The Power of our Words
I'm speaking on a
subject today that I have not researched near as well as I would have liked to
A question has
been asked of me a number of times, so I felt led to at least begin to delve
into the subject of the power of our words.
It is not my
intention to fully explore this subject, but to merely begin putting together
thoughts and then to bring forth those thoughts into spoken words. By bringing forth thoughts and then
converting those thoughts into words, my hope is that our minds would be perked
into a deeper exploration into this subject.
I have always
believed that our words have repercussions far reaching and well beyond the
simple sounds that are produced as our tongues move within our mouths. Long after the sound of our words have left
our mouths, they still exist. The words
themselves that have exited our mouths may have ceased to exist, but still have
long lasting effects, and in some instances, eternal repercussions.
For instance, if
you or I were in a busy place with many people, and we were to shout out
"Fire!," Or maybe we could scream
"Gun!" That word entered the
ears of those people. Once we said it,
the sound of it only lasts as long as there are ears to hear it said and then
it is gone, it ceases to be. But once it
has entered the ears of someone, it is still being heard by the mind of the
hearer. And yet the effect of that
spoken word can cause a riotous stampede of bodies moving frantically out of
fear from one word spoken. Oh there is
much power in a word, and yes even in a single spoken word.
Job 22:28 "You shall also decree a thing, and it shall
be established unto you......"
We know that God
said that man was made in His own likeness and image, so that means that God
made a copy of Himself when He made Adam.
We know that Adam was not God, but was made to be like God in the
earth. But with this authority that was
given unto man, came the awesome ability to decree a thing and it was
established as we have just read from the book of Job.
Well a question
was posed to me that had to do with a statement that I made one time about how
our words can bring about curses as well as blessings in our lives and or in
the lives of others.
I remember an old
man I once knew. His name was Earl Vanderpool. Now Earl
was a rare kind of a man and he most certainly was very opinionated and did not
fear to speak his mind. But I remember
one time when I was not having a very good day.
I was tired of the day's work. I
don't remember the exactness of the day's events, but for some reason, I made
the statement that "I sure can’t wait for this day to get over
with." Earl overheard me and he
said "You're wishing your life away by saying such words."
I didn't think
much of what he said at the time, I was still desiring
for the day to be over with so I could get on home. But his words stuck with me and for many
years and even to this day. I don't know
if he meant it as such, but over the years I took it to mean that I was putting
a curse upon myself for wishing the day to get over with.
How so? I could have just as well have said, I wish
my life would get over with, or I wish my life would be cut short. I have thought about that for many hours I'm
sure since the day that I spoke those words.
I have even thought about if God would have taken my words and created
reality by bringing what I said to pass.
To be truthful, I had probably said those words hundreds of times in my
young life and may have very well spoke them on into my adult life and then
catch myself for saying it. If God took
my words literally and brought my words into existence, I may have cut my life
short by hundreds of days simply by making the statement that I sure wish this
day would get over with.
We should live in
the moment and appreciate every second of life and not count a second of our
life as just something to get through and get over with.
I'm not a betting
man, and yet we all take chances with every choice and decision we make in
life. If I were a betting man, I would
just about bet that everyone who would ever hear or read this message has had
troublesome experiences in life to the point that they probably said similar to
words as I did.
You may have said
something very similar to my same words during a difficult day or at least
thought them.
The Lord spoke
through old Earl Vanderpool that day so that his
words would stick tight to my mind and eventually be put together in this
message and others that will come about because of this one.
There are scriptures that plainly shows that the Lord spoke through
believers as well as unbelievers and even through heathen. He even spoke through the mouth of a
Jack-Ass! This does not give us a permit
to go out and listen to those who are not keeping the everlasting covenant of
God. This does not mean that we have God's blessings to listen to ministers who
are not abiding in the ways of God. But
it shows that God can and will speak through anyone, even a Jack Ass if He so
chooses, if that is what it takes in order to reach someone with His Word.
