A short Sabbath
message for our Facebook viewers
What if Messiah were to view your personal Facebook page? Does
your page honor Him? Would you be ashamed if He viewed some of your posts, your
pictures, your page likes, your movie likes, your music likes? Does your page
give honor to Him or does it honor the spirit of lawlessness? Does your page
show others that you are standing for the Truth, that you are living a
righteous life, or does it show a compromising, rebellious lifestyle? Do you
speak of His wondrous ways and of His merciful favor on your page or does your
page show forth an engagement with worldly ways?
We admonish all to evaluate your Facebook page. No, not
every posts has to be about the Word and scriptural things that is what a
Ministry page is all about, but every posts on your personal page should be
clothed in righteousness if it be so that you consider yourself a Messianic or
a follower of Messiah. What is a Messianic? It is one who declares that they
are Messiah like. Yahshua said why call me your Master but will not do the
things I say? Luke 6:46 In otherwords we
have no business calling Him our Master if we will not obey Him and keep His
ways nor live a life that brings honor to Him. The term “Lord” used in many
versions of scripture actually means “Baal”, of which we are not going to call
our Messiah by the name of Baal. But the original Hebrew word used in that verse
means to be the authority, the controller and the Master in one's life. So is
He? Is He the authority and Master of your life? Simple things such as one's Facebook page
may be an outward sign of which spirit is living within you and controlling
you. The spirit of lawlessness and rebellion or the
spirit of righteousness and obedience. The fruit one bears will
declare what spirit is dwelling within them.
Messiah said that not everyone who calls Him Master will make it
into the coming Kingdom. Who is it though that calls Him their Lord? It is
those who call themselves Christians. Unbelievers and outright pagans and the
non-Christian religions are not going to call Him Lord. So Messiah is speaking
of those who think they are Christian, yet He says that not all of them are
getting into the Kingdom, only those who do the will of Yahweh His Father. What
is the will of the Father? He goes on and answers that question to
say that MANY will call Him “Lord” (Master) and will boast of such great works
of love and charity and even great miracles that they claim are being done in
His name, but He says that in the end, He never knew them due to their works of
iniquity. Strong's exhaustive concordance #'s 458,459 Iniquity: Lawlessness/Torahless
Matthew 7:21-23 The Babylonian churches who are
in spiritual harlotry are teaching lawlessness. That comes from the spirit of
lawlessness, and will indwell the man of sin, the antiMessiah.
(2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12) The deception is so great that the satan has his own ministers in these
Churches (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15; Jude 4) They preach another
Messiah and have received another spirit and they preach another good news one
in which teaches disobedience. It is the spirit of the aniMessiah, it
is the spirit of lawlessness, it is against or antiTorah! (2nd Corinthians
The law cannot save you, never meant to do so, but it does show us
our need of a Savior and the righteous life that we should desire to one day
attain. If you are being called of Yahweh, you will come to the realization
that you cannot save yourself and after failing to do so, you will also realize
that you cannot obey the law perfectly enough to save yourself either! We keep
the Torah law not to be saved but because we have been declared as saved thru
faith in Messiah who makes up the difference wherein we fall short of the
requirements of the law. He obeyed the law to perfection for He was and is the
Torah made alive! Therefore we then keep His commandments because we
love Him. (John 14:15)
Just because Messiah obeyed perfectly in our stead, does not
excuse us of honoring His commandments. This does not give us the permit to
live in sin (1st John 3:4) as we are taught by the false teachers of our day,
who have turned the favor of Yahweh into a permit to sin. (Jude 4 Strong's
concordance #766 lasciviousness = Licentiousness = a permit or a license to do
something that otherwise would be against the law to do. In other words they
teach you don't have to keep the commandments because we are under what they call
“grace”. The Kodesh spirit will never tell you it is ok to sin. 1st John 3:4;
If a spirit were to tell you it is ok to sin and disobey the commandments,
whether by another individual or directly to your mind or thru a piece of literature,
that is not the set apart Kodesh spirit!)
But the carnal minded person is not subject to the law neither
indeed can be. (Romans 8:7-9) The carnal minded person and even
the unconverted believer who still obeys the carnal mind will
not obey the law for it is not within them to have the desire to do so, for they
have yet to enter into the renewed covenant wherein the spirit will write
Yahweh’s laws into their minds and hearts giving them the desire and the
ability to obey. Hebrews 8:10 That covenant
is being made with spiritual Israel today (the true and faithful followers of
Yahweh) but with all of Israel after their resurrection from the dead. (Ezekiel
37; Rom. 11:26) The true set apart spirit will guide you into all truth. The true Kodesh Ruach will never, ever guide
you into lawlessness and rebellion!
We here at the Old Paths cannot exhort you any more than to say,
beware and take heed and prove all things and don't just take our word for
it. You must prove it for yourself. It won't mean anything to you unless you
dig into this and prove it for yourself. But if this is NOT your day of
salvation, then you will have the veil of blindness cover your eyes and you
will not see, nor understand nor have the desire to understand until that veil
is removed. But that day will come praise Yahweh for our Elohim is in the
salvaging business, He desires to save humanity not destroy them. (Isaiah 2:3,4; 25:6-9; Micah 4:1-3) That day will one day come in each
their day of salvation. For the obedient called out ones throughout the
generations, during their individual lives the blinders are being
removed to see these things and to know the Truth. We are being called in
advance out of every generation and if we sleep the sleep of death prior to the
7th trumpet sounding and the return of the Messiah, we shall come forth in the
1st resurrection and along with the living Saints at that time we will
rule and reign with Messiah for a thousand years here on earth. (Revelation
20:4-6) We are not going to heaven as is being taught other than a quick and
awesome ceremony known as the Marriage supper of the Lamb where we will be
given our spiritual rewards and offices to hold in the coming Kingdom
government, but we are then going to live on earth as our Elohim is coming here
to tabernacle with us!!!!! :)
Then many, not just Israelites but nations will come to know the
Truth during the Kingdom to come and then finally after the time of the Great
White Throne Judgment when the final resurrection will take place (Revelation
20:11-15) everyone else who has never known the Truth, that maybe during their
lifetimes they had never been called of Yahweh or maybe never even heard of
Yahshua and of His sacrifice and of His saving mercy. That will be
their day of salvation. But all else, who at that time or during their
lifetimes have rejected their day of salvation will finally be cast into the
lake of fire and burned up and destroyed. Their day of salvation was come and
gone and they rejected it desiring rather to choose the world and the treasures
of this life. They will experience the 2nd death from which there is no
possible resurrection from the dead.:(
So evaluate your Facebook page as though you know that Yahweh
is viewing it, because........He is! But more so we deeply admonish you to
evaluate your life, your beliefs. Ask that the spirit of Yahweh would reveal to
your mind where you are spiritually. What is the fruit of your real
life's page showing? A day will come when you will come face to face with
your creator and the books will be opened and you will be judged out of the
books (most likely the books of the law and or the Word of Yahweh) Will your name be written in the book of
life? (Revelation 20:11-15) It is our desire that we all enter into
the Kingdom of righteousness. For most, during their lifetimes, it is not their
day of salvation. It is only thru the hope of a resurrection from the
dead will most have their first opportunity for salvation. But if today
is your day of salvation and you know it and you know He is calling you out and
yet your reject your day, you don't have to guess which group you will be in at
the Great White Throne Judgment or where you will end up. Don't lay down your
crowns! Are you ready to Face the Books?
With much hard love,
The Old Paths
The Old Paths
Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140