Becoming Reprobate!
have probably all heard of the story of boiling a frog alive, but I must
regrettably admit that I have actually seen this take place probably more than
30 years ago. I saw a guy take a small frog and put it in a pan of
cool water on a stove top. He turned the heat on low and little by
little the water would warm up and along with it the frog. But the
frog gradually became accustomed to the warmer water to the point that by the
time the heat was slowly turned up and up and up, it was eventually boiled to
death without any resistance! As inhumane as this may sound (and it is),
many are essentially the frog and false doctrines are the ever getting warmer
of the most grievous false doctrines of Christianity is the belief that we no
longer have an obligation to keep the law of commandments, the Torah. There
is one man who has actually made statements that people who are keeping the “law”
are sinners. Why this is the complete opposite of what the
scriptures teach. (1st John 3:4) This is the satan's way of keeping people in
their sins, unrepentant and unconverted. This is deception. When
we break Torah, we sin. If we continue in a lifestyle of breaking Torah,
then we are sinners.
minds of many have gotten so void of right judgments that they no longer know
the difference between good and evil. "Woe unto them that call
evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
Messiah didn't come to free us so we could continue living in sin, but He freed
us from sin! If we are freed from keeping the commandments, then
where is repentance? Where is conversion? Where is set
apartness? Where is righteousness? These terms mean
nothing if we are no longer obligated to live Yahweh’s ways.
are trampling on the shed blood of Messiah and doing despite unto the spirit of
mercy. They make the great offering of our Messiah a vain thing if after
knowing the Truth they continue breaking the commandments. Yahshua
died for our transgressions of His Torah. He gives us a new start as
in being born again. We are to repent of our disobedience and be
converted by the power of the Kodesh spirit who will enable us to live an
obedient life. If we sin, then we have an advocate with the Father,
Yahshua Messiah, who will make up the difference wherein we fall short. He
is more than willing to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all
unrighteousness. But if we continue in a lifestyle of breaking the
commandments, this proves that we have never truly repented and have never been
converted, that we are still in our sins, and that is just where the satan the deceiver wants us to be.
they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay,
they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall
fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast
down, saith the Yahweh. ....................I
set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they
said, We will not
hearken....................I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit
of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my
Torah, but rejected it." Jeremiah 6:15-19
in our day are not ashamed for their disobedience, instead they justify
it. Why? Because the water of deception
is slowly turned up and they have become accustomed to what they are being
taught without any resistance. Yahweh warns them through His
true ministers, but they will not listen due to their rebellious and stubborn
attitudes. They are uncircumcised in their hearts, they
must have the hostility toward Torah cut away that they might have a desire to
live a righteous life. But because they will not listen to Yahweh's
warnings, He says that He will bring evil upon them, even the fruit of their
thoughts. This means that they will not be able to think
straight. They cannot make right judgments pertaining to good and
evil. Thus they would begin calling good evil and evil good. But
why is such a curse coming upon these people? The Ruach speaking
through Jeremiah, says that it is because they have not listened to
the warnings of Yahweh spoken through His ministers, they have not listened to
His Torah, but instead they reject His Torah laws and His ministers and His
all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they
received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And
for this cause Yahweh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe
a lie; that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness." 2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12
believe that this strong delusion that Yahweh sends upon people who love not
the truth but would rather pleasure themselves in unrighteousness is the same
curse spoken of from Jeremiah wherein He would send evil upon the fruit of
their thoughts. Meaning that they wouldn't think
right, would become reprobate and think that they could live the life of a
sinner and still be in a right relationship with Elohim.
put it pointedly, a true believer will keep the commandments of Yahweh after
they have been given the knowledge of His ways. They have been
converted from one lifestyle to another. From a
lifestyle of disobedience to one of obedience. They do not
keep His commandments to be saved one day as in earning salvation, but they
keep His commandments because they are being saved as in a loving, honoring
admiration for their Savior. They will have respect unto the
authority of the master Messiah Yahshua.
with a reprobate mind, those who have yet to repent of their sins, those who
have not yet been converted, those who are yet uncircumcised in heart, those
who have received a strong delusion, those who have had the fruit of their
thoughts affected will not have a desire to keep the commandments, but instead
will reject the Torah of Yahweh. They will have no respect unto the
authority of the master Messiah Yahshua.
the process of becoming reprobate comes with time. Little by little
a person will reject Torah and eventually Yahweh will give them up and they
will no longer be able to make right judgments. Little by little the
false ministers will turn up the heat of false doctrines and eventually there
is no turning back from the ultimate end of total deception and back into their
spiritual blindness they shall go, if in fact they were ever called out of
their blindness in the first place.
Romans 6:18,20 "Being then made free from sin, you
became the servants of righteousness. For when you were the servants
of sin, you were free from righteousness." See the next verse
pertaining to righteousness to see what some desire to be freed from. Psalms 119:172 "My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all
thy commandments are righteousness." And thus they are servants
of sin. But to be a servant of righteousness, we keep the
all has to do with rebellion. They don't want Yahweh to rule over
their lives and thus they try and come up with ways of getting around keeping
the commandments. The purest form of idolatry is to obey your own
will rather than obeying the will of Yahweh.
are the true ministers and true believers who will stand with us
in crying out boldly against sin? Who will stand with us and call
good, good and call evil, evil. Who will truly repent and be
converted? Is Yahweh calling you out of sin and
unrighteousness? Allow the mercies of Yahweh to be shed abroad upon
you and become a servant of righteousness. It's the lifestyle of
Yahweh and His people. What is your lifestyle?
Titus 1:16 "They profess that they know Yahweh; but in
works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good
work reprobate. "
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140