Since we are
talking about words, let us go to the source.
We need to begin this teaching with a baseline, a foundation so to speak
that we can build upon. Brethren, we
need to look at God's Word. God's Word
existed long before our words every came into being. After all, our words, or our thoughts are
nothing more than imitations of words either spoken from Yahweh or from the
adversary. But even before the
adversary, who is Satan the devil, ever came into existence, God's Word was and
still is the supreme authority. So let's
look at the Word.
John 1:1-3;14 "In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. The same was in the beginning with
The term Word in
this Text is #3056 in the Greek section of the Strong's Concordance. The Greek word is the Logos. The word Logos among other things,
means the mouth, it means to speak, it is the speaker. The Logos is the spokesman. But notice that the Word in these verses is capitalized. This logos or this Word is a person's
We know from
these verses that this Word was in the beginning. This Word existed before anything else was
ever created. We know that this Word or
Logos was in the beginning with God. But
you can also see in these verses that the Word was not only with God in the
beginning, but that this Logos was God.
Verse 3 .......All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything
made that was made...........................
All things,
excluding nothing was made by this Logos, this Word. In fact there is nothing that was made
without this Word. Most definitely this
is a being of supreme power. He is the
Word. He is God.
Drop down to verse 14 ...... And
the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory
as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
Well this doesn't
take too much understanding to know that this is speaking of the being that we
know as Yahshua (Jesus) our Messiah, the Christ the
Savior of the World. Christ was and is
the Logos. He is the Word. He existed in a pre-human form at the time of
the beginning. He is the Word, who
according to verse one is
It cannot ever be
denied. Do not allow anyone to defame
the deity of Christ. Jesus is God! This
Jesus created all things and without Him was nothing made that was made. In other words, if it wasn't for Jesus,
nothing would exist that presently does exist.
Now I could go to
numerous scriptures pertaining to the creative power of Messiah in His
pre-human form as the Word and proof that it was He in the beginning creating
all things. But that is not the intent
of today's message. Nevertheless, I cannot
continue with this teaching without going to at least a couple of scriptures to
show this truth. Since the Word or Logos
was in the beginning, we just need to go back to the time of the beginning and
take a look at these things.
Now I believe
that I can actually show scriptural proof that the creative power of the Logos
existed even before the account of Genesis, but we need take a look at clear
scriptures that are easily understood today.
Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the
Here we have this
same beginning that we were reading about in the first chapter of the book of
John. We saw in John chapter one that the Word or Jesus Christ created all
things. That “all
things” would include the heaven and the earth. So we could read Genesis 1:1 as "In the beginning the Word, Yahweh Elohim who became Yahshua (Jesus
Christ) created the heaven and the earth."
Because of what
we have read in John chapter one, we can reword Genesis 1:1 in the way we just have done and not be ashamed
or be found guilty to do so. It is God,
the Christ, the Word, the Logos, the mouth who spoke all things into creation.
Brethren, there is much power in the spoken word.
Genesis 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was
Do you see the
power of God's spoken words in this verse?
And God said! And God said! And God said!
That is the Logos, that is the Word. With His mouth He spoke, and with the power
of His words He spoke light to come into existence. And with the power of the words leaving his
mouth, the scriptures says that there was light.
You can read this
for yourself:
Verse 6 "And God said......
Verse 9 "And God said...
Verse 11 "And God said...
Verse 14 "And God said...
Verse 20 "And God said...
Verse 24 "And God said...
Verse 26 "And God said...
Many times in the
scriptures we could find the words "And God said" or "thus saith the Lord" or any other such similar words. Much of the time this is the Word, the Logos
speaking. He spoke the things of Genesis
into existence. He spoke them into
existence, and they came into existence.
Such great and awesome power in the Logos. How mighty are His deeds. "And God said".....This is
the Word, Yahshua Messiah.
Remember I said
at the beginning of this message that we needed to go the source. That source is the Word. It is the creative source
by which all things that were made was made. If we are going to set the foundation for the
power of words, the Logos, the Word of God must be where we have to begin.
