in Easter Idolatry
Dear brethren, friends & enemies,
It is not our intention to offend anyone of
their present beliefs, for they were our beliefs at one time as well until the
Yahweh opened up our understanding to the deception of most of the religious
institutions of our day that are under the control of ha satan
the devil. But the Sword of Yahweh cuts deep and I know from experience that it
hurts to be cut on.
Yahweh uses preachers to preach His Word. To
those He is calling, they will then respond and repent and begin walking in the
new Truth that has been revealed to them. To those He is not calling, they
cannot respond nor repent due to their spiritual blindness, but instead usually
become angry at the messenger rather than just developing simple faith and
loyalty to His Word.
Sometimes I feel much as did the Apostle Saul
when writing to the Galatians. "Am I therefore become your enemy,
because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16 We have
a hard message to deliver to those who would ever come into contact with this
Ministry's teachings, one in which I wouldn't wish upon anyone. There are times
in which I pray that Yahweh's calling upon me would be to give simple soft
messages, ones in which would not ruffle the feathers of others, but I have to
remain in the calling wherein I was called. 1st Corinthians 7:20 Please
remember this when you read or hear our message and even the short article now
before your eyes. I love you enough to speak and write hard things, even
if the things I'm being led to write might turn some away from my
friendship. :(
It is to be realized that Christianity is filled
with many unconverted carnal individuals, who observe the resurrection of
a false Messiah. Why would we say such an outlandish statement? Because the
true Messiah only gave one sign that He was who He claimed to be. According to Matthew 12:38-40 the sign was that He
would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights. The scriptures show
that a day ends and begins with the sun setting and according to Genesis
chapter one, a complete day is composed of two parts, the evening and the
morning with a day beginning at evening with the setting of the sun. In other
words we have the dark part of a day and the lighted part of a day making a
full 24 hours. Thus the only sign of His Messiahship was that He
would be in the grave for 72 hours.
Try all they will, but the Christianity cannot
possibly get 3 days and 3 nights between the end of the 6th day (What
they call Good Friday) and the rising of the sun on the 1st day (What
they call Easter Sunday.) It is mathematically impossible! The most
one could get is one day and 2 nights. Thus those who worship the spirit of
Anti-Messiah are calling the True Messiah a LIAR!!
Let's get this straight, the facts show that
nobody actually witnessed the resurrection...Nobody! Every visit to the tomb
either right as the Sabbath was ending (man’s Saturday at sunset) to
the early morning of the 1st day (sunrise on man’s Sunday) all
of the scriptural evidence shows that Messiah had already risen from the dead.
But we know that according to Matthew 28:1 in the KJV, as the
Sabbath was ending and it was just about to become the 1st day of the
week (man’s Saturday evening at sunset) the Mary’s showed up
and Messiah had already risen. Again, it was in the end of the Sabbath, as the
1st day was just about to arrive, but Messiah had already risen long before the
rising of the sun on the 1st day of the week.
To believe the words
of Yahshua Messiah, He claimed He would be in the grave for 72 hours.
So no matter what day one would believe He arose from the dead, it would have
to be the exact same time that He went into the grave. We know that Messiah was
offered up on the Passover. He became the Lamb that the Israelites offered up
each year on Passover. 1st Corinthians 5:7b”……Messiah our passover is sacrificed for us.” We know that
Messiah was placed in the tomb before the end of the day on Passover. John
19:31 “The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the
bodies should not remain upon the stake on the Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath
day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that
they might be taken away.” (the preparation day in this verse was for
the annual Sabbath, the 1st day of unleavened bread, not the weekly 7th day
Sabbath; Most do not realize that there are more than one Sabbath during the
Passover week, thus they think the preparation day in John 19:31 was on Friday
preceding the weekly Sabbath and thus they have their erroneous doctrine of
Good Friday being the day of the execution.)
