A people void of understanding
It should come as no surprise that our peoples for the most part are void of even simple scriptural and spiritual understanding. After all, the scriptures do plainly state that “…..a good understanding have all they that do His commandments.” (Psalms 111:10) Without changing the meaning, we could turn this verse around by saying that all those who do not keep the commandments have a poor understanding.
There is something involved with keeping the commandments that aids a person in their understanding with regards to spiritual matters. The Word of Yahweh does teach that Yahweh gives His Ruach haKodesh to those that obey Him. (Acts 5:32)
The Spirit is promised to guide a person into all truth. (John 14:26; 16:13) So as the Elohim sees the intent of our hearts are to obey, Yahweh gives us of His Spirit to guide us into the truth and thus we have a good understanding of His ways.
So the question then is, why is it that most people do not have a heart intent upon obeying the commandments so that they might be given the true Spirit and thereby have a good understanding? Well they have either never been called of Yahweh in the first place, or they had been called and then rejected the calling thus forfeiting their eventual salvation. Everyone will be given their day of salvation.
Those that have never been called will eventually be given that opportunity either in this life or after their resurrection. Yahweh cannot nor will He condemn a person to the lake of fire due to the blindness of their hearts. He must justly give a person an opportunity since the scriptures show that He is the one who opens a person’s eyes to the truth. Until He does that, a person is simply dead to the true ways of Yahweh.
Presently that is where the majority of mankind resides. This is not just limited to what most in Christianity call “the Lost.” This may come as a huge surprise, but most of Christianity also falls within the realm of those who are void of understanding! The reason is quite simple as we have already discussed, because they also do not keep the commandments of Yahweh either.
The main reason that they don’t keep the commandments beyond simply being blind to the Truth, is that they have been taught from the Sunday pulpits each week that since we are under grace, we no longer have a need to obey the commandments. This is a lie from Satan the devil to keep the people in their sins. But most within the church do not know the meaning of sin.
I have spoken with many over the years and I’m speaking of Christians now, not what they call “the Lost.” I have come to the conclusion that they don’t know what sin is. Until a person discovers what sin is, they will not know what to repent of. But Satan’s ministers in the Churches have not made a difference between Yahweh’s ways and Satan’s ways. (2nd Corinthians 11:14,15; Ezekiel 22:26)
Friends, Messiah came to free us from sin, not to live in sin. But since most do not know what sin is, they continue living in sin and thus they are sinnnnnners, meaning that is their lifestyle. It is common place for them to continue in sin. A follower of Yahweh will not live a life of sin, it will not be common place for them to sin. Yahweh’s true ministers will make a difference between Yahweh’s ways and Satan’s ways. (Ezekiel 44:23)
I was listening to a couple of young men speaking to one another this past week and they were talking about eating rabbits and squirrels and so forth. When I mentioned that the scriptures teach that eating unclean creatures are sinful, they acted as if they had never heard of such a thing. Most Christians would agree with these young men, not knowing the truth of the Scriptural diet. (Leviticus 11) If they do have some knowledge, they have been taught the lie that such laws were only for the Jews or for the Old Covenant. It does not take too much understanding to realize that the Scriptural dietary laws are still in affect and yes even under the Renewed Covenant.
I saw an Ad in our local Corydon, IN newspaper about a Gospel Fest event wherein food would also be served. On the menu was Pork. Swine is an unclean creature and is not to be eaten by Yahweh’s people. Swine’s flesh is not food. But since the Church does not know the difference between the clean and the unclean, between righteousness and sin, they eat the unclean as the Gentiles would. Since Yahweh’s people do not eat the unclean, then who’s people is it that do?
Friend it is past time to repent. Repent of your sin, accept the sacrifice of the Messiah who died for those sins, be baptized in the name of Yahshua Messiah that your sins would go into remission, then turn to righteousness. If Yahweh is truly calling you, you will know that you need to do something about your situation. Go to the contact page of this web site and either write to us or send an email if you feel that you need further direction.
By the way, since you are not taught this from the Sun-day pulpit we will close with the meaning of sin. 1st John 3:4b “……sin is the transgression of the Torah.” SIN=the practice of breaking Yahweh’s Torah law. Never allow Satan’s ministers or false brethren to ever tell you that the Torah is not necessary under grace. Grace is Yahweh’s remedy through the sacrifice of Yahshua for our sins or law breaking. Grace does not disannul the Torah of Yahweh. The Torah of Yahweh was in the Old Covenant but it was not the Old Covenant. Yahweh’s Torah is still in the New Covenant. (Hebrews 8:10) It is our instruction in righteousness.
Do you keep Yahweh’s commandments?
If you disagree with this newsletter in part or as a whole, let us know. We would like to hear from you. Write us or email us at the addresses provided on the contact page of this web site.
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140