Colossians 1:15-17 (speaking of Christ) "Who is the image of the invisible
God, the firstborn of every creature: For by Him (the Word, the Logos, Jesus Christ our Messiah) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers: all things
were created by Him, and for Him: And He
is before all things, and by Him all things consist."
Here we see once
again, to back up what we have already read today, that all things were created
by the being that became Jesus as He spoke things into being. He created the visible things, things that we
can see and touch and taste and feel with our physical senses.
He also created
the invisible things. He created the
Spirit world that only by being given the spiritual discernment can we
see. The spirit world exists alongside
us at all times. Creatures such as
Angels, good or bad it doesn't matter, they were created by the being that
became our Messiah and they were created for Messiah Yahshua. He created microscopic creatures or atoms and
other such things that we also cannot see with our eyes.
Verse 17 says that Jesus is before all things.
Makes sense because we know that He created everything, so He had to be
before all things in His previous form as Yahweh.
It also says that
by Him all things consist. Without the
Logos, everything that we know of would cease to be. Everything that we know of
in this visible world and beyond through the universe along with things that we
really don't know much of in the invisible world. All such things only
exist because of the Word, and without the Word this entire universe would just
simply disappear in a moment. Praise
Yahweh God that Yahshua is alive and alive
forevermore and that He is strong enough and powerful enough to hold this old universe
in place.
Knowing that
since we have just read that all things consist because of Him, even when we
think this world is coming apart at the seams, we can rely upon the peace of
Christ to know that He has it under control, no matter how horrific the events
of the end time may one day seem to our minds.
Brethren, words
have power. Before we are finished with
this teaching, it may surprise you just how much power even our very own words contain.
The title of this message is “The Power
of our words.” I'm about to show you
straight from the scriptures now that our words do have power. There is power in things that are spoken by
using the tongue.
Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love
it will eat it's fruit."
So I ask the
question then as it was posed to me. Is
there power in our words? We have just
read from this verse that there is power in the tongue. This verse is not talking about the power of
the tongue muscle. This is referring to
the power of the words that are created by the tongue. We see in this verse two choices of use for
the power of our tongues. We can choose
to speak words of life or death.
According to this verse if we love to speak words pertaining to death,
then we will eat the fruit of our words which is death. But if we love to speak words pertaining to
life, we will as well eat the fruit of our words, which is life.
How powerful and
significant then the words that our tongues create. We are literally either bringing blessings or
curses upon ourselves and others by the words that come forth from our
mouths. Blessing unto
life or curses unto death. And
thus the age old struggle. We will
either chose life or death. Immortality and eternal life or to be burned up and destroyed in
the lake of fire.
There is no other
choice to be made. There is no half way
house to go to somewhere between the two choices. At one time or another, we
will be faced with the reality of our decision.
According to this verse we have just read from Proverbs, the choice of death or life are bound up within the power of our
tongues, the words that we speak which come from the thoughts we think.
Brethren, what we
are about to read should bring to the forefront the seriousness of the words
that we speak. We should from henceforth
consider carefully the words that come forth from our mouths.
Matthew 12:36,37 "But I say unto you, That every idle
word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment. For by your words you shall be
justified, and by your words you shall be condemned."
By our words we
will either be justified or condemned.
Yes it is true that death and life are in the power of the tongue. We will give an account for the words that
come forth from our mouths, the words that our tongues create.
Now I want to
show you that there is great power in the tongue of a Christian. All mankind has the power of life or death in
his tongue. All humans have the power to
speak blessings and curses upon ourselves or upon others. But that power is amplified coming from the
mouth of a Christian. And that
amplification makes our words even more significant.
Colossians 3:16,17 "Let
the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one
another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your
hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever you
do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
and the Father by him."
Now if the
Word of God is to be dwelling in us, doesn't that mean that the logos, Jesus
Christ is also then living within us? Is that not one of the
foundational beliefs of Christianity and that is that Christ by His Spirit
indwells a believer?
