
earthquakes with a greater intensity and with more frequency as we draw closer
to the very end of the Age which will climax with the return of the
Messiah. In fact as we see more and more earthquakes we can know
that it is one of the signs that Yahshua gave that would show us that we
are drawing close to the time of the end, even at the door!
said in Matthew 24 that one of the signs that the end is drawing near is that
there would be "earthquakes, in divers (many or various)
places." So as we see more and more earthquakes in
many places, then realize that you are seeing a sign of the times in which will
lead to the return of the Messiah to set up His righteous Kingdom that will
overthrow the unrighteous governmental and religious systems of our
day. Under the Kingdom of the Messiah, we will truly experience
peace and prosperity on a level never before known by mankind.
the book of Revelation 6:12-17 we read these words of a future
prophecy: "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and,
lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as
sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of
heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when
she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll
when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were
moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great
men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every
bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the
mountain; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the
face of Him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the
Lamb; For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able
to stand?"
there are some who believe that this event has already occurred, but we need to
ask the question: Have we seen every mountain and island moved out
of their places yet? I don't think so! We would know if
such has happened. But there is coming an earthquake so great that
EVERY mountain and island will be moved out of their places. Think
of the devastation of such a great earthquake. This prophecy is only
now slightly coming to pass with the recent earthquake
in Japan. Scientist now have instruments so precise
that they can detect even the smallest of movements. They claim that
the quake that hit Japan, actually moved the island 8 feet out of its place! Almost
the same words spoken from the book of Revelation.
every mountain and island were moved by an earthquake, this old world would be
thrown into such despair that many would desire to die rather than to
experience the wrath of the Lamb. Yes, Messiah the
Lamb will show forth His wrath! The verse from
Rev. chapter 6 said that no matter what class of society one is in,
the sinners (those who reject Yahweh's Torah) will be hiding from the wrath of
the Lamb. So many great rich men of our day will be trembling for
what will come upon this planet. All their gold and riches cannot
save them from the wrath of the Messiah.
the earthquake of the magnitude that it would take to move every mountain
and island out of their places come, the Tsunami that
hit Japan and Indonesia and elsewhere will seem like a
small splash in a pond compared to what is coming!
of these islands may just completely disappear beneath the waters and never
again be seen, along with the many human deaths. We may see Tsunami
coming hundreds and hundreds of miles inland. We warn the readers of
The Old Paths to move away from the coasts of the country and off of any
island, and off of any known earthquake fault zone. Know this as well
though, there may come earthquakes in areas never before to have experienced such
geologic upheavals. Even great large landmasses may be broken up
into smaller junks of land. What may have at one time been a far
inland area may end up on the coast! So the most important part of
this warning is to REPENT! If Yahweh is truly calling, you must
repent of your sins (the breaking of Yah's Torah Law) trust in the Messiah for
the forgiveness of the sins of the past and by the help and power of the spirit
begin living a righteous life. Messiah said that those who endure to
the end shall be saved. If a believer were to die in this coming
time of judgment, then we will find ourselves in the 1st resurrection from the
dead and will be given new, immortal bodies that can never again die!
the book of Revelation 16:17-21 we read these words: "And the
seventh Angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice
out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, it is
done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there
was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so
mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided
into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and
great Babylon came in remembrance before Elohim, to give unto her the
cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. And every island
fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men
a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a
talent: and men blasphemed Yahweh because of the plague of the hail;
for the plague thereof was exceeding great."
we see a future prophetic event wherein we find the greatest earthquake to have
every come upon the earth since men were living here. So the
inhabitants of this old world haven't seen anything yet! This quake
is so great that not only are the mountains and islands moved out of their
places, they have fled away or cannot even be found! We see that the
cities of the nations are going to fall. So we also warn the readers
of The Old Paths to get out of the cities. Unless Yahweh is
specifically calling you to live in a city, you need to get out of the
cities. The recent riots that we have seen in other parts of the
world will one day come here and they will begin in the cities. So a
city is not a place we will want to be anyhow, non the less due to
the fact that they are going to fall because of great earthquakes.
the book of Isaiah 24 you will find one of the most destructive prophecies of
the future. Go ahead and read it on your own please! But
you will find that Yahweh is going to flip this old earth upside
down. He is going to allow something, a comet, an asteroid or
whatever to cause this earth to flip over. Today's
scientific community call it a pole shift, wherein the present poles
will not be in their present positions after the shift. There is
actually scientific evidence that shows there have been other pole shifts in
the earth's past. But again you will find in Isaiah 24 that it
doesn't matter what class of society that a person is in, they are not going to
escape from this calamity unless the Elohim somehow miraculously protects
24:5 gives the reason why all of this is going to come upon the earth
and its inhabitants. "The earth also is defiled under
the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant."
reasons behind these great geological and astronomical upheavals is because man
has broken Yahweh's laws (Yahweh’s Torah define what sin is, so man is living
in sin by transgressing His law) they have changed the
ordinance ( we believe that this is most likely the change of the 7th day
Sabbath to the 1st day Sun-day as well as changing of the other annual Sabbaths
wherein we are to have a commanded assembly at the set and appointed time
prescribed in the scriptures. Under ha satan the great
counterfeiter, man has substituted Yahweh's set apart Kodesh days with man's
religious holidays.) and they have broken the everlasting covenant.
(The everlasting covenant supersedes and overlaps all other
covenants. It is also the most simple. Obey Yahweh and He
will be your El and you shall be His children.) So because of these
3 items, the Elohim is allowing such utter destruction to come upon this planet
and its inhabitants.
the 1st day of the 7th month of the scriptural calendar (our Sept.-Oct. time
frame) we have one of Yahweh's annual Sabbaths. It is
known as the Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah the day of blowing the
shofar. That day deals with the judgments coming upon mankind during
the time of great tribulation just prior to the Messiah's return at the 7th and
last trump. During the trumpet judgments there are great and mighty
geologic and astronomic and meteorological catastrophes taking place. Even
the weather will be earthquatic. The original Aramaic word for our English word
“Earthquake” also has to do with “Wind!”
as always, we here at The Old Paths Restoration Ministry call for
repentance. If the great El of the universe is calling you, you will
know that you need to repent and begin walking in His ways. Turn
from your Torahlessness life. Turn from living in sin to a life of
righteousness. Trust in the Messiah for the forgiveness of your
sins, be baptized in the Name of Yahshua for the remission of your
sins and you shall receive the gift of the Kodesh Ruach who will enable you to
keep the commandments. Be a part of an Assembly or Congregation that
teaches the unadulterated truth of Yahweh. These are few and far between,
but they are out there and the Elohim will provide you with someone to
fellowship with. Our goal is to make it into the Kingdom of
Yah, to live and reign with the Messiah in a world made new, a paradise where
there will be no sickness, no death, no sin, no crime, no prisons, no
hospitals, and on and on we could go once the curse has been removed in the
fullest sense of the meaning.
hasten that day!
Old Paths Restoration Ministry
P.O Box 247
IN 47140