Just count 3 days and 3 nights from the end of
the day on the Passover and one can know when He arose from the dead. But
how do we know what day of the week was Passover that year? You have
to count backwards from the earliest time we know that the tomb was already
found empty and we know that the Mary’s found the tomb absent of Messiah as the
Sabbath was ending. So the closest we can know when He came out of the grave
was near the ending of the 7th day Sabbath. And remember again, whatever time
He came out of the grave, our count will have to end up at the same time on the
day He went into the grave. We know that He went into the grave as the Passover
was ending at the end of a day so it would also then have to be the end of
which ever day in which He arose, not at
the rising of the sun in the morning. So we had all the day light period of
Saturday, then we had Friday night. We now have one day and one night. We had
all day on Friday and then we had Thursday night. Now our count is 2 days and 2
nights. We then had all day on Thursday and then we had Wednesday night. Count
them all up and we have three days and three nights a full 72 hours. Messiah
went into the grave as the Passover was ending at the end of the day on
Wednesday as the sun was setting. He had to come out of the grave the same time
of the day 3 days and 3 nights later, which would be at the ending of the 7th
day Sabbath just before the sunset. Messiah arose from the dead at the end of
the 7th day Sabbath which corresponds to man’s Saturday just before
What is the reason that most observe Good Friday
and the Easter? Well a number of reasons. One is just simple tradition. It is
just what everyone has done for so many years now that few question the
authenticity of the belief. Messiah said though that if we replace His
commandments with the commandments and doctrines and traditions of men that our
worship of Him is in vain. He said that men would eventually reject His
commandments and instead replace them with their traditions. Mark 7:6-9,13 “He answered and said unto them, Well hath
Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far
from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men. For laying aside the
commandment of Yahweh, ye hold the tradition of men, ………….And he said unto
them, Full well ye reject the commandment of Yahweh, that ye may keep your own
tradition…….. Making the word of Yahweh of none effect through your tradition,
which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”
But Christianity observes their traditions over
the simple obedience of Yahweh’s commandments. There is not a single
commandment to observe the resurrection and not a single mentioning of
observing the Easter in the scriptures. (The term “Easter” is only
mentioned once in the KJV, Acts. 12:2, but in the original language the word
should read “Passover.” Most all other translations correctly use Passover
rather than Easter.) For such an important day among today’s Church,
if Easter was of Yahweh, one would think that there would be entire chapters in
the scriptures pertaining to the day. But all we get is total silence! It is in
vain to attempt at worshiping Yahweh thru the false holiday of Easter. Not my
words, but the Word of Yahweh.
We must also understand the satan has deceived the whole world. Revelation
12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil,
and the satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the
earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” So everyone has been
deceived excluding nobody, unless Yahweh has specifically called you out,
removed the blinders from your eyes and has circumcised your ears so that you
can see thru the deception of the satan.
The scriptures show that there are very few who are being called in each age.
So most will continue in their false doctrines, not being able to see
and hear and understand the Truth. So who are you going to believe, the True
Messiah or the spirit of Anti-Messiah?
The only reason that Sunday keepers keep Sunday instead
of the simple commandment to observe the Biblical 7th day Sabbath is
either due to their tradition or deception from the satan and that they believe that Messiah arose from
the dead on Sunday. Since it is proven He did not, they have nothing to support
their keeping of the Sunday. Certainly no support in the
scriptures! If we decide that we are going to obey our own will and not
obey the will of Yahweh, then we have become our own elohim,
the purest form of idolatry.
Easter is nothing more than the worship of the
East-Star thru which the satan
gets the honor. It comes from the Babylonian worship of Ishtar, the queen of
heaven that was condemned of Yahweh thru Jeremiah the prophet. According
to Ezekiel chapter 8 the greatest abomination to Yahweh was that the people
would turn their backs on Him and worship facing the Sun in the East. What is
the Sun doing when it is in the East? It is rising. Millions of unconverted
Christianity have a sunrise service on their
observance of the Easter (the East-Star.) Messiah didn’t rise
from the dead at the rising of the East-Star the sun on the day of the
Sun (Sunday), so what is the only other reason to be out there
so early in the morning praying and worshiping as that sun was rising? Easy
answer: IDOLATRY! It is the Easter Abomination!
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140