Christ said in
Revelations chapter 3 that those that overcomes, He will grant to sit with Him
in His throne. That is shared rulership and authority.
There are many scriptures that speak of such things. The true followers of Christ will one day
co-inherit the entire creation. We will
rule and reign with Messiah as very powerful immortal beings. Brethren, only God is immortal! What will we one day be if we also are
We are right now
in training for that day. God is judging
the Church right now, to see if we could handle the power of the Logos. We are each like a little logos, little
children just learning how to speak if you will. The scriptures plainly tell us that if the
Holy Spirit is not in us, we are not of His.
That Holy Spirit will lead us into all Truth. The Word of God will dwell in us richly by
the Spirit.
Your tongue has
the ability to produce great and mighty things.
But without wisdom, we can cause much harm with the words that we speak.
Just another reason
that I sometimes fear to speak the Word of God. It scares the living daylights out of me to
speak His Word knowing the judgment of God upon me if I speak in error.
But because of
the indwelling Holy Spirit, because of the Word of Christ in us, we have a
great responsibility to consider when uttering words. Things can come to pass from our words. Good or bad things can come to pass from our
We have all heard
of people asking God to damn something.
They don't have a clue to what they are saying or requesting. I remember
one time someone was fighting around trying to get a lawn mower running. He was getting frustrated with it and finally
just said "God damn you, you piece of junk!" I told him that if God took him at his word,
that he would never get the lawn mower running.
You see people say things and actually can bring curses upon objects,
themselves or other people by the idle words that speak.
In our physical
world we have individuals who thwart the power of their words in our
lives. If my supervisor at work tells me
to perform a task of some sorts, I either do it or I stand the chance of being
reprimanded or even terminated. There
are consequences for obeying or disobeying the words of others. There are rules in life. There are state and federal laws governing
our daily lives. If we obey we live
peacefully, but disobey, we suffer the consequences, fines or imprisonment even
up to the point of death. Obey we live,
disobey we find ourselves in bondage and imprisonment.
similar to the laws of God. Disobedience to God's laws
leads to death, for the wages of sin is death.
So you and I either have to receive the wages for our sins, or trust
Messiah that He has received the penalty for our disobedience. Plain and simple. Afterwards, by the power of the Holy Spirit
we are enabled to live an obedient lifestyle.
Ecclesiastes 8:4 "Where the word of a king is, there is
power: and who may say unto him, What are you
A king is a high
authority. His word yields great
power. Nobody can question his
words. So there are also authorities in
our lives that govern us. What greater
power in the universe than the one who created it all in the beginning? The Word, the Logos. We have already seen the Biblical precedence
for the Word of God dwelling in a person.
Just think for a
moment about the works of Jesus. He
spoke and things came to pass and even into existence. If He was in the act of healing someone, He
just spoke, since He was the Logos in
human form, the words that came forth from His mouth had the same
creative power that it had when we read in Genesis before He was in the Human form.
"And God said" Remember that? When
God said it, remember that things happened, things came into being, things came to pass.
So when Christ,
said take up your bed and walk, what happened?
The lame took up their beds and walked.
When Christ commanded a demon to come out of a man. What happened? That demon came out. When Christ commanded the waves and the winds
to have peace and be calm, what happened?
The winds and the waves became peaceful and calm. You can think of many such instances wherein
Christ just spoke and it came to pass. "And
God said...." If Christ is
living in us by the power of the Spirit, He is living in us, a human form.
John 14:10-14 "Believe you not that I am in the Father,
and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you
I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the
works. Believe me that I am in the
Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that
believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than
these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father
may be glorified in the Son. If you
shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."
Because the
Father dwelt in Christ, the Father did great works through the Christ. Since Christ is to be dwelling in us, brethren,
we have the ability then by the Holy Spirit to have that same power available
to us. In fact the power is available to
each of us to not only do the works of Christ, but we have just read in verse 12 that there is also power available to do even greater works than what Christ
Doubt is contrary
to faith. The two cannot coincide with
one another. Doubt destroys faith. But you know if you and I go around and confess
with our mouths that we can do the works of Christ, we can do even greater works. If we confess such things with our mouths,
(our little logos) our ears hear it we will begin to believe it.
I once was
employed with an organization that dealt with very troubled children. They would spit out cursings
and foul language continually, but until being placed in the care of that
organization, that is all they ever heard.
I caught a couple
of young boys listening to music that was just filled with the most disgusting
and foul language that can be had. They
would go to sleep listening to it. They
wake up listening to it. They have their
earphones on, it is being forced into their ears and then into their minds.
It is in our
minds that thoughts are formulated. All
of that bad language goes into their minds and is recycled and comes right back
out of their mouths. It is
inevitable. Brethren, you and I must
speak good things, listen to good things, be around
people that speak good and righteous things.
We must confess with our mouths the Word of God. We must speak the Logos in faith, believing.
Let the Words of
God enter our ears and be lodged in our minds and bring forth righteous
thoughts, that the fruit of our thoughts will be righteousness. Those righteous thoughts will produce
righteous words and the process continues and snowballs and eventually I
believe hole heartily that we will find ourselves doing the works of
Jesus. Powerful miracles will be
But brethren, we
speak words all of the time, even idle words that we shall be judged for one
day. I believe that there are instances
more so than what we might think, wherein we bring curses and sometimes
blessings upon ourselves and others.
We won't
necessarily put the words of God into action by just acting upon promises made
by Christ such as what we have just read about receiving the power to do the
works of Jesus or even greater.
No, our faith may
not have yet risen to the occasion, yet we speak, without giving it a thought,
words. And those words can bring a curse
upon others or even upon ourselves. When we continually confess negative
thoughts, it is because we are speaking negative words. Same thing goes for being around someone who
is always speaking negative words. They
put those negative words into actions.
Why? Because they are hearing the
words coming from their own mouth and those words are then recycled back into
the mind. Being around such people can
bring a curse upon our minds and eventually we will recycle their words as our
Our ears hear
negative, depressive, faithless words, our minds absorb those words and they
become thoughts. We will always speak
our thoughts. We believe what we speak,
because we speak what we believe. We
speak what we think, because we think what we speak. That cycle can either produce life or
death. Life and death are in the power
of the tongue. And whichever one we
chose to speak upon that is what will determine whether we shall grow in faith
or in doubt and whether we will grow the same faith or doubt into the lives of
Mark 11:21-24 "And Peter calling to
remembrance said unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which You cursed is withered away.
And Jesus answering said unto them, Have faith
in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever
shall say unto this mountain, Be you removed, and be you cast into the sea; and
shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says
shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says. Therefore I say unto you,
What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe
that you receive them, and you shall have them."
He shall have
whatever he says. That is what we have
just read. If you or I speak hopeless
words, we will be living hopeless lives.
If we speak words of condemnation to ourselves then we will live
condemned lives.
If you tell your
child from the time they are very young that they are good for nothing, they
will never amount to anything, they are worthless, they should have never been
born and on and on, that child will grow up believing that of themselves.
You and I can
plant a word of doubt or negativity in a person very easily. The human mind is very impressionable. I've heard people trying to diagnose the
symptoms of an illness. Oh I think you
may have cancer. You have the same
symptoms as my Grandmother. Now it may
be so that they have similar symptoms, but just by saying such a thing to a
person, gets their minds thinking they have cancer. It enters their ears and then into their
minds and then into their thoughts and they begin to speak it themselves and
the cycle continues and eventually they believe they have cancer and their life
is cursed. We can and do speak death to
people when we should be speaking life.
If we believe that we will have whatever we say, we can either curse
ourselves or we can bless ourselves. We
can either curse others or we can bless others by our very words.
then that it is a pure matter of just believing, then saying it with our mouths
with no doubt and begin a cycle of good words. Words of God. Righteous Words. Words from the Logos.
Words that speak life to us and to others, and if we
do so we will begin a new era of faithfulness to our Lord and to our brethren
in the Lord.
But if we say
that we just cannot believe that yet, or don't think we could put it into
practice, then such a statement of doubt explains why we are powerless and
cursed. We each need to learn how to
break the cycle of doubt and negativity that so often snags our thought
processes to the point that we begin speaking negative thoughts and we begin
speaking words that match our thoughts.
Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good
treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of
the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the
abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."
words, actions. It begins with a thought, then
we begin speaking that thought, the power of the tongue. Eventually we begin putting our words into
actions. It is actually a very simple
concept when you really ponder upon it for a moment.
words, actions. Then the cycle repeats itself. But out of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaks. We all know that the heart
is our thoughts, it is our mind. What is
in our minds is what our mouths will speak.
If we are storing
up a treasure of good things and good thoughts and thoughts of faith, thoughts
of optimism, that is just what will be coming out of our mouths. But if we are storing up a treasure of
negative, depressive, doubtful, pessimistic thoughts, that is just what will be
coming out of our mouths.
So whatever comes
out of our mouths is what is being thought of in our minds. We then produce the power of our words and
that power is then unleashed for good or for bad. That power is unleashed either upon ourselves
as the cycle continues or we can release it upon others.
I personally
believe that the unclean spirits have the ability to pick up on our words and
spread our words into the thoughts of others.
It is written that Satan is the prince and the power of the air. When our words leave our mouths, where do
they go, but out into the air? But
whether that is so or not, we know that by the indwelling Spirit of God in us,
by the power of the Logos working in us, we can speak words that can actually
come to pass.
There are occultic religions who, as a part of their religious
practices, chant words. Their words
being chanted over and over and over bring about and put into action evil
spirits who carry out their bidding.
How much more can
we who have God's Spirit bring about either blessings or curses upon ourselves
and others by thinking and speaking words.
Now I believe
that it is time that we each break any cycle doubt that may exist within any of
us. If we commit our minds to faith and
begin believing and speaking the Words of Christ, then miracles will begin to
take place. We will start to believe
what Jesus taught us, that our words have power.
If we can be
truly led of God's Spirit, we will begin to take charge over our tongues. We
can harness the power of the tongue and begin using it for life rather than for
death. We can produce the good fruit in
and through our lives and outward to others. The more you say something, the
more you are going to believe what you are saying. It is a guarantee.
And then the more
you believe it, the more you will say it.
We must make sure that we are on a cycle of righteous and good thoughts
that we will produce life through the power of the tongue.
But we must hear
the Words of God.
Romans 10:17 "Faith
comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
So how does faith
come? It comes by hearing. And what is
it that we are to hear for faith to come?
It is the Word of God. So
inundate your mind with the Word of God.
Not false teachings that have a little of the Word of God mixed in for
to complete the deception. But inundate
your mind with God's Word. Hear it being
preached. Hear it being sung. Hear it by simply reading it. Read it out loud so that your ears can hear
it spoken. Pick out a verse each day and
write it down and take it with you, so that wherever you are at throughout the
day, you can read the verse to yourself.
But one way or
another in order to have the faith that we are speaking of today, you must hear
the Word of God. It must either be
spoken by someone else or it must be spoken by you. Thereby you can begin a cycle of life through
the power of your tongue. There is power
in words.
Brethren, we must
abide in a spirit of faith if we want to continually unleash the power of God
in our daily lives. We can no longer
tolerate the spirit of doubt that brings negative thoughts that can subdue us
and eventually destroy us. If we don't
believe in our own words, we are very unlikely to see the power of God released
in a supernatural way in our lives or in the lives of our fellow man. But worse yet if we do believe in our words,
but those words are full of doubts and faithlessness, then we will be speaking
curses and death to ourselves and our fellow man.
Philippians 4:8 "Finally,
brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever
things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise, think on these things."
Now what would
you think the purpose should be in thinking on such things? It is because if you think on things that are
true and honest and just and pure and lovely and of a good report, those are
the kinds of things that will come forth from your mouths!
But if we grumble
and complain about life, about our jobs about this problem and that trouble and
the bad things that happen, such thoughts are as a magnet to attract negativity
and our problems will grow in intensity and deepen in severity. Complaining and murmuring brings anger from
our God. You can read it yourself
sometime, but the ancient Israelites murmured in the wilderness. Due to their complaining, most of them were
not allowed to cross over into the promised land.
But if you want
to think about it, although you and I are to have already left the ways of this
world, we have not fully entered into the possession of what God wants us to
have. We should not complain and murmur
when things get tough and we become frustrated.
Instead we need to maintain an attitude of thankfulness, patience and
faith. God will pour out His blessings
in return.
When we find
ourselves in times of adversity and trouble, instead of complaining we should
begin to praise and thank God for His faithfulness, for His goodness and
mercy. Remember we must not only pray
ourselves out of the tough times, but we must praise ourselves out of the
spiritual prisons that hold us in bondage.
But to praise and lift up our Lord, will bring upon us the power of life
as our tongues speak of the goodness of our God.
Satan and the
hordes of unclean spirits will always be tempting us to speak his words. Words of doubt and fear and
negative faithless words. The
adversary of our faith will tempt our minds to complain and pity ourselves and
thus we find ourselves sinking deeper into the miry clay of despair. We begin to speak those despairing words and
the cycle of death can and will overcome us.
Church of Yahweh,
there is great power in our words. We
can speak things into existence. As
Messiah said, we can have whatever we say.
How often do we say things that should not have ever been spoken? But once our words leave our mouths, we
cannot reach out there and grab them out of the air and stuff them back inside.
We have either spoken words that someone else then hears and becomes a part of
their thoughts, or we hear them ourselves.
It is a sad truth
that many believers speak no differently that those who are not born
again. But we know that there will be
consequences for our words. We have read
today that we will have to give an account in the Day of Judgment for the words
that we have spoken.
James 3:8-13 "But the
tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we
God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the
similitude of God. Out
of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these
things ought not so to be. Does a
fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive
berries? either a vine, figs? so
can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him show out of a good conversation his works with
meekness of wisdom."
It is obvious
that our tongue is a very powerful thing.
For such a small part of our bodies, it can be used for more good or
evil than any other member. But plainly
we can see that with our words we can bring curses upon others as well as
blessings. But that is at the heart of
today's message. That we must reverse
the cycle of cures that our words put upon others and even ourselves and turn
that all around and begin to bring blessings into our lives.
So as we have
read today that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So we must ask the question then. What is in our hearts? Is your mind being filled with the Word of
God or is it being bombarded and continuously absorbing the cares of this
life. It is for sure though that
whatever is in our hearts is what we have taken the time to meditate upon. We must meditate on the Word that we read
until it becomes real and we can then apply it in our everyday lives.
Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall
not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night,
that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then
you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success."
Nothing is more
powerful in all the earth than a person who is speaking the Word of God from a
believing heart. Yahweh’s ways, His laws
should be our meditation day and night. It
should never depart from our mouth. Meaning that we should not ever stop speaking of it.
Jesus told us in
one place that nothing would be impossible to them that believe. So are we going to believe that or are we by
our unbelief make what can be possible in our lives turn out to become
Brothers and
sisters in Christ, let's begin believing the Word and acting upon it. Let's begin to think on good and righteous
things that our thoughts might produce words that will in turn produce thoughts
and the cycle of life will have its way with each of us. That we might in the end overcome the cycle
of death by the power of tongue.
It is for sure then, that there truly is power in
our words.
The Old Paths Restoration Ministry
PO Box 247
Marengo, IN 47140