Do you really know Yahshua?
Most everyone who is a member of the sect known as Christianity would say yes to such a question. Of course they will use the name “Jesus,” which was not the Messiah’s name and for the remainder of this article, we will use the more correct name of Yahshua. But how about you? But may I ask, just how do you know that you know Yahshua? It might just surprise you, but the Scriptures actually give us the answer to this question. Now may I remind you that you may have already answered “yes” to the title question that is if you consider yourself as what is being called a “Christian.” Well, let us then go to the Scriptures and see the answer.
“And hereby we do know that we know Him (Yahshua), if we keep His commandments. He that says, I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1st John 2:3,4
In my early days of searching for the truth of Yahweh’s ways, I must admit that I wrestled around with the Scriptures about obeying the law (Torah), primarily due to my preconceived viewpoint as I had been taught my entire life. But once I saw this Scripture, I was caught in a corner and could not find a way out. These two verses cannot be interpreted any other way than just how it is read.
But to be proper, let us break it down for those who are, as I once was, stuck in their preconceived viewpoints concerning not obeying the Torah of Yahweh. In verse 3, we see that one of the ways that we can know that we know Yahshua, is that we keep His commandments. This is assurance of our faith. Faith will move an individual to action. In fact the Scriptures say that faith without works is dead. (James 2:20) The two go hand in hand. Faith will move an individual to obey. By obedience, we confirm our faith. So again, one of the ways that we can be assured that we really know Yahshua, is that we would be found keeping His commandments.
But verse 4 really gets even stronger in its wording. I’m so glad that John wrote these words as he was being led of the Kodesh Spirit. And therefore I will put all of the criticism that you might otherwise give to me, on John and upon the Kodesh Ruach. The Spirit through John says there in verse 4 that if an individual were to say that they know Yahshua (in other words they consider themselves as a “Christian”, more correctly a member of the body of Messiah) but do not keep the commandments, then that individual is not a member of the body, but they are a liar. John, under the inspiration of the Kodesh Ruach gets even bolder in his words by actually calling these people liars. Why? Because they are claiming to be a member of the body of Messiah, a follower of Yahweh and His Messiah, but will not keep His commandments.
Yahshua actually says very similar words in the book of Luke. Let’s see it from the KJV: “…why call you me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say.” Luke 6:46 In other words, we don’t have a right to call Yahshua our Master if we will not obey Him. The word “Lord” is a term meaning “Baal” which is a false Elohim. The term “Lord” should not be used in our communication unless we are speaking of or warning others of the meaning behind the term. But for our purposes the more correct term that should be used would be master, the authority, the controller of a person’s life. If we will not obey Him, then He is not our master, our authority and the controller of our lives. If we claim that He is our Master, but will not obey Him, then we are liars as 1st John 2:3, 4 told us.
But back to the book of 1st John again and verse 4, continuing, John by the Kodesh Ruach (the set apart Spirit) gets even bolder by saying not only are we liars by claiming to be followers of Yahweh Elohim while not keeping the commandments, but he goes on to say that the Truth is not in us. The opposite of Truth is a lie and deception. So if the Truth is not in us, then we are liars. What is the truth that is not in us if we are not keeping the commandments (living in sin) while claiming to be a member of the body of Messiah?
“Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy LAW (Torah) IS THE TRUTH.” Psalms 119:142
That would make sense with our scripture from 1st John wherein we saw that if we don’t keep the commandments, the truth is not in us. Since the law is made up of commandments, not keeping the law would then mean that the truth (law) is not in us. As a foundational concept of the New Covenant, Yahweh would write His laws in our minds according to Hebrews 8:10. We would all conclude that our minds are in us. If the law is not written in us, it would also then not be in our minds.
“Sanctify them through Thy Truth: THY WORD IS TRUTH.” John 17:17
We all would conclude that the Torah Law is a part of the Word of Yahweh Elohim. It is beyond doubt found within the Scriptures. The law is that part of the Word that shows us what sin is. Very important since a follower of Yahweh should have a deep and sincere desire not to sin. So the Word (which includes the Torah law) is Truth. The Messiah said in John 17:17 to sanctify people with the truth. The term “sanctify” means to be made set apart. How could a person be set apart if they are unrepentant sinners breaking the law? If a person is indwelt with the Kodesh Ruach, that Spirit will not guide them into a life of sin. (Sin=breaking Yahweh’s law 1st John 3:4) On the contrary, the Kodesh Spirit will guide a person into Truth not into sin. John 16:13
“Yahshua saith unto him, I AM the way, THE TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6
Yahshua says that He is the Truth. That makes sense, for in John 1:1,2,3,14 it is easily seen that Yahshua is the Word of Yahweh. We have already seen that the Word is Truth. Yahshua is the Word. The Torah law is found within the Word of Yahweh and shows us the righteous character of our Elohim. Yahweh does not sin. He does not break His own law of commandments. If Yahshua had broken even one commandment He would have been a sinner and thus He also would have had a need for a Savior. If we are not keepers of the commandments, then as John told us in 1st John 2:3,4, then Yahshua (the Truth) is not in us.
“And hereby we do know that we know Him (Yahshua), if we keep His commandments. He that says, I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1st John 2:3,4
So I ask again, Do you really know Yahshua? Repent